Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • g2 wrote: »
    Attention STPBOY and DRTYORE:

    Is this a KWTC event? If so, please consider my $1 paid.

    Mark, I still have $15 for you from my last WPC event.


    Me too!
    I'm down.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Me too!
    I'm down.

    if this is one I have a looney as well

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Hey all..

    Though I've not talked to Shannon about this, we didn't make last year's a KWTC event, and this one is stupidly difficult to track, I"m guessing it won't be... but we'll see

  • If it is I am down for a buck.
  • Moose Rob d. JohnnieH with 10 min to go in the 200/400 level.

    It was an interesting game because we were heads up just recently for the CHPC Championship. btw, anyone find out what happened to Bob at that tourney? Anyways I was very aggressive and took that tourney down.

    So this time I decided to start out much slower. Since the blinds were 25/25, I decided to confuse Johnnie by alternating between checking and calling. ha ha. Early on the deck hit me right in the face and I kept making 2 pr when Johnnie had a big pp, straights when he had 2 pr, runner runner trips etc etc. Quickly I had him down to 3500 or so.

    However turn about is fair play and soon he started outflopping/rivering me and I paid off his nut flush, FH etc etc. After the 3rd level we were dead even again in purples, and overall I had a lead of maybe 300. I turned the aggression back up and started chipping away at him a little and the key hand to this point, occurred in the 150/300 level. I raised pf to 800 or 900, Johnnie called. I flopped middle pr on a draw heavy board. I bet out strongly and Johnnie called. The turn double flushed the board and I bet again. Johnnie called and I was sure he was on a draw. The river was a blank and I bet another 1800 or so. I felt I was ahead but didn't really want to check it down and show my 89 or whatever crappy hand I had at the time. Johnnie folded and told me he had a flush draw and a straight draw. 2500 or so in chips went my way leaving Johnnie with about 3k.

    I attacked his blinds several times, moving in with any decent cards. Johnnie fought back moving in several times himself. Finally with him down to 1600 or so I move in with A6 and he called with AQ. Johnnie doubles through and we start again.

    The next key hand occurred early in the 200/400 level. Johnnie limped and I checked my Q6. Flop came something like 1076, 2 diamonds. I bet the pot with my bottom pair, and Johnnie moved for another 1425 on top. I felt he could be on a flush draw, but I had 5 outs if he wasn't and no draws. I thought a fair bit and decided folding would leave him with 3825, whereas calling and losing would mean we were basically back to square one again. Maybe Johnnie could let me know what he had there.

    I went back to attacking his blinds. Johnnie dodged bullets twice within 4 hands. The final hand, I believe was limped. Flop came J106. I had Q9, Johnnie bets the pot. I flat call. Turn 8 and I moved in. Johnnie called with top2 and didn't improve. Apropos, since the evening had started very similarly.

    It was a very good 2 hour and 10 min battle. gg and gl Johnnie.

    Also thanks for hosting Mario. Great host. He dealt, provided coffee and chocolates. Beautiful table. Highly recommend this location. ;)

    Flint Bones I would like to play this weekend but have to stay home. PM me and maybe we can set something up in Cambridge anytime Fri or something Sat or Sun.
  • moose wrote: »
    Also thanks for hosting Mario. Great host. He dealt, provided coffee and chocolates. Beautiful table. Highly recommend this location. ;)

    All I got was a glass a water! lol

    Good luck next round guys!

    I am playing Friday night!

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • In a tough back and forth battle Seek The Grail Steve wins the match vs ATM_GP Graham.

    Graham thanks for hosting the match! It was certainly a tough one. In one memorable hand I got bluffed off top pair on a Q-J-9-8 turn by I believe it was 7-3. A very nice play by Graham!

    Final hand chips about 6,500 Grail to 5,500 GP.

    Grail limps on button at 50-100 blinds with K-5 off GP checks with K-3 off.

    Flop K-9-5. GP checks Grail bets $200 GP calls (thinking he is trapping but alas drawing real slim)

    Turn J. GP checks Grail bets $400 GP check raises to $1200 Grail reraises to $2400 GP ships it. Grail calls.

    River is a 6 and not a 9 or J for a chop.

    Rob I think you and I are destined to meet soon!

    Looking forward to the next match. And good luck to Graham in his future endeavours!

    Thanks "SeekTheGrail" Steve
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hey all..

    Though I've not talked to Shannon about this, we didn't make last year's a KWTC event, and this one is stupidly difficult to track, I"m guessing it won't be... but we'll see


    It would make it a tad difficult to track, I agree with Mark here.

