Tournament design

I'm asking for some help on behalf of a friend of mine who is going to be holding a tournament to raise money for a kids hockey team that he is associated with. I offered to help him design something that will run smoothly and end in about 6-7 hours. I asked him some parameters as below so I thought what better place to solicit some help other than from the gurus here. In any case here is what he told me.

Estimates as below...

70 players
say 9000 chips
30 rebuys for half the chips each.
so approx 765,000 chips in play

If someone can suggest a structure that is relatively balanced but with some play at final table and will end in a max of 7 hours it would be appreciated....

I do remember reading somewhere that a tournament will normally end when there are appoximately 30 big blinds left but not sure how accurate that is.


  • Still kinda accurate. It really depends on how loose/tight the tournament is and also how long the blind levels are (but only when you're comparing 15 minute blinds to 60 minute blinds. I kidna think of the 30BB rule more of "the tournament's going to have a very hard time getting past this level" rule

    With 765,000 chips in play, 30BBs is 25,500, so consider 15k-30k the absolute most and work backwards from there.

    7 hours with 20 minute blinds gives 21 levels, 15k-30k sounds like a widow maker level, so I'd hope that the tournament ends around level 19 or so, giving you 40 total minutes for breaks. If you think you may need more breaks, toss out the 75-150 level.

    1. 25-50
    2. 50-100
    3. 75-150
    4. 100-200
    5. 150-300
    6. 200-400
    7. 300-600
    8. 400-800
    9. 500-1k
    10. 6-1.2k
    11. 8-1.6k
    12. 1k-2k
    13. 1.5k-3k
    14. 2k-4k
    15. 3k-6k
    16. 4k-8k
    17. 5k-10k
    18. 6k-12k
    19. 8k-16k
    20. 10k-20k
    21. 15k-30k

    Chip split can be either 12/12/7/4 or 8/8/8/4 depending on how many chips you have... (ie. going with the first one, you'll need 840 green/black chips , whereas the second one you'll only need 560)

    Hopefully someone will chime in with a handy-dandy skill rating and patience factor or something.

    PS. I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible to generate a MTT structure that takes place in under 6 hours and still has a lot of play at the final table.
  • PS... Is this max one rebuy? If not, I think the estimate of 30 re-buys for half chips very low.
  • Thanks very much Rob, you da man.... I will talk it over with him and see what he thinks. Looks like a pretty good structure, I'm sure somebuddy :) will chime in with patience and skill factor.... lol..

    Actually I just ran it through the calculator on Arnold Snyders site and it gives me a patience factor of 12.84 and skill level of 6.. Pretty darn good....
  • Where can I learn more about this patience factor and skill level?

    What is it primarily used for and what bearing does it have on play?

    Perry D.
  • Found the same topic in General discussion.
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