Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • tye vs joe tonight at 7 @ bristol

    Confirmed. 7pm at Bristol.
  • Tough match Joe.

    The cards were coming my way tonight.
  • Moose d Haddon

    Game only lasted 2 hands into the 3rd level. A result of pretty aggressive play, stupid bluffs and sick K high calldowns. Three in fact, one my way, one Josh's and one chop.

    I kept paying off Josh's hands, mostly with air and was down to less than 3.5k. First hand of the 50/100 level, Josh raises to 300 and I flat call with A10. Flop comes 10 high. I check, Josh bets 300, I calll. I check turn (K), Josh pot bets 1200. Meanwhile we start joking about K high calldowns again. I check my chips and decide my only bet now is allin and move in. Josh calls with AQ. Board bricks and I double through. So Josh decides a break is in order and goes for a smoke.

    I count my chips and figure that I am back to exactly 5000. Break ends and we deal the 2nd hand of the level. I look down at JJ and make it 350 to go. Josh calls. Flop 789 rainbow. Josh immediately fires a pot bet. The board is so draw heavy, I raise to 2k. Josh immediately moves in. I hate this board, it so is right in Josh's range. I decide he wouldn't pot with a big hand, but he would on a draw. But the allin move puzzled me. I tank for a minute or two, smack talk a bit and decide Josh seems weak. Basically he looks exactly the same as an earlier hand when I paid off his bottom pair with my A high. I make the call and Josh calls my hand before I roll it over, which is why the call was so tough. I knew he would put me on an overpair. The old, he knew that I knew that he knew what I had. He flips A9 and the board bricks out. Josh says, I think we are even. I say no you should have 1k in chips left. We count out the chips, and I must have miscounted at the break because strangely enough we had exactly 6000 ea at the start of the hand, which means the previous hand he had me outchipped 9k to 3k. Bizarre. Game over. gg Josh.
  • btw a quick note. Buzzard d STP. They can post but the sickest hand I saw was near the end with 23 Shannon vs Dave's 24. Shannon shoves preflop and makes a straight to double through and survive a few more hands.
  • Yeah I pushed the remaining 125 I had in the 100/200 level. I think the sickest hand was when I had Dave down to 1500 chips and him calling an allin with a double gutter, I had top pair and one of his outs. He, of course, hit.

    Crown another good Sir Rob....Crown another.

  • 8ball D Joe GG it was fun playing ya.
  • Buzzzardd d. stpboy

    After being dominated by some great calls by Shannon in the first three blind levels I had pretty much given up on the match. I only really hit one hand at the start, when I had pocket 10's with a flop of K-Q-T. I got a few chips out of Shannon on the turn and flop, but he wisely folded on the river.
    Every time I bluffed, he called, even with 3rd or 4th pair. It really took me out of my game.
    By the time I got down to 1500 chips, I was just waiting for the inevitable loss. Then after getting a double gutshot straight draw after the turn, I tried to semi-bluff by going all-in but got called by Shannon who had top pair and also one of my eight outs. Then the miracle 4 came up and the whole match just turned.
    Later I had K-9 and hit the King on the flop and 9 on the river to double up again and take Shannon down to 125 chips. After three straight all-ins the match was over.
    Good match Shannon, you didn't get what you deserved. It was easy to see how you were last years champion.

  • Thanks everyone for the three matches played last night. The online brackets are once again updated, and these are the current matches that need to be played...

    "Kristy_sea" v. "800Over" (I need to see a date on this one ASAP. I had asked players to arrange the date before the last one played, and I'm disappointed that this didn't happen. Once the match date is set, please start to arrange a time to play Josh.)
    "Zithal" v. "Buzzzardd" (Just announced!)
    "Aiki65" v. "Moose" (Just announced!)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    "Aiki65" v. "Moose" (Just announced!)

    Moose - when are you available? I could do Thursday this week, and Tuesday or Thursday next week.
  • Zithal wrote: »

    "Kristy_sea" v. "800Over"

    ooh if Kristy wins this one, it is Kristy vs Josh. My smack talk detector is going to need new batteries!
  • I've never wanted a win in a match SO BADLY! I have already received offers from people who want to deal if I make it to Josh. ;)
  • "Zithal" v. "Buzzzardd" is scheduled for this Thursday at 7:30pm. If anyone else would like to use Bristol for Heads-up matches this Thursday it will be open.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I've never wanted a win in a match SO BADLY! I have already received offers from people who want to deal if I make it to Josh. ;)
    Add me to the list of volunteers who want to deal this match up.
  • Moose vs Aiki65 Thurs night
  • My house is rigged, I got lucky again! Going to wait until Josh gets a chance to sleep before we play.
  • Well played Kristy....don't think luck was a major factor though. Play well against Josh!
  • Zithal d. Buzzzardd

    Not much to report about the ass kicking that Rob gave me. I got lousy cards and played them even worse. I was never really in the match as Rob took control right from the start. I tried to bluff my way in the last hand, but of course Rob had pocket aces. Really enjoyed my five games, good luck Rob and thanks for running the tourney.

