Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • And, another match done.

    I arrive at Peteski's place at about 6:20 tonight, and after the formalities / music selection, we begin our match. It was a heck of a match, with the official ending time being (roughly) 7 minutes into the 300/600 level. Chips swings and suckouts seemed to be the order of the night.... Pete, please feel free to correct anything I mis-remembered.

    Pete takes an early lead when his top pair trips on the turn to Mark's bottom two (don't slowplay HU). However, Mark regains the lead when he sucks out a gutshot for a higher straight to Pete's turn-made straight, and takes the chiplead.

    Mark tries to whittle down Pete, until a hand where Pete pushes all in on a board of Q-10-7, and after deliberating, Mark calls with 10-6ss (blinds I believe were up to 75-150, and it was 1700 to call into a 3000ish pot). Pete's 10J miraculously holds up! :) This brings the players to roughly even in chips, and then the real swinging starts.

    Mark gets chipped down to about 2600 (blinds I believe 150-300?), and raises preflop, Pete pushes him all in with 99, Mark calls with QQ and holds up. Pete gets whittled down quite a bit, and ends up pushing for about 2400 with the blinds at 200-400, and Mark calls with K7hh, which is rivered by Pete's J10cc, putting Pete just under the starting stack. Pete turns on the aggression, and begins pounding on Mark, who fires back with JJ AIPF called by A10cc, an A on the flop and no help, Mark's down to about 2000, with the blinds at 200-400.

    Mark folds the next hand of 72o (wisely) to Pete's push of Q7o, and then pushes all in with 57o the next hand. Pete calls with 910 I believe, and Mark decides turning a straight is a good idea, doubles up.

    Blinds now approach 300-600, it's getting to be push and fold time. Mark sucks out a big hand by pushing with K8cc (the legend), and flops a K over Pete's 88, putting Mark in the lead, and Pete with about 3000. A few hands go by with Mark pouring on the pressure, putting Pete all-in preflop consistently. Pete finally makes a stand with 10-J, which Mark calls with K7hh, the flop gives Pete a gutshot straight draw, turn gives him a flush as well I believe, and Mark somehow dodges any 9,10,J, or diamond on the river to win with K high.

    Excellent game Pete, truly back and forth and bitter sweet on both sides!

  • stpboy vs. DrTyore.....TBA!!

    Grats Mark...nice run ;)
  • Thanks brother... looking forward to this one... I'll call you in the next few days

  • Moose....

    I was in a coma for a week...


    my bad bro
  • Hello everyone!

    I'm back from vacation, (it was a great time!) so expect me to push a bit to get some of these matches played. I've updated the standings with (what I believe are) the most recent results and these are the matches that we're waiting on results for to get the tournament moving again...

    "kanga" v. "the bus" (scheduled for July 16th, I believe)
    "moose" v. "haddon" (currently being scheduled)
    "Dirty Whore" v. "stpboy" (currently being scheduled)
    "Kristy_sea" v "pokerdro" (scheduled for July 17th)
    "JohnnieH" v "folded" (no updates that I can see)

    I'll send emails starting tomorrow for matches that I'm seeing no progress on. Thanks!!
  • Sorry Rob. Sandro and I have about ten near misses..and about 50 PMs. We're really trying.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Sorry Rob. Sandro and I have about ten near misses..and about 50 PMs. We're really trying.

    Thanks for the update! If you need any help with scheduling, I'm a good mediator. :)
  • Forgot to mention....

    Bristol Street is open on WEDNESDAY, JULY 18th this week for heads-up matches.
  • We scheduled Tuesday night July 17th.
  • pokerdro wrote: »
    We scheduled Tuesday night July 17th.
    I hope you mean Tuesday afternoon, since Kristy's signed up for Ranger Mike's WSOP final table event and I was looking forward to squeezing her into folding JJ preflop again, while I'm holding J7o of course! hehehe

  • Kanga d The Bus

    Chris started the game with many pp and catching 2 pair on the river. Kanga lost a big pot and was down to 3700 (approx)
    The start of Kanga's come back...
    (blinds 25/25)
    Chris raises to 75
    Kanga looks down to see 78 and thinks (Mark this better work ;0) )
    I call and the flop is 965 2 hearts. (yeah Mark)
    Kanga checks he raises 100 I re-raise 200 more he re-re-raise to 700 more
    I think for a minute and I push all in for 3325 and he calls with KK I hold up

    Jenn is now the chip lead. a few hands later....
    (blinds 25/50)
    Chris is the BB and raises to 200 I re raise 500 more and he pushes all in for another 1925 I call with my aces and he flipps his qq
    board is 5 4 j 2 8
    Game finished with 17:43 left in the 2nd level

    Good game Chris
  • You played that 78 horribly... you shoudla re-popped him pre-flop... you don't want to let your oppponent have a free draw to hit his outs.

