Bristol Summer Shootout Interest?

Zithal has contacted me regarding holding a shootout to his tourney. Is there 7 other people who are interested in playing in Bradford. I am willing to host if there is interest. But is there enough interest in the winner going to KW to play the final table?


  • if I qualify, sure, sounds good.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Zithal has contacted me regarding holding a shootout to his tourney. Is there 7 other people who are interested in playing in Bradford. I am willing to host if there is interest. But is there enough interest in the winner going to KW to play the final table?

    Sure I'm in. Just let me know when. :D
  • Hey all,

    The format of this is going to change a bit. My original plan was 9 tables of 9, playing down to a final table of 9, but I'm going to simplify things for this summer.

    I'll likely do 6 tables of 6 to a final table of 6. This was I can do the tournament over 4 nights at my place. (ie. 3 nights of 2 tables (12 players = cooler house), 1 final table night)

    Look for an announcement once the Heads-Up tournament thins out.
  • sounds like alot of fun!
  • Since Rob changed the format, I will host a "Bradford Poker Superstars" Event towards the end of July. 3 SNG's with points being awarded for your placing. Once I sort out the details it will be posted. I want each sng to last approx 90 minutes so the last few blinds may be "aggressive". Details to follow
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