Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • Donk! Who won?

    When is Bristol open this week?
  • stpboy d. Drtyore...

    Honestly, I can't think of many big hands, Shannon and I played until the cap, and most of the chips exchanged hands without seeing showdowns.
    Really really solid, tight match, where there was only ONE suckout (DrTyore A9 doubles up through stpboy's AK AIPF) that I can remember. I'm mentally exhausted! :) Regardless, as I said, I'd love to give a more detailed rundown, but it was all mostly betting and the cards had very little to do with anything.

    Great game Shannon!

  • folded wrote: »
    Tye ran away from Bristol tonight with his date and we have to reschedule.

    Yes. And my night was better than yours. Check your PM. When do you want to play?

  • Josh. Mon, Tues, Wed this week. You name the place and time. Do it. Do it. Do it.
  • Thanks for the mini-rundown on how the game went Mark. I'll try to give my thoughts now, the day after.


    Very friendly start to the game, a lot of limping and really just feeling eachother out. Mark and I are good friends and feel like we know eachothers game fairly well, we both anticipated a difficult game.


    Mark raises to 200 straight. I look down and see my "favourite non-premium hand" 109. Flop comes QJ5 rainbow. Mark fires out 400 and I call. Turn comes an 8c, giving the board two clubs on board. I fire out 1200, Mark thinks about it and re-raises to 2500. I re-check my cards to make sure I do in fact have the nuts. I do, and re-raise Mark all in trying to protect against the many draws on this board. Mark talk aloud of what I could possibly have and narrows the selection to either 55 or 910. Mark folds his AJc. We ran the river anyway, 7s.

    Mark is down to about 3K now. I'm in the SB and limp with AA. Mark checks. Flop comes K 9 2 rainbow. Mark fires out 150 and promptly gets raised to 400. Mark humms and haws and calls. Turn comes 5. I fire out 1K and Mark folds his K(7) face up after some time. We ran the river again for SnG's and it was a 9. Great fold Mark! I show him and the crowd (Ryan_yo and Zithal) my bullets just for funzies.


    Mark is still hovering around 2500 in chips. I raise it up to 375 and Marks thinks about it, re-raises all in. I think about it and eventually fold my A8 to his AK.

    I re-raise again with 33, Mark re-raises again all in. I feel like it's way to early to take the chance at possibly racing with Mark. i have a huge lead and feel like I can wait for a better spot. I fold and Mark tables AJ. We run it for funzies. J76 8 3. Hmmm, running isn't always a good idea.

    Mark is raising a bit now trying to re-build his stack. He makes it 350 to go. I re-raise Mark to 1600 with A2. He thinks about it and re-raises all in for another 900. I have to call. Mark shows AJ and I don't improve, I just did the one thing I didn't want to do. Go in with the worst of it against a smart aggressive playera nd not suck out....boooo!


    I raise it up in this level with AcKd to 450, Mark thinks about it and re-raises all in for another 4K. I think about his range here and am very sure it's either a weaker Ace or a pair 9's or worse. I call, Mark grimaces to see that he's dominated. Shows A9h. Flop 9s9cQc. Turn Jc. River 8h. I had a lot of outs there on the river, this hand kinda put me on tilt a bit however I tried my best to not let it affect my play.


    Mark raises it up with AK. I call with 69off. Flop gives me a gut shot and I really felt as though Mark completly missed the flop and continuation bet with air on the flop. I call the flop bet, turn goes check-check. I completely miss the river and fire out 1200 to take the pot down, showing Mark my 69.


    Coming into this Mark and I are exactly tied and 6K each! No hands to note here, mostly preflop action. Only thing I can remember is Mark raising with KJoff and Me re-raising preflop with A4c to take down the pot preflop.


    I've now taken a substantial lead and keep the aggression up. Raising Marks 84off with my 86s, my 94off to his 92. Mark was clearly making great folds!!
    Final hand was Mark pushing in his 1800 with 107 to my K5. Flop comes a King and gives Mark a straight draw. After the final two cards are laid, my K holds up and Mark is gone from the tournament. Toughest match yet by far!! This now brings my heads up record in this event to a nice 10-1! Woot Woooot! More points too!! Wooot!

    Looking forward to my next match with Dave!!

  • A much better report Shannon

    And it even makes me look like a good player. Thanks! :)

  • Tye

    My house. Wed night 8pm

    Bring your A game. Well, bring your last head's up match game..

    Joeheartsdi, your next
  • ive been waiting for 2 weeks.....
  • folded wrote: »

    My house. Wed night 8pm

    Bring your A game. Well, bring your last head's up match game.

    Oh I LOVE it!

    Trash on the e-net!

    Well sir, ... GL!
  • 8ball wrote: »
    Oh I LOVE it!

    Trash on the e-net!


    And he's sassing you too! :)

  • i can't wait til tonight
  • Brackets have been updated and, I've forgotten to mention, but tonight is an open night at Bristol. Here's my list of current matches....

    "Kristy_sea" v "Sandro" (schedule for this Fri. Both have agreed that if a player drops from this match, they are DQ'd, and have been instructed to contact Nik to arrange their next match as soon as possible after this one.)
    "folded" v. "8Ball" (playing tonight, at folded's)
    "moose" v "haddon" (??? - has currently been stalled for 19 days. I need an update ASAP. One of my patented, "time to consider a DQ" emails will be sent soon. Once again, not critical because of how far behind the first match is, but let's get it played before this is the match that's holding us up. (ie. See Eddy from last year))
    "stpboy" v. "buzzzardd" (??)
  • Dave how does Monday work for you?

  • Zithal wrote: »
    Brackets have been updated and, I've forgotten to mention, but tonight is an open night at Bristol. Here's my list of current matches....