  • g2 wrote: »
    I hope you mean Tuesday afternoon, since Kristy's signed up for Ranger Mike's WSOP final table event and I was looking forward to squeezing her into folding JJ preflop again, while I'm holding J7o of course! hehehe


    Apparently you will get your chance she just cancelled for Tuesday
  • Any other night this week is fine though.
  • I have my stag and doe this weekend and will be gone until Monday.
  • PM sent to Jenn for scheduling in August when she's back from vacation.
  • Change of plans.

    Quimby vs Kanga

    8:00 Wednesday July 18 @ Cook house.
  • Quimby wrote: »
    Change of plans.

    Quimby vs Kanga

    8:00 Wednesday July 18 @ Cook house.

    Awesome! Thanks for fitting this in so quickly.

    Just a reminder that Bristol is open tonight with two matches currently scheduled to be played..

    "the bus" v. "Zithal"
    "JohnnieH" v. "Cory" (with a possible second match, winner v. "8Ball" to get that part of the brackets caught up with the rest of the tournament.)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    "JohnnieH" v. "Cory" (with a possible second match, winner v. "8Ball" to get that part of the brackets caught up with the rest of the tournament.)

    Tye, I should mop up Johnnie by 830 and will be ready for you at 831.

  • folded wrote: »
    Tye, I should mop up Johnnie by 830 and will be ready for you at 831.

    lol......bring it!
  • folded wrote: »
    Tye, I should mop up Johnnie by 830 and will be ready for you at 831.


    Normally I'd believe you, but I watched you play against Brad.
  • Folded d Johnnie H

    Ended mid way thru second level with blinds 25 -50. I have Q 7 offusit and obviously raise to 100. Johnnie calls

    Flop 8 Q 9. Johnnie fires $150 and I call.
    Turn 9 - Johnnie fires $600 and I put him obviously on a 9 or Q good kicker?
    River 9 - JOhnnie goes all in for remaining $2900.

    Without instantly tearing me apart, I thought about it for a bit since I put him on 9 after the turn and when the supposed "case" 9 came on the river, I really debated folding.

    After a min or two, I called and Johnnie showed 8, X? for a lower full house.

    Good match and some good laughs

    Tye ran away from Bristol tonight with his date and we have to reschedule.
  • Kanga d Quimby

    Duane please correct anything i missed as i have a horrible memory!

    After being owned the entire game... Jenn makes her come back at the start of the 6th level (via suck out after suck out...)

    Fist double up/suck out: Dont remember too well but i think it involed a 6 ;0)
    and i double up to 3800

    Second double up/suck out: we limp and the board come down q 9 5 all dimonds i raise he pushed all in i think and call he has kings and i hit my 6 for 2 pair.

    Final hand: Jenn is the dealer and raises Duane pushed all and and i called
    He has a 4
    Jenn has a 8
    board is 2 j 9 5 j (or something similar)
    game finshed with 4 minutes left in the level

    Great game Duane you truly deserved to win! (..but thank you poker gods!)
  • Thanks to the Cooks for hosting and to Trevor for dealing most of the game.

    My flop bets took down a lot of small pots in the early-middle stages as I got Jenn down to 3500 chips, although she won a couple of 1500-2000 pots to stay in.

    My memorable hand: 50-100 (I think)

    I called Jenn’s button raise to 400 preflop. The board came 875 rainbow. I check. Jenn bets 700 and I ponder for a while and call. Turn comes a 3 and I bet 800. I think Jenn was disgusted with her hand and reluctantly folded. She may be more disgusted reading this when I tell her I had J9.

