Guelph Tuesday

With the success of last week, i feel like i'm going to ride the coat tails!
We're doing it again, 20 dollar buy in, 5000 in game to follow.
Last week i had 14 players (and i went out after 9 min of play! boourns!).
This week...hopefully more!

1. Mark
2. Timmeh
3. Pat P
5. River MIke
6. Bang (Tent)
7. Brian (Tent)
8. Bruce


  • Last week of football, then i'm down.


    PS Any good games on the wii yet? All i hear is good idea bad controls
  • Consider me confirmated. See you Tuesday.
  • This game is on for more players! :)
  • We had a much smaller turn out this time around, but still enough for a game....
    After the game, we had 160 bucks on the table in a .50/1.00 cash game, and it was fairly solid....hope more people can make it out next week.......!!!

  • Hey Quaine

    I am from Waterloo and am always looking for a good game or tournament. Do you have one coming up this tuesday the 25th.
  • Hey Fana,

    I am definatly running a tourney on the 26th (the tuesday) and you are more than welcome to come.
    If you are interested email me at
    quiane AT hotmail DOT com.
  • Sweet. You will be hearing from me soon.
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