Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • See you then at Johnnie's!

  • stpboy wrote: »
    See you then at Johnnie's!


    Tuesday at 8pm, it is. If anyone else needs a venue, feel free to come over!

    WHERE THE HELL IS CORY?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • go away spammer
  • WTF you talking about Johnnie? That's Kole's girlfriend!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Tuesday at 8pm, it is. If anyone else needs a venue, feel free to come over!

    WHERE THE HELL IS CORY?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Johnnie

    Just back from my honeymoon tonight.. I'll be in touch this week once I see what's going on at work...

  • folded wrote: »
    Hey Johnnie

    Just back from my honeymoon tonight.. I'll be in touch this week once I see what's going on at work...


    Wow, you would think you could wait till work to check the forum, not hours after the honeymoon! LOL

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • folded wrote: »
    Hey Johnnie

    Just back from my honeymoon tonight.. I'll be in touch this week once I see what's going on at work...


    Sorry bro, no rush.
  • "Zithal" Rob d. "PerryD" Perry

    At the Canada Day games day, Perry and I played our match and it went well (moreso for me). Details are a little sketchy as it was a couple days ago and, um, beer.

    Last hand; AK on the button, blinds 100/200. I raise to 600, Perry calls. Flop is KKx, we both check, turn A, Perry checks, I bet 1,000. Perry pushes and I make the tough call. Parry has A3 and that's about it.

    I'll have the online brackets updated with recent results later today.

    I stilll need to figure out which day Bristol will be open this week. Check back later for that.
  • Bristol Street will be open on WEDNESDAY this week, starting at 7pm for games.
  • Any chance Andrew could make it out? get two games in and we could get ahead.
  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    Any chance Andrew could make it out? get two games in and we could get ahead.

    If I win...if....I'd rather not play back to back games. It's a grueling feat to play back-to-back 2 hour games which I assume it could be....

  • ah shannon you won't have to play back to back :)
  • First of all, thanks to JohnnieH for hosting and to Braad for being understanding about me not showing up last week. Both class acts that is for sure. Johnnie, congrats on the house. It's friggin awesome and I am envious!

    To the game...

    On my way, I remembered a little tid bit that helped me through last years remarkable run. I always listened to David Bowie/Trent Resnor's "Afraid of Americans" prior to a match. I did that tonight and good fortune shone upon me.

    Early in the match I pick up red cowboys. Braad raises to 100 and I re-raise to 225 total. Braad calls. Flop 788. Brad fires out 250. I call. Turn 6. Braad checks and I check behind him. River is an Ace and Braad fires 750. I reluctantly fold however don't beat myself up to much. I didn't feel that I played it very well however my intent was to trap with huge hands as much as possible when Braad was showing aggression. Braad later on told me he had QJo, great bet!

    Braad is up on me by about 500 chips. The hand is limped and the flop comes Q J 9 rainbow. Braad bets and I call with K5 thinking that my K is likely good, Braad has shown the ability to bluff at anything and will continue to through the hand. I'll need to call him down at some point. Turn and river come blanks and I end up calling Braad down when he bets 750 on the river. Unfortunately for me Braad flips over Ace high (A8) thinking that I'm good, my King was never good enough....

    Braad up on me by 1500 chips now after I've climbed back a bit with a few well timed bluffs and aggression. Limped pot. Flop J 7 2 rainbow. Brad fires 100, I raise to 600, Braad raises to 1500. I re-raise all in. Braad insta-calls with 72off I show J7off. Turn seals it for me being another J.

    Final hand Braad goes all in with A7s, I insta-call with 1010. Flop 10 8 8. Turn 6. River 10. Quads! A bit of overkill I guess.

    Great match '23', like I said earlier...luck was on my side tonight.

  • Was a good match STP, but you would not tango with me when I had the Shannon killer AK! anywho was a fun game, again Johnny nice table and house! and Thanks again for hosting. Looking forward to your .25/.25 NL cash games you keep teasing me about!
  • Ok!!

    Pete and I are playing out match today at 5PM.

    No DQ for me...

    (It's fattening anyway!)
  • Haddon d. Peteski
  • Haddon when are you avail? Thurs/Fri no good for me.
  • "Zithal" d. "SeekTheGrail"

    Another great match, with general poker discussions and strategies being talked about throughout the match. We even sampled a nice lager that Steve brought over.

    Match started tentatively, as most of them do at the 25/25 level. If I get any of the next details wrong, Steve, please correct me.