  • moose wrote: »
    It was an interesting game because we were heads up just recently for the CHPC Championship. btw, anyone find out what happened to Bob at that tourney? Anyways I was very aggressive and took that tourney down.

    That was spooky. About Bob I mean. Compuese what happened to Bob?
    moose wrote: »
    So this time I decided to start out much slower. Since the blinds were 25/25, I decided to confuse Johnnie by alternating between checking and calling. ha ha. Early on the deck hit me right in the face and I kept making 2 pr when Johnnie had a big pp, straights when he had 2 pr, runner runner trips etc etc. Quickly I had him down to 3500 or so.

    That was a very fustrating start for me. I wanted the tournament to last at least an hour, and I was getting creamed by the deck.
    moose wrote: »
    The next key hand occurred early in the 200/400 level. Johnnie limped and I checked my Q6. Flop came something like 1076, 2 diamonds. I bet the pot with my bottom pair, and Johnnie moved for another 1425 on top. I felt he could be on a flush draw, but I had 5 outs if he wasn't and no draws. I thought a fair bit and decided folding would leave him with 3825, whereas calling and losing would mean we were basically back to square one again. Maybe Johnnie could let me know what he had there.

    I had J9, both diamonds. I'm glad my read on your weakness was correct!
    moose wrote: »
    I went back to attacking his blinds. Johnnie dodged bullets twice within 4 hands.

    Bullets, literately. First Moose had the red Aces, then the black ones. Both times I folded garbage hands from the SB. Way to deal me crap, Mario!
    moose wrote: »
    It was a very good 2 hour and 10 min battle. gg and gl Johnnie.

    Also thanks for hosting Mario. Great host. He dealt, provided coffee and chocolates. Beautiful table. Highly recommend this location. ;)

    I agree. Great game Moose, thanks to Mario for his hospitality.

    Rob, will you PM me Jonathans email?
  • I could be completely lost, but I luckboxed my last match and am now I think I am waiting for the 1st runner up of Pokerdro vs. Buzzzzard?

    Let me know
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Rob, will you PM me Jonathans email?

  • Buzzard beats pokerdro.

    I think the match was basically me calling/raising or otherwise known as donking chips to a better hadn time after time. I got lucky once or twice to survive but in the end the 2 outer made up for the previous runner runner. GG Buzzard GL

    Kristy I guess it's you and I. I am gone until tuesday. Hopefully wednesday somewhere, sometime, someplace.
  • Just finished, match between "Pokerdro" Sandro and "Buzzzardd" Dave

    Match started off fairly slowly with each of us taking some small pots. I had a small advantage as the game wore on but neither of us won any really large pots. Most of my chip lead came when I had 10-3 and flopped a full house. Sandro ended up making three pairs so I did get a few chips out of him.
    I finally took a major chip lead on Sandro after getting pocket aces back to back for the first time in my life. Both times I took a substantial amount of chips off of him.
    Just after we had a real good hand. He raised preflop and I called with 7-8 suited. After a 4-5-6 rainbow flop, I was looking for a big payday. He bet and I called. Turn came up a 7. I was a little disappointed but still hoping I could get a few more chips. After my bet and his call, an 8 on the river killed all the action. After he turned over his pocket 4's we both laughed, breathed a sigh of relief and split the pot.
    I kept whittling away at his stack and Sandro was down to 1125 chips. I raised with A-4 and he reraised all in. I called and he turned over K-J. After an Ace and two blanks on the flop, we were ready to shake hands. A Jack on the turn made things more interesting and a King on the river gave Sandro the double up.
    Two hands later, in the 75-150 blind level, I raised with pocket 10's. Again Sandro reraised all in. I called and he turned over A-9. The river came 4-9-5 to give him a few more outs. When another 9 came on the turn, I thought the match had maybe slipped away from me. But I hit my two outer on the river when the 10 came up and all was right in the world again.
    Thanks for a well played game Sandro.
  • You forgot to move Al and Cory to the losers bracket. When is Bristol open next week?
  • Can we do it at 5:30pm?

    I've got plans later that night.
  • DrTyore Mark vs. Ryan_yo Ryan is over

    A fairly laid back, friendly game! Ryan and I started at about 6:00 on Friday night, a lot of check / calling to see the flop, not much action, but a few big hands.

    First big chip exchange was when DrTyore (D) raises to 200 with JJ (blinds 25-50) and Ryan calls, flop 5-A-J, bet 300, called, turn is a 9, river is a 3, I believe, giving Ryan 2 pair, giving DrTyore a fairly big lead, with Ryan down to about 1300 in chips.

