Game 2 Players List

This is the list for Game 2 so far.

Also, we will be returning to the $10/player towards the SET game instead of the $100/game. This will help build a nicer SET pot. Minimum games will be 4, and making the Top 16 List will not be necessary to play in the SET.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2007-06-08 13:10:17
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2007-06-08 13:11:21
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2007-06-08 13:31:31
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2007-06-08 19:26:13
Highflyer - Seat Reserved - 2007-06-10 13:25:52
EASY Seat Reserved - assumption
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2007-06-12 16:14:05
Derksen - Seat Reserved - tentative
Garry's Bud - Seat Reserved - tentative
Tilt - Reserved - Tentative


  • Is it Thursday yet?
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Is it Thursday yet? it me, or does it seem to take forever to wait between games?
  • put me down as a tentative. still in spending way too much time house hunting.
  • Pretty light game tonight, barely enough to make it official.

    I DO have AC now guys...honest!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Pretty light game tonight, barely enough to make it official.

    I DO have AC now guys...honest!!

    But what about DC?

    Does no one want to play tonight? Justin.....Kris.....Romer.....Rob....Max....
  • Max has a sideline job he needs to finish, and Kris already posted he couldn't make it out. Haven't heard or seen Romer in while now either.
  • AJ

    I have a friend who might be interested in attending tonight but I wont know till later on this afternoon. Can you put him down as a tentative.

  • Hi guys,

    AJ put me as tentative every week, it all depends what time I get off work. If I'm not there by 8, remove my chips unless I call and I'm on the way.
  • sorry guys I can no lomger make it tonight as I forgot that my Aunt and Uncle from Australia are ariving around dinner time.

    good luck to all players tonight
  • Hoping the tentative seats get confirmed...
  • Are you including people from previous seasons on the emails? I know Chris mentioned that Wyndham didn't know when the games were starting up...and Chris and Marci might come out once in awhile if they are on the email list.
  • Wyndham and Marci are both still getting emails, but either to an account they no longer use, or it's being blocked. They'll have to check their junk box and settings to get notices, or frequent the forum.

    Or they can email/contact me anytime, and I'll be glad to add them on any games list.
  • Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. We didn't have enough players show for an official league game, so the seven of us just enjoyed a fun home game. No points awarded, no picture taken, no chump.

    Hope to see everyone out next week, for GAME 2 REMATCH!!
  • Congrats AJ!

    Even though it wasn't a league game, I still played my typical league style....and got my typical results. ;)

    I did, however, enjoy more than my fair share of Fresca!
  • Sorry everyone, but my g-friend was flying in from Texas last night around 9:30 and I had to pick her up...
    I will be there next week to DONOUR....

    AC & DC
  • No worries Kris, you haven't missed a game yet.

    Game 2 has now been rescheduled for next Thursday June 21. You must reserve your seat again for the game, as I had to delete the original one from the site.

    Hoping to see some of the regulars, not so regulars, and even some fresh faces show up again.
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