when is bristol street having another multi

Hey this is eddy i was wondering when bristol street or anywhere else is going to be having another multi with like 10 000 in chips.. like a 30 or 40 dollar buy in sne dme a pm or post her e thanks


  • Hey Eddy.

    I'm hoping at some point in the summer to run a Saturday event. The summer is usually a little too hot to play in my place, but I've cleaned out the garage so we and can spread out tables for the event. (Easier to do on a weekend that on a weeknight)

    It will either be a day long NL event (ie. Jour de Poker), or possibly a H.O.R.S.E event. Any preferences?
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Hey Eddy.

    I'm hoping at some point in the summer to run a Saturday event. The summer is usually a little too hot to play in my place, but I've cleaned out the garage so we and can spread out tables for the event. (Easier to do on a weekend that on a weeknight)

    It will either be a day long NL event (ie. Jour de Poker), or possibly a H.O.R.S.E event. Any preferences?

    Anything as long as it's not on a Saturday!
  • A WSOP-style $50 HORSE tourney set to match the $50k WSOP event.

    Jun. 24 perhaps? Hint hint, it's the same day.
  • I like moose's idea. Just don't make it July 7 as I am booked that day (it's also the day after my b day).
  • i like the jour de poker like $40 buying with a bunch of tables running all day wiht long blinds and like 10 000 chips... i need to play a live tourny like this it has been awile
  • I think JdP should start once the loser's bracket of the HU match catches up

  • i'm running a tourney in guelph tomorrow if yer intersted...it's not 10,000 in chips, but 5,000...should be a good time..if you're interested, email me at quiane AT hotmail DOT com.

    or call..519-820-1430
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I think JdP should start once the loser's bracket of the HU match catches up


    Agreed. I'm going to be busy prodding people to play HU matches so look for a JdP in mid-July.
  • wats the buy in quaine and wat time does it start ?? sounds like a good tourny
  • wats the buy in quaine and wat time does it start ?? sounds like a good tourny

    Wrong thread Cole. This is a Bristol thread. Look for quaine threads in the home game section or do search. Highjacking a thread to promote another game isn't right, just my opinion though.

    Prophet 22
  • wasn't meant to hijack a thread...a guy was asking about local tourneys (specifically bristol..but still) and i put my two cents in. No offence Zithal..i figured you wouldn't care! :)
  • Quiane wrote: »
    wasn't meant to hijack a thread...a guy was asking about local tourneys (specifically bristol..but still) and i put my two cents in. No offence Zithal..i figured you wouldn't care! :)

    I'm deeply offended and demand three goats and a new coat in compensation for the pain I've been caused.
  • It's not 'your' thread. It's quackers. We are now in a penalty situation for falsely claiming compensation.

    I sentence you to be banned from posting until round 1 of heads up is complete or you teach Kole how to spell the word 'a'. Whichever takes longer.
  • thank god that cooler heads prevailed...i only had 2 goats rounded up.....
  • email me on a date that a 10 000 chip tourny is going on
  • lol, what does it matter how many chips you get? 10,000 with a 100/200 starting blind is pretty much the same as 5000 in chips with a 25/50 starting blind....
  • if its pretty much the same then why are u posting about 5000 the question was 10 000 chips buy in coming up soon
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