  • Aiki65 d. Moose

    Tough game. Not once did either of us get paid off on a river bet. We either had nothing or were too smart to make the call. However it was a case of my pair falling behind to flushes or straights and having to fold. Finally down to 4k, I reraise preflop and cont. bet the flop. Don puts me allin. on a A10x board. I have just over 2k left and call on the nut flush draw, knowing that if I fold I am outchipped 5:1 and an m of just over 3 and the 300/600 level coming up in a couple minutes. If the flush comes through I have the chip lead back. He has AJ the board bricks and IGHN.
  • It was a fun match, and I really liked how you stayed aggressive throughout the match. With the two matches played, the next set of games are ready to go...

    "Kristy_sea" v "haddon" - This should be a fun one to watch. Let's get this done soon as "8Ball" and "Quimby" are eagerly awaiting their matches.

    "Zithal" v. "moose" - The Battle of the Robs. Should be a fun one!

    "Kanga" v. "Aiki65" - Having made it to the last match of the winner's bracket, these players have wrapped up two of the top three positions. Can Kanga make her second finals in a row, or will Aiki65 force her to play one more match for her chance?!
  • Josh,

    When do you want to play this?

    I'm avail tues-thurs. after 9 and Friday after 4.
  • Aiki 65 when are open to play?
  • Updates from over the holiday weekend...

    Battle of the Robs will take place on Thursday night at 7pm at Bristol Street. The house will be open for other HU matches if needed.

    Being the furthest behind, "Kristy_sea" v. "haddon" has until next Monday 11:59:59 to pick a time and place for the match, at which point a DQ will be issued.

    That's about it!
  • KangaX5 wrote: »
    Aiki 65 when are open to play?

    Can you do Monday or Tuesday next week?
  • Rob d. Rob

    A lot of small pot poker between the two Robs, with "moose" getting a fair number of the early ones taking the early lead, up 7k to 5k in the 25/25 level. After some more back and forth, the tide begins to turn and I grab a sizable pot with a nice buff and a second sizeable pot with a monster (that didn't get called), and, with just a few seconds to go before the 50/100 level hits, the following hand happens...

    With 73o I get to see a flop for free and it's a wonderful 456, two diamonds. Moose bets 100? (I think) and I call. Turn is a 2, moose bets 250, I re-raise to 700 and Moose makes it 2,200 total. I don't feel Mark's presence so I push and Moose thinks, eventually calls, and turns over Q3d for the worse straight, plus the flush draw. Diamonds and sevens are avoided on the river and the match is over.

    Moose will play the eventual loser of Quimby v (8Ball/Kristy/Haddon) in the bubble match for 5th place money, while I move into the Final 4. (Yay!!!)

    A fun match that ended far too early on one of those hands that almost played itself.
  • Congrats on the win Rob. You've created quite the path of destruction on the losers side (as have some others). If I win my match it will be the rematch of our round 1.

    Quimby vs. Zithal II - Zithal's Revenge!

    P. S. I realize it's a little behind your original schedule, but great job of keeping the pace of the tournament.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Being the furthest behind, "Kristy_sea" v. "haddon" has until next Monday 11:59:59 to pick a time and place for the match, at which point a DQ will be issued.

    The deadline has passed and nothing's been posted. I talked to Kristy at JdP that they were going to play the match over the weekend. I'm attempting to find out if the match has been played and, if so, who won. If not, I'll issue the DQ and we'll get this moving.
  • I thought the deadline was for yesterday too, but when I called Josh to schedule he referred me to the e-mail you sent us.
    Hi all,

    Just looking for an updated status. A reminder that a DQ will be issued
    if a time/date hasn't been chosen my Mon, Aug 20th, 11:59:59pm. Bristol
    will be able to host HU matches during the Summer-shootout nighta next week
    (Tues, Thurs). I also highly recommend start planning with Tye for that
    match, so that we can get your bracket caught up with the rest of the
    tournament. You are currently 3 matches behind the tournament.


  • Fuk. Complete brain-fart on my end. I meant yesterday, but I guess I wrote in next Monday. Details sent in a PM.
  • PM sent and the new deadline is tomorrow, Thursday Aug 15th, 11:59:59pm to set a date.

    Also, the only other match to be played is "Aiki65" v "Kanga" in the finals of the winner's bracket. This will be taking place this Thursday during Day 1B of the Summer Shootout.
  • "Kristy_sea" d. "haddon" via DQ.

    I really hate doing it, but we have to get this thing rolling. I've gotten a message from Josh and everything's good, I believe, so we'll just leave it at that and continue with the tourney.

    Up next, "Kristy_sea" v "8Ball" and "Kanga" v. "Aiki65" will be playing in the winner bracket finals, tonight at Bristol Street, during Day 1B of the Summer shoot-out.

    Good luck all!
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