    She then hovered between 3000-4000 for about half an hour or so. She requested a break after the 100-200 level but was so low that she thought she wasn’t going to last longer and we played through.

    She was the BB at 150-300 with 1625 behind and I push from the button with A5o. She calls with 68 and hits the 6 on the turn to get to 3850.

    10 hands later I shove my KK on a Q45 flop, Jenn calls with 65 and hits a 6 on the turn to put her at ~8000.

    Still in the 150-300 level I get down to 2100 and push my A4 and lose to Jenn’s A8.

    Good luck and maybe we’ll meet again.

  • "Zithal" d. "the bus"

    I really wanted to get past this match as I'm in the exact spot in the brackets where I dropped out to Aimee in 2006.

    The first hand of the night, pretty much set the tone for the rest of the tournament, when Chris flops top pair against my over pair, and I take a small lead to start things off.

    I chip up a bunch with a few board smacking me in the head and few well timed bluffs, when this series of hands come up at the 25-50 level..

    On the button "the bus" min raises to 100, I say that it must be Aces and call with 74h. Flop comes two hearts, otherwise missing me I check, Chris bets 100, I call. The turn is a King, and I throw out a 200 bet. Chris calls. The river is the Kh, which pairs the board and completes my flush. I make a 1k bet into the pot and Chris reluctantly folds his rockets face up.

    Very next hand, I limp with QTo and Chris raises to 150. I call and the flop comes QKx. Chris makes about a pot sized pet and I call. The turn is a K and Chris puts a 550 bet into the pot. The K give me more confidence that my Queen is good (I had put him on a naked Ace at this point in the hand), so I raise to 1,200. My line also looks like a K, which is what Chris put me on, on the flop, and for the second hand in a row, Chris folds showing another pair of Aces.

    I show the Queen and that was Chris' luck. Back to back Aces, losing about 1k with them.

    Play continues with me building my stack by winning big pots and losing small ones and I get him down to 2,500 by the 50-100 level. Chris remarks that he'll soon be in push territory, So I need to give him an excuse to push when I hold a decent hand.

    The blinds go up to 75-150 and we trade pots when my opportunity comes. I limp with AJo and use my Jedi mind tricks to implant a desire to raise in his mind. It works extra well when he pushes all-in for 2k and I insta-call. Chris say, "Did I say all-in? I meant raise 500." He shows A3 and the board bricks out, guaranteeing me a better finish than in 2006 with a spot in the Final 8.

    It was a fun game with good humour and it was Chris' longest match of the tournament, timing in at about 1h10. Next on my radar is one of "Dirty Whore", "stpboy" or "Buzzzardd".
  • In other news...

    "Kanga"'s win over "Quimby" puts her into the finals of the winner's bracket guaranteeing her at least a third place finish. With her second place finish last year, methinks she likes this tournament format. "Quimby" will get at least 6th, which mean he needs to win one more match to guarantee himself a payday.

    "folded"'s win moves him up a level to his next opponent "8Ball" Tye. This should be a fun match to watch and is currently being scheduled for next week.

    These matches are behind the pace and (as far as I can tell, are currently unscheduled. Please play soon or else you get an unfriendly message from me.) :)

    "Kristy_sea" v. "Sandro" (Severely behind, but they may be scheduled for early next week, at which point they need to play multiple matches per week to catch up)
    "folded" v "8Ball" (Almost as severely behind, but still a couple weeks behind.)
    "Dirty Whore" v. "stpboy" (the exact same level of behindness as the above match, though it's approaching two weeks since they've been ready to play)
    "mooose" v "haddon" (Behind, but less of an impact because of how far behind the Kristy/Sandro match is.)
  • DrTyore vs. stpboy tentatively scheduled for Sunday evening (depending on stpboy's elimination from a baseball tourney)

    Location: Mario's place
    Time: Possibly around 5:00p.m.

  • I think Sandro and I will be on for next Friday at 7.
    We're really doing our best Rob and everyone, thanks for your patience.
  • Josh lets do this Mon or Tues my place. Anytime after 10 am
  • stpboy vs. DrTyore.....

    report to follow from DrTyore I assume....I'm going to bed now after that 2h:15minute match! Those beers afterwards didnt help either.

    Great match Mark!

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