Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • JohnnieH def. Oragami

    Not many huge hands played tonight, but lots of slowplaying and trapping. We had several chopped pots.

    I was able to chip away at Jonathon with two pair vs his TPTK, then 10mins into the 200-400 level the widowmaker hand plays

    With A9 (Trevor!) I raised to 700. Jonathon calls.

    Flop is A57. Oragami fires 800, I put him all in and he calls and rolls over A6.

    Turn: 7

    River: 6
    There is a small moment went Jonathon thougth he won, but I pointed out that his sixes are negated by the sevens,and my 9 kicker is good.

    Good game.
  • Prophet22 vs SeekTheGrail

    If we could start at say 7:00 PM and Rob and Perry also play that night then the winners could get in another match after if they want.

    Let me know...Steve
  • Prophet22 vs SeekTheGrail

    If we could start at say 7:00 PM and Rob and Perry also play that night then the winners could get in another match after if they want.

    Let me know...Steve

    I am up for that
  • When do you want to do this Al?

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    My place is open is need be.

    This sounds alright....let me know Brad. Thanks Johnnie!

  • Prophet22 vs SeekTheGrail

    If we could start at say 7:00 PM and Rob and Perry also play that night then the winners could get in another match after if they want.

    Let me know...Steve

    I'm personally not a fan of playing two matches in a row as that has the potential to run 5+ hours. If others wish to, you're welcome to, but I'm not forcing anyone to do this (with the exception of the finals)
  • aiki wouldyou be available thursday night?

    I could do Thursday night at 8:30. Do you want to play at Bristol?
  • can we do it earlier on thursday say 7 pm?
  • can we do it earlier on thursday say 7 pm?

    Sorry - earliest I can make it on Thursday is 8:30. Tonight and Wednesday are not good either. If we can't make Thursday we'll have to do it next week (after the long weekend).
  • thursday at 8:30 is good with me... see you there.
  • Sorry guys, haven't heard from Braad yet and can no longer do tonight. Thansk anyway Johnnie. Braad PM me and we can figure something else out or call me.

  • Moose Rob d. the Baby Eater.

    Note: I did see at least two small children running around. Figured he was fattening them up for later. ;)

    The evening early on was mostly a case of me losing all the big pots and winning most of the small pots. I folded the last hand of the 5th level and we counted out the chips. Flint Bones was ahead by a whopping 75 chips. He could stack me at any time. I had to be careful.

    Early in the 6th level I raised with A8s and flop top pair. Andrew calls my flop bet and I figure finally I will be collecting some of those 500 chips. Turn and river change nothing and I get ready to rake in my first big pot of the night and Andrew rolls over Dead Man's Hand. Half-dead I guess. #$@#$^@#^@#

    Shortly after I raise with 75s and bet the KJ5 flop. Andrew calls and the turn is the magical 5. The river is no help and Andrew was left with 3k or so after calling me down. Finally a nice one for me.

    Andrew battles back the next two hands and turn about is fair play when my flopped top 2 is turned by Andrew's trip 4s. Andrew is quickly back up over 4k.

    I proceed to attack his blinds and whittle him down to 2k or so. At which point I really started hitting the cards and started moving in on Andrew. The bottom half of the deck was hitting him right in the face and quickly he was well into the danger zone. After 3 straight hands of taking the blinds, Andrew moves in and I call with 55. The turn is a 5 and we don't need to see the river. His 33 is no good.

    gg and gl next round Flint Bones.
  • Nice report Moose!

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • stpboy wrote: »
    Sorry guys, haven't heard from Braad yet and can no longer do tonight. Thansk anyway Johnnie. Braad PM me and we can figure something else out or call me.


    Braad did indeed show up at my place, but no worries, I took $10 off him heads-ups.

    His AK couldn't beat my pocket 5s in the 100-200 Level. Wooooo, free money!
  • Online brackets are now up to date. Everyone's been doing great on keeping up with the pace!

