WSOP Final Table Viewing Party & Poker



  • Mike,

    'Itame' Mario wants in too if you still have room, or add him to the waiting list.

  • please add me to the list
  • Here's the details for the tournament:

    People can arrive anytime after 6:30, the tournament will start at 7:30pm. Confirmed latecomers will post and fold until they arrive. I've marked latecomers in the list, so if you will be late, please confirm by posting or PMing.

    Buy-in will be $30

    Each player will get 2,000,000 chips to start, no re-buys or add-ons will be allowed.

    I expect the tournament to last about 8 hours, until approximately 3:30am.

    The actual WPT Final Table will probably last until 5:00am or so, and people are welcome to stay and watch it to completion.

    Blind Schedule:

    The top 4 places will payout as follows:
    First : 50%
    Second : 25%
    Third : 15%
    Fourth : 10%
  • Confirmed. Blind me in :)

  • Thanks,

  • I figure our m's will still be around 30 by the time we get there. Blind us in.
  • According to my calculations, the M of an average stack will be approximately:

    Level 1 : 333
    Level 2 : 166
    Level 3 : 133
    Level 4 : 95
    (there's a break here)
    Level 5 : 40
    (now we're about at the 2 hour mark)
    Level 6 : 30
    Level 7 : 25

    This assumes that all players are still in the game at level 7............ :)

    NOTE: I have just adjusted the blinds a bit to allow for use of 1000-denomination chips, on the sage advice of Blind-Master Zithal.
  • We're still on for the 17th! I'll be at the cottage until Monday the 16th so I might not have much internet access, if any. Please post in this thread if you'd like to join (or need to drop out) and I'll update the list as often as I can manage. For sure I will update it the evening of Monday the 16th to confirm everything.

  • looks like I can"t make it, so good luck everyone.

  • Shopsy2 wrote: »
    looks like I can"t make it, so good luck everyone.

    BrennerM wrote: »
    Attendee list:
    16. peteski
    18. joeheartsdi

    Waiting List for tournament:
    1. ItsaMe Mario
    2. 2BULLETS Jeremy
    3. DataMn Al
    (note: if nobody bails before the date we will do 2 tables of 10, but I'd prefer to stick to 9 per table for space reasons)

    Woot. I hope that means everyone is in.

    Josh I'm bringing my chips and hopefully we can squeeze in a heads up match on the side.
  • Got an early morning meeting.
    I'm out
  • Mike...I'll do the list updating for you if you don't mind...
  • BrennerM wrote: »
    Here's the details for the tournament:

    People can arrive anytime after 6:30, the tournament will start at 7:30pm. Confirmed latecomers will post and fold until they arrive. I've marked latecomers in the list, so if you will be late, please confirm by posting or PMing.

    Buy-in will be $30

    Each player will get 2,000,000 chips to start, no re-buys or add-ons will be allowed.

    I expect the tournament to last about 8 hours, until approximately 3:30am.

    The actual WPT Final Table will probably last until 5:00am or so, and people are welcome to stay and watch it to completion.

    Blind Schedule:

    The top 4 places will payout as follows:
    First : 50%
    Second : 25%
    Third : 15%
    Fourth : 10%

    This sounds great, who wants to carpool (ie. drive me) lol.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    This sounds great, who wants to carpool (ie. drive me) lol.


    same here, anyone going from waterloo?
  • I can give rides from Waterloo if needed, I'll be driving up.
  • Dammit, I gotta bail.

    Good luck all.

  • Thanks anyway Rob but I think I'm going to drive myself, not sure what time I'll want to leave at. Did people stay all the way to end last year?

    Oh if someone could send me directions that would be appreciated!

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Oh if someone could send me directions that would be appreciated!

    me too please
  • I'd love to get in on this if possible......If there's room that is.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Oh if someone could send me directions that would be appreciated!

    Same here, please.
  • pm's sent to the above requestees, including 880Over, because in Ranger's absence I assume you are in.
  • Thanks Wes for updating the sign-up list. I've re-updated it to remove JohnnieH, move Al into the main list, and add Nik to the waiting list.

    I will be sending directions shortly via PM to those who requested them.

    I will do my best to get the PPV whether it is on-line or whatever. I can hook my laptop into my TV so that is not an issue. At this point I can't promise I'll have video but at worst we'll get the written updates on-line or we can listen to the radio coverage on-line.
  • Hey Mike, can I get directions/address as well please?
  • I've PM'd my address to everyone on the list. If I missed someone, please let me know ASAP!

  • I know we are staring with 2,000 000 in xhips, but have you figured out yet the number of chips we will have to start the tournament.
  • I know we are staring with 2,000 000 in xhips, but have you figured out yet the number of chips we will have to start the tournament.
    I'm gonna be there around 10pm. I figure the tourney will start at 7:40pm cuz tourneys never start quite on time. So I should be there by the start of the 30k/60k level.

    On the low end, estimating 30 hands/hour, 10 per level, so 1 orbit per level:
    Chips blinded off (in 000s) = 6 + 12 + 15 + 21, break, + 30+20 + 45+20 + 60+20 = 249,000
    i.e. 1,751,000 remaining = an M of almost 16. Not bad at all!

    On the high end, 45 hands/hour = 1.5x 249,000 = ~375,000
    i.e. 1,625,000 remaining = an M of 14.8 or so... also fine

    Cool :D

  • Starting stacks:

    Colour - Value - Starting number of chips

    Green - 1000 - 20
    Black - 5000 - 28
    Purple - 20000 - 12
    Yellow - 50000 - 6
    Light Blue - 100000 - 3
    Pink - 500000 - 2

    Total starting stack size : 71 physical chips (= 2,000,000 in tournament chips). I'm hoping that by the time we get to 3 players, there will be about 300-400 physical chips per person on average.
  • Mike, I just noticed your antes are way too low. Antes should be about 1/4 of the SB in mine (and Zithal's and beanie's etc) opinions. E.g. 500k/1000k last level with a 30k ante just makes it completely insignificant. I'd suggest either getting rid of them completely or bump them up and slow the blinds a bit. Your call though, just a suggestion. Man I can't wait to play this tourney either way.

  • Oooooh tons of chips, I love it!!!!

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