    First major hand of the tournament was at the 25/25 level. I raise to 75 with 8T and Steve re-pops another 125. Flop comes 9 high and Steve fires almost a pot sized bet on the turn. I'm putting him on a high Ace, so I decide to call here and try and take it away on the turn. The turn is a 7, giving me an opened-ended straight draw now, and Steve makes it 350. I raise to 900, and Steve takes some time thinking about it, commenting that his hand is too big to fold, and eventually calls. I'm put him on a big pair, but luckily the turn is a 6, taking away a potentially difficult choice on the river. I bet 1k on the river and Steve calls turning over AA. The next couple levels, we have fun analyzing the hand

    We battle for a bit and I get to a roughly 8k to 4k lead, when the next big hand comes up.

    At the 50/100 level, (I think), Steve makes it's 250 and I call with K6. Flop comes Kx8, and I check hoping to trap. Steve makes it 375 and I call. The turn is a three and Steve bets out half his stack, 1,500 chips. The flop bet looked weak, but the turn bet looked really strong as he's pot committed himself to a reraise. I'm confused and finally just reraise him all-in and he calls showing 83o for two pair. Once again, another interesting hand that prompts a lot of discussion.

    With this loss and then another soon after, I'm down to about 2,500 chips, but over the course of the next 30-40 minutes I play agressively and slowing chip away at his stack, with a few well timed bluffs. I worked my way back to even, then ahead and eventually got ahead by roughly 9k to 3k.

    Final hand I have KTo at the 100-200 level and make it 600. Steve raises all-in, for another 2,500 and if I call and lose we're pretty much back to even. I decided, wisely or not, to take the shot and Steve turns over A9o. The flop and turn each bring a T and I win the match two suckouts to one.

    It was a great match and I loved the discussion that the hands produced.


    In other news, the online brackets are now updated with all recents results.
  • Monday/Tuesday days....

    Maybe late 5pmish.

    Let me know Moose.
  • How about Wed any time?
  • Okay Shannon it is you and me. When can we do this?
  • Okay Shannon it is you and me. When can we do this?

    Monday after 6 should be fine with

  • Right now I think Monday is good. Where? I can always host.
  • "Peteski" vs "DrTyore" on Wednesday

    Just an FYI Zithal
  • Right now I think Monday is good. Where? I can always host.

    Your place or mine is fine for me. I'm in Waterloo Monday night near Northfield.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Your place or mine is fine for me. I'm in Waterloo Monday night near Northfield.


    Flint would you be free Tuesday? Monday is no longer good for me. Let me know man, thanks.
  • Tuesday is okay but I would have to host.

    Let me know.
  • Tuesday is okay but I would have to host.

    Let me know.

    Sounds good, send me your info.

  • Hey all,

    I'm entering the second week of my vacation and this week is going to be a little harder for me to schedule a Bristol night as I'm out of town for a good portion of it. Tye mentioned he might be free on Thursday to host, (we'll try and update by Thursday afternoon). If you can play elsewhere this week, please do.

    In other news, part of the brackets are going to fall behind a bit due to VERY conflicting vacation schedules between "the bus" and "kanga". Thier match is schedule for July 16th, (the only day this month both are in town), then "kanga" is gone til the 30th. We'll make extra effort to get caught up once this is sorted out.
  • stpboy vs. Flint Bones

    25/25 level

    First hand I check in the big with 55. Flop A 2 5 two spades. Flint checks, I check. Turn 2. Flint bets 75 I call. River is an 8. Flint checks, I bet 200 and Flint calls without showing. I flip over my boat and this is basically the way the entire match went. The board was killing me.

    25/50 level

    I limp in with AQc. Flint raises it up to 200. I re-pop it another 600 which Flint thinks about and then calls. Flop comes J high and Flint comments "you're likely going to raise again big so I can't call so I'll just check". Im not sure if he is trapping me here but I bet anyway thinking that he'll fold most hands here as I've shown enough strength. I bet 850 and Flint mucks. I'm thinking he had A9- K10ish.

    50/100 Level

    I raise from the small to 300 with Q8o. Flop comes K67 two hearts. I fire out 350. Flint calls. Turn comes a 10s (now two spades as well) and I check. Flint thinks and bets out 800. I need a 9 or a J for a straight and decide to gamble a bit. River comes a Jh and I move Flint all in for his remaining 2100 chips. He folds. Later informed me that he had the K with the spade draw.

    75/150 Level

    Flints down to 900 chips. I raise to 450 and Flint moves all in, I make the call with my 99. Flint shows K5s. Flop 9s a good sweat to Flint and then another A to fill me up.

    Good game Flint, not much you can do when the cards are hating on you. Thanks for hosting man, it was nice to spend sometime with you.

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