Cook Crew - Saturday June 21 @ 7pm, LL SnG's

Haven't hosted for a while, and Jenn and I are itching to play, so just a casual night. Probably a few $10 SnG's - we'll run a few tables if there's enough interest. Standard blinds and 5000 chips.

1. "Beanie42" Trevor
2. "kangax5" Jenn
3. "waltsfriend" Sandy
4. "buzzard" Dave
5. "DrTyore" Mark
6. "SmokinAces" Lisa
7. +1


  • I'm interested Trevor.
  • If you mean Saturday June 23rd I am in.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    If you mean Saturday June 23rd I am in.
    Long week, sorry. Yes - the 23rd - about 48 hrs from now ;)
  • lol....sorry I'll be at the KW Mutli-Cultural Festival all day Saturday.
  • I'll do some SNG's... it has been too long....

  • Hi!
    My bf and I would love to come out and play if you are willing to take new players from this site to your table. I don't know how to contact you as you aren't accepting emails, but if you are willing to let us come play tonight then you can email me at or call 416-917-4133, my name is Lisa and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    Have a great day!!
  • I'm sure beanie has no problem...

    Neither do I, if you bring hot single female friends with low standards! :) (Sorry, SOMEONE had to do it! :)

  • Dude there is no-one with standards low enough for you. Just look at that car...
  • What can I say?

    I didn't buy an SUV or truck! Sorry if I was born with a big penis!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    What can I say?

    I didn't buy an SUV or truck! Sorry if I was born with a big penis!


    yeah, but no girl in her right mind is going to want to see your manhood in that car!
  • haha..

    This is true...

    Hell, I don't even think THAT has anything to do with the car! :(

  • I haven't heard from the host about this game yet and was wondering if any of you knew how to contact him. We are coming into the tri cites area and will have no way to contact anyone after we leave. Please let me know if you truely are looking for other players.
  • References to Mark and his tiny toy (and his car, too) are making this thread ugly quick.

    I've called Lisa with directions, so game is a go for tonight. Still room if anyone else is interested...
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    References to Mark and his tiny toy (and his car, too) are making this thread ugly quick.

    Sorry bro, I didn't mean to muck up your post...good luck with the game!
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