Guelph Tuesday! era has come to an end...that era would be The Rock. It's over Folks.....rockwood is offically closed...the bar has been shut down....and so...i am hoping to revive my tuesday game from now on....(i'm not sure if this is a realistic hope, but can only try...)

Here are the particulars......

20 dollar buy in with 5 going to the bounty....5000 in chips to start, with 20 min blinds starting at 25/50. I have enough space at my place for 2 tables of 8 (or so..10 per table would be the max...)

So, that's it then.....hopefully we'll get some people out..i know it's summer...i know it's beautiful outside..but hey..come and sit in my basement and throw some cards around!!

Oh, and if i only have 5 players i wont run the just doesn't make sense!

1. Mark
2. Jen
3. Keith
4. Brian (maybe)
5. Jason
6. Cowboy
7. Timmeh
8. Haren
9. Bang
10. Vicki (tent)


  • put me down as a maybe...I'll confirm tomorrow
  • I have football the next couple of weeks, but after that i'm down with it once football is over.

  • Once again Big Mike says NO . Come on dude. What happened to the days when both of us would just go in blind and see what happens after the Flop. Oh wait no after the Turn.

    Put me down as a YES. I guess i'm going to represent for the Mike's of the world since some people don't show.
  • this game is looking good so far! :)
    Lots of room if people want to show up! :)
  • Count me in for sure!
  • Hey Tek, you still in??
    just wondering for numbers.....
  • Why ya gotta hate like that Cowboy, trust me i wanna get back, give me two weeks, and i'l be back kicking some ass and going blind, and raising blind, i promise

  • sorry bud..I'm out...something's come up last minute

    Quiane wrote: »
    Hey Tek, you still in??
    just wondering for numbers.....
  • GAME ON! see everone in an hour or so... :)
  • We had a great turn out, 14 playes total...good guys, great action (i actually went out in the first blind level..after stating "there is no reason to be all in in the first 3 blind levles" better beleive that bit me in the ass...)
    I will be running next game after the tourney, .25/.50 (just for fun really)
    all are welcome! :)
  • Great game, thanks for hosting. Count me in for next week - cash game too likely:)
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