    Ryan pushes all in after a DrTyore raise (blinds 50-100), and Drtyore calls, AQo (Mark) vs. 4-6 hearts (Ryan) flop comes 5-8 hearts and a 10(?), Ryan hits the 3h on the river for the flush. He was ahead on the flop with his 18 outs.

    The last hand, blinds 100-200 Ryan raised preflop, to 700 DrTyore calls with A7, flop comes AK4, and DrTyore bets (about 1/2 the pot), Ryan calls. turn A, and Ryan pushes all in... DrTyore calls, Ryan shows 66 to DrTyore's trips, and no help on the turn.

    A GREAT game Ryan, a lot of back and forth, and a lot of fun! Good game!

  • "Aiki65" Don vs "Prophet 22" Brent wrapped up about 15 minutes ago.

    Sounds like our game was similar to the DrTyore/Ryan_yo game. Lot's of back and forth until a hand late in the 50/100 level that went something like the following. Minor pre flop raise and call, flop of QS 4S 4D with me playing KH 4H , check/check, turn comes 5?, I bet, Brent calls, flop comes 7s?, I check, Brent bluffs at a having made the flush, after some thought I call leaving him with about 1800.

    More back and forth untill about 5 minutes into the 100/200 level, I limp with AS JS, Brent checks, flop AQ7 rainbow, I check, Brent goes all in with a Q, I call, and Brent doesn't improve.

    A great game - thanks again Brent.
  • Online brackets have been updated with recent results. (And I've correctly moved losers from the winners brackets back to the losers.)

    If you're sitting on the "B level" of the winner's bracket you're now ahead of schedule so feel free to take this next week off to let the losers catch up.

    If you're on the "A" level of the winner's bracket or the first level of the loser's bracket you're about to fall behind the pace on Monday. Specifically, these matches are about to fall behind the pace...

    "g2" v "Quimby"
    "joeheartsdi" v "Perry"
    "Flint Bones" v. "moose"
    "haddon" v "Peteski"
    "Oragami" v "JohnnieH"
    "stpboy" v "TwoThree"

    I know a few of these are already scheduled and so far people are doing a good job with the pacing.

    Next week. Bristol *I believe* will be open on Thursday. Assume it is unless you read otherwise.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    "Oragami" v "JohnnieH"

    This match will take place on Monday in New Hamburg.

    If anyone needs a venue to play that night, I can host.

  • Flint bones vs Moose on Tues.

    I don't think anyone should take a break. Play your matches as quick as you can. Frankly I am amazed how well it has gone so far.
  • STP Thursday good for you? 7:30-8:00'ish?
  • Peteski and I are playing Monday I believe. 90% confirmed.
  • Joeheartsdi def. PerryD

    It was a really good match i believe we finished near the end of the 50/100 level. I basically luckboxed my way through this one...

    [I going off memory, so im not sure if the hands went exactly this way/but close]
    Couple hands of note: 25/50 Perry limps in and I check holding 67o Flop: 4,5,6 Perry bets 100 I call. Turn: King , I check Perry bets 150 and I call River: 7 I bet out 150 and Perry calls holding 56o and i take it down w/ the higher 2 pair. I hit the river or outkicked perry 3 or 4 times during the match to take down a few hands.

    Final hand 50/100 level, Ive taken down a few smaller pots I believe I had Perry down to 2200 or so. So, I call with 25o and Perry checks. Flop: A K 2, check-check Turn: Blank Perry bets out 200, i call. River: 5 I bet 500 , Perry raises to 1500 , I push perry calls with A,8o and I take it down....

    It was a good match, thanks for hosting Perry. Much appreciated. Have to play together sometime again!

    GG P.

  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    STP Thursday good for you? 7:30-8:00'ish?

    Thursday is actually no good for me. However, Monday at Johnnie's would work for me as would Tuesday. Let me know if those two work for ya 23, thanks.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Thursday is actually no good for me. However, Monday at Johnnie's would work for me as would Tuesday. Let me know if those two work for ya 23, thanks.


    No problems there! Braad, I'm actually a tad closer to London now. You probably drive by my house on your way to Waterloo.

    I'll PM directions to you both.

  • Tuesday is good for me as long as it is around 7:30-8:00
  • Hey all,

    Just confirming that Bristol Street is open for Heads-Up matches on THURSDAY this week. Get them matches scheduled and come on out.

    Perry - would you be able to play me on Thursday night?
  • aiki wouldyou be available thursday night?
  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    Tuesday is good for me as long as it is around 7:30-8:00

    Sure, where do you wanna hold it? We could do Waterloo at my place...let me know.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Sure, where do you wanna hold it? We could do Waterloo at my place...let me know.


    My place is open is need be.
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