    Speaking of, "PerryD".. did you get my email? Are you available for our game on Thursday? I'll give you a ring tonight.
  • Not In The cards for me tonight. Quimby Pwns!!!! He beat me in the 2nd level I think... I can't remember our actual match that well since we played a second one after just for fun (and $5 of course) which lasted twice as long, but ended in the same result, him with all the chips :(

    Nik, see you at Bristol tomorrow night 9pm ish

  • g2 wrote: »
    Not In The cards for me tonight. Quimby Pwns!!!! He beat me in the 2nd level I think... I can't remember our actual match that well since we played a second one after just for fun (and $5 of course) which lasted twice as long, but ended in the same result, him with all the chips :(

    Nik, see you at Bristol tomorrow night 9pm ish


    Probably 9:15-9:20. Welcome to the losers side.
  • Quimby d. g2

    Our match was rescheduled from last week since Greg couldn’t make it due to parking. That’s right, parking. Apparently his roommate blocked him in.

    Last night started with me giving Greg a beer to loosen his nerves and shake him off his game. Is boozing up your opponent legal?

    Our match lasted 35 minutes or so with me winning the majority of the big pots.

    Hands as I recall them:

    My KK on Ax7xA board, with Greg stabbing a bet on the river with his pair of 7’s.

    My ATo on xxxTx after I called his flop c-bet.

    My 7d8d, I raise PF, Greg reraises, I call
    flop Kd 6d 2, Greg bets, I call
    turn 5, Greg bets, I call
    river diamond

    At this point Greg says he has me right where he wants me, which is strange because I thought the exact opposite.

    Greg with 2500 or so. My AA on a Q97 flop, I shove on a turn 6, Greg says he can’t beat a queen now and calls with 98 and bricks out.

    Good match and good luck on the left side.

  • thursday at 8:30 is good with me... see you there.

    If you still want to play at 7:00 my plans today have changed and I can now make it to Bristol for 7.
  • GG Brent.

    Another tough one going back and forth with no one getting more than up 1K for quite a while but there was a big luckbox factor on my side. There were 4 key hands.

    Hand 1

    blinds $25-$50 Seek in SB with 2-J spades Brent 7-J off Seek limps Brent checks option flop J - 5 - 7 one spade. Brent slow plays and checks Seek bets $100 Brent calls. Turn is 2 for flush draw in hearts. Brent checks Seek bets pot $300 Brent just calls. Yikes a check raise here and it is very possible I respond with a re-raise and all the money goes in. River is a 9 clubs but goes check - check. I really dodged a bullet on this hand.

    Hand 2

    blinds $50-$100 Brent in SB and raises to $350 with A-K Seek calls with Q-K off. Flop 5-7-K 2 spades. Seek checks Brent bets $450 Seek calls. Turn Q spades putting 3 spades on board. Seek checks Brent checks. River 6 of clubs Seek bets $675 Brent calls. No one had a spade that hand. The first of my 2 suckouts.

    Hand 3

    Brent has chipped up to about $7200 I have been card dead for about 10-12 hands and have been doing a lot of folding which created the motivation for this.

    blinds $100-$200 Seek in SB and raises to $600 with 5-Q off Brent calls in BB with Q-K. Flop 5-9-K Brent checks I bet $800 Brent calls. At this point I am not putting another cent in the pot unless a 5 or a Q comes although obvisouly the Q was bad. Turn is the miracle 2 outer 5. Brent checks I bet $1600 leaving myself with $2000 and Brent thinks for a while then moves all in. I call immediately river is a 6 and I take a big chip lead. My luckbox skills at there best!

    Hand 4 (final hand)

    Brent down to approx $1100

    blinds $100-$200 Seek in SB with 6-9 off Brent in BB with 2-8 off. Seek limps Brent checks option. Flop is 7-8-10!. Brent moves in on the flop with 2nd pair but runs into a flopped straight. Turn Q river 6 and its over.

    Thanks to Rob for hosting at Bristol and to Brent for a well played game. I'm sure we will meet again so you get a chance to turn the tables on me!

