Let's break this baby in! $20 NL SNG(s?)- WED JUNE 27-NEW HAMBURG

Ok, so I've moved into a new pad with a new 10 seat poker table. Let's break it in!

We'll start at 7pm with a $20 NL SNG, then if time permits, some other Low Limit game.

Post or PM for directions.

1. JohnnieH
2. Drtyore
3. Itsame.
4. labeach Steve
5. Zithal
6. '23' Braad
7. mattkyies
8. mattkyie+1
9. beanie42


  • lol, i work in St. Agatha! I may just take you up on this offer!
  • Arg - I'd love to help you break in that table, but I have to work :( . Have fun though!
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Arg - I'd love to help you break in that table, but I have to work :( . Have fun though!

    Me too. Sorry.
  • No way I'm missing this Johnnie! I'm IN!
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Arg - I'd love to help you break in that table, but I have to work :( . Have fun though!

    Another time for sure...sorry, have to work that night.

  • Add me to the list.
  • Hey Johnnie, is your game still going? I'm hoping to get there but I cant confirm yet.

  • Hey Johnnie, is your game still going? I'm hoping to get there but I cant confirm yet.


    It is! I'll add you to the list and send out directions.
  • I'm a doubtful maybe, but I'll try. I'll know for sure on Wednesday. :)
  • Hey Johnnie,

    Sorry gott back out...some "real life" stuff has come up and is keeping me in Toronto...

  • Quiane wrote: »
    lol, i work in St. Agatha! I may just take you up on this offer!

    So are you in or what?
  • Sorry gotta bail.
    The wife is having some minor surgery tomorrow (they move the date up) so no can do.
  • It's looking more and more likely for me! Make sure to send me directions.
  • I can confirm I will be there tomorrow

  • Seeing as this is only 5 minutes from me, I live in Baden, I would love to come but I am in Toronto for a tournament. I won enough points to qualify for a 50 man freeroll with the winner going to the Main Event.

    Next time Johnny,

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Seeing as this is only 5 minutes from me, I live in Baden, I would love to come but I am in Toronto for a tournament. I won enough points to qualify for a 50 man freeroll with the winner going to the Main Event.

    Next time Johnny,

    Prophet :2h :2s

    No problem, Brent!

    Best of luck!

    I have two more solid "maybes"; Mandy and '23' Brad!
  • Hey JOhnnie.....Im sorry I want to come so bad, I havent played live poker in so long, but I have company coming on the weekned, so I need to do my laundry and clean before Friday :)...Im hoping to come to your other party tho :)....I havent seen everyone in soo long...........See you soon
  • Hey there, I'm in for tonight if you still need a player.

    I live in Waterloo, how far is it

  • FYI.. I'm a definate tonight. Save me a seat if I'm a tad late.
  • I'd guess its about 20-25mins from Waterloo.
  • shoot down the 85 south and once you get outta kitchener, it's lik 10 minutes

  • Great thanks, is it gonna be full???

    Can I come and bring a friend??

  • I wouldn't know... and don't care to speak for JOhnnie, but he's usually checking the forum by like 3:00 - 3:30

  • Do I smell a .25/.25 low limit cash game after :D
  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    Do I smell a .25/.25 low limit cash game after :D

    I'll bring the crazyness!
  • Matt: you and your friend are welcome to come. I'll PM directions. (but no advertising your tournament :D )

    Mandy: No worries. (But I do have a nice washer and dryer. First out does your laundry!!!?) Hope to see you at the BBQ.

    Mark: I had to pick up some stuff, so I was online at 4:30.

    Braad: There's ALWAYS the possibility of a .25/.25 Ring game at my place. I think I'll use the easy $10 I made last night!

    Still a few spots, PM or post.

  • Thanks again for the Hospitality last night, sorry i had to river ya on the pocket 5's, lol.

    It was a fun lil tourney.

    next time see if you can bring some people who chat a little more, those guys were soo quiet I could hear a pin drop, especially Mario, he was very shy.

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