    "Kristy_sea" v "Sandro" (schedule for this Fri. Both have agreed that if a player drops from this match, they are DQ'd, and have been instructed to contact Nik to arrange their next match as soon as possible after this one.)
    "folded" v. "8Ball" (playing tonight, at folded's)
    "moose" v "haddon" (??? - has currently been stalled for 19 days. I need an update ASAP. One of my patented, "time to consider a DQ" emails will be sent soon. Once again, not critical because of how far behind the first match is, but let's get it played before this is the match that's holding us up. (ie. See Eddy from last year))
    "stpboy" v. "buzzzardd" (??)

    Rob, I've posted several times with anytime any place type requests. Kristy has been trying to help. Called him last night, again with anytime anyplace. He hasn't called me back. He runs the shop from Wed night to Mon. morning, not sleeping at all and then sleeps Mon, Tues, Wed. What can I do?
  • moose wrote: »
    Rob, I've posted several times with anytime any place type requests. Kristy has been trying to help. Called him last night, again with anytime anyplace. He hasn't called me back. He runs the shop from Wed night to Mon. morning, not sleeping at all and then sleeps Mon, Tues, Wed. What can I do?

    Thanks for the update. I have noticed your posts, but nothing back from Josh. I want to be fair but I need to get this moving along. So...

    I'll give this match til Tuesday, July 31st 11:59:59pm to have scheduled a date. (ideally sometime before the end of next week).

    If the match has not been scheduled by then and Josh hasn't demonstrated an effort to schedule it, he'll get DQ'd from the tournament.

    Also (as happened last year with Gow), if Josh feels he can't keep up with the tournament, he's free to DQ himself.

    I think that's fair. I'm giving the participants a week to arrange a match and, even if it isn't arranged, as long as I'm seeing progress in attempting to arrange it, I'm willing to give everyone a little extra space.

    If you disagree with the ruling, please feel free to email me and discuss.
  • folded wrote: »

    My house. Wed night 8pm

    Bring your A game. Well, bring your last head's up match game..

    Joeheartsdi, your next

    {8ball reply}

    Oh I LOVE It!

    Trash talk on the e-net!

    Well sir -- GL!

    Well, after all that hype, the match is played and the tears are shed ...


    Some chips move, mostly to 8ball, but back and forth until this hand
    (Cory, I don't remember exactly how it all went down, but I think...)

    Cory (Dealer) Bets 75. Tye Calls.
    (Pot 200)

    Flop - J 10 7 rainbow

    Tye bets 150, Cory calls.
    (Pot 500)

    Turn - 4d (2nd diamond on board)

    Tye checks, Cory bets 225, Tye calls.
    (Pot 950)

    River - Jd

    Tye checks, Cory bets 300, Tye raises to 900, Cory re-raises to 1900, Tye moves All In. Cory tanks, then calls.

    Cory -- 89s (Flopped straight)
    Tye -- Q3d (Rivered flush)

    7min 56sec in, 8ball (Tye) d. folded (Cory)

    Tough break Cory. It was either going real fast or real long.

    Joeheartsdi, post or call for our match.
    This weekend could be tough, but I'm off all next week. (Wednesday no good)

  • no wonder you like this format Ty, you love that river? I hear your pain Cory
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Dave how does Monday work for you?


    7:30 at my place, your place or Bristol is all good.

  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    7:30 at my place, your place or Bristol is all good.


    Ok, we'll figure out one of those. I'd rather Bristol, perhaps we'll wait to see if it's open that day. Booked now for 7:30pm Monday, location TBA.

  • im off wed-fri next week whens bristol open? ya know?
  • Next week, Bristol will be open on Monday for Heads-up matches. (I'm unavailable the rest of the nights) You may be able to convince Tye to be there if you're in need of a place to play.
  • Monday 7:30pm at Bristol st.

    stpboy v. Buzzzard
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Monday 7:30pm at Bristol st.

    stpboy v. Buzzzard

    I will be there. It will be nice to finally meet you.

  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    I will be there. It will be nice to finally meet you.


    Shannon's kind of like Polkaroo or Snuffaluffagus.......
  • im off wed-fri next week whens bristol open? ya know?

    Alright! We are on for Monday night at 7pm.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Next week, Bristol will be open on Monday for Heads-up matches. (I'm unavailable the rest of the nights) You may be able to convince Tye to be there if you're in need of a place to play.

    I can be available next week, NOT Wednesday, if anyone wants to use Bristol. Call and post, I'll probably get one of the messages.
  • Kristy over pokerdro

    GL Kristy
  • Congrats, Kristy! The online brackets are updated and just a reminder that Bristol Street is open tonight for heads-up matches. (Possibly another night, too if you can get ahold of Tye and confirm that he'll be there)

    IMPORTANT: I still haven't heard a word from Josh since last Wed. He has until Tuesday at 11:59:59pm to respond, or a DQ is issued. If people that are in regular contact with Josh can make sure he knows about this, it would be great as I don't want to DQ anyone.

    Here are the current matches that need to be played...

    "moose" v. "haddon" ("haddon" will be DQ'd if he doesn't respond by Tues. Has been stalled for 24 days.)
    "stpboy" v. "buzzzardd" (schedule for tonight @ 7:30!)
    "8Ball" v "joeheartsdi" (schedule for tonight @ 7!)
    "Kristy_sea" v "800Over" (??? - should be early this week as I asked played to organize the match over a week ago.)
  • I called Josh twice last week to set up a time. He hasn't called me back. He pm'd me yesterday with a vague request about availability for Mon and Tues. I phoned him and pm'd him with 7:30 tonight at Bristol, which is open? But he hasn't responded. In 24 days he hasn't once made an offer of a specific day, place or time. I'm pretty much done making offers.
  • tye vs joe tonight at 7 @ bristol
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