    SeekTheGrail Steve
  • Greg and I played our match last night....but in the spirit of the above post I'll be using the 3rd person perspective for the rest of this report. 800over shows up around 9:15. 800over is new in town. 800over makes some good plays. 800over makes some bad plays. 800over sucks out...g2 resucks. Many hands are played. 800over finally wins. 800over is happy. 800over thinks G2 played well and 800over looks forward to next opponent in losers bracket. 800over would like to thank Bristol street staff for providing place to play. 800over is taking the joke too far...800over is not funny anymore.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Greg and I played our match last night....but in the spirit of the above post I'll be using the 3rd person perspective for the rest of this report. 800over shows up around 9:15. 800over is new in town. 800over makes some good plays. 800over makes some bad plays. 800over sucks out...g2 resucks. Many hands are played. 800over finally wins. 800over is happy. 800over thinks G2 played well and 800over looks forward to next opponent in losers bracket. 800over would like to thank Bristol street staff for providing place to play. 800over is taking the joke too far...800over is not funny anymore.
    Get back to work! Don't you have some cars to sell? Funny post tho... :)
  • In other matches at Bristol Street last night...

    "Aiki65" Don d. "joeheartsdi" Joe, sending Joe to the losers bracket
    "Quimby" Duane d. "Buzzzardd" Dave, sending Dave to the losers bracket.

    Both Joe and Dave get a bit of a break while the brackets catch up to them.

    Don and Duane, with them reaching the "C" section of the winner's bracket, have guaranteed themselves at least a 6th place finish, which means a 5/6 change of being in the money!

    My match with "PerryD" is schedule for sometime this Sunday at my Canada Day Games Day BBQ. Feel free to come out, play some poker and non-poker games and play heads-up matches if you got them.

    In other news...

    - If you've not yet paid your entry, please do so ASAP, so that I don't have to worry about it. The spreadsheet should be up to date with who's paid so far. Please make sure it's correct.

    - "haddon" v. "Peteski" and "stpboy" v. "TwoThree" are about to fall two weeks behind the pace. Please arrange these matches ASAP. I'll be delivering an offical "warning" on Monday if they're not scheduled by then.

    - Online brackets are now up to date!
  • “Quimby” Duane d. “Buzzzardd” Dave

    A headgame match against a highly aggressive opponent. Dave fired out lots of bets which kept me guessing. He built up an early lead by winning some small pots and I fought back with some timely moves to defend my stack.

    Hand 1 – middle of 25-50 (action as close as I can remember)
    Dave 6700 ish
    Duane 5300
    I raise preflop on the button. Dave calls. Flop comes Qh 5d 7h. Dave bets, I raise and Dave calls. Turn 9d, Dave checks and I shove for my last 2425 chips. Dave agonizes over this decision for about two minutes. He mentions that he hates his hand. He eventually decided that I was pushing with AK or a flush draw and makes the call. I turn over my 75cc and he shows his JJ. No help for him and he’s down to 1500 or so.

    At this point I completely dry up for cards and Dave rebuilds for about half an hour. He doubles through at one point with 99 vs my A8s preflop.

    Dave gets up to just under 4000 before the final hand.

    Dave raises preflop and I call with J5cc. Flop comes out 4h 6c 7c. I bet, Dave raises, I push, and Dave calls with A6o. An 8 on the river ends the game.

    Good match and good luck on the left.

  • Shannon, can you do it this Tuesday night?
  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    Shannon, can you do it this Tuesday night?

    Is 8pm ok? I'm fine to do it then.

  • Only three major hands for the first two levels. The rest was a real Cat and mouse game.

    Final Hand went something like this:

    Blinds 50/100
    Pre flop: Al (deal) Call, Tye Raise 3.5x, Al Re-raise 4x (1200), Tye All in, Al Insta-Call

    Tye A-Qs
    Al K-K

    Ace on the Flop, Al doesn't improve.

    Tough beat but all arround well played Al.

    Now waiting to see if I play John or Cory. Good luck Guys!

  • 8ball wrote: »
    Now waiting to see if I play John or Cory. Good luck Guys!

    I sent folded a PM a few days ago, still waiting for a reply.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Is 8pm ok? I'm fine to do it then.


    Works for me, hey Johnnie any chance your willing to hold a heads up game :D

  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    Works for me, hey Johnnie any chance your willing to hold a heads up game :D


    Certainly. Good for you Shanny?
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