ACDC Battles Back to Win Game 2

Kris "ACDC" battled back from being the short stack to win the game tonight.


Kris and I headsup, Kris has a very nice chip lead throughout the round, but I did manage to take some of his chips before I'm dealt K9o in the SB and push. Kris thinks with his A7s for about a second and calls me. Flop comes down K10x, but by the river, Kris's Ace lands him broadway to my dirty end straight. Great game Kris, well fought and won. a special bonus, we just HAD to post this weeks' CHUMP picture.


Yep, Justin has finally tasted the foulness of being CHUMP when my two pair on the flop held up against his open ended straight draw. This is the first time in SIX SEASONS that Justin has chumped out, we just HAD to post the pic!!

Great game everyone, hope to see you all back next week.


  • Congrats Kris!
  • Congrats Justin.
  • Congrats Kris...hope you didn't bring some Bigos.

    Any Ching Hillers coming to the Georgetown tourney tonight? It'll be nice seeing some of you again. I will be taking the afternoon off and goin to this event with 8 guys to get the promo.

    And sign me up next week, I'll take the afternoon off as well (using my unused float holidays).
  • Thanks everyone... and big THANKS to Big Chris E for calling it this way right at the beginning of the game. Please do it every time we play!!!!

    See you all next week.
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Thanks everyone... and big THANKS to Big Chris E for calling it this way right at the beginning of the game. Please do it every time we play!!!!

    See you all next week.

    I had a feeling that some one named Chris/Kris (or any other spelling) was going to win.

    Good game last night, as I said earlier it was a true poker match when it was heads up.

    One player who had a big chip lead early on vs. another who was almost out before the break.
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