Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD



  • Tye are you available before the shootout on Mon?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Tye are you available before the shootout on Mon?

    I'm usually home by 5pm Mon. - Thurs. I would prefer not to do it on Monday because you are playing the Shoot-out at 7pm. This weekend might be tough, but Saturday night or Sunday evening might work. I would like to play the Westside event on Sunday, but My track record at Westside means I'll be done about 2hrs. after it starts.

    What about Tuesday night? I'm off pool for a week, so would that work? (If we can't get together this weekend.)

    Feel free to call me to set something up.
  • "Aiki65" v "Kanga"

    It was a fairly tight match where we didn't seem to hit at the same time. At one point I had Jenn down to around 3500 chips (I think early in the 75/150 level). Jenn came back and had me just over 4000 mid way through the 100/200 level when we ended up all in when she caught pocket K's, raised, and I pushed with AQ. I sucked out big time when I rivered a K for a straight when the board came 10 J ? ? K. A few hands later we ended up all in again when Jenn pushed with 7h 8h and I called with AQ. Neither one of us inproved and that was the match.

    Thanks Jenn - great match.
  • I luckboxed again. Thanks for an incredibly fun match Ty!
  • Congrats to Kristy who rounds out our Final 8! Next up is "Kristy_sea" v "Quimby". The winner plays me, while the loser will play "moose" in the Bubble match.

    Edit: (PS. Didn't you get banned from the boards Kristy?? ;) )
  • Yeah, but I don't negotiate with tyrants, or terrorists..when that became clear- they backed down.

    Pm-ing Quimby to set up match now.
  • Quimby vs. Kristy tentative scheduling

    Plan A: Tuesday Aug. 20
    Plan B: Sunday Aug. 26

    Just an FYI
  • I think plan A is a go! Do I get bonus POY points for scheduling a match in less than a month? It feels like I should. ;)
  • Quimby vs. Kristy

    We meet at Kristy's for 9:00. We discuss our kids and the Shop over her smoke break before the grind.

    25-25 Pretty straightforward play in the first level. Only interesting hand was when I raise preflop with QT and Kristy calls my bet on an AQx flop. Krist check-calls the turn as well. I river a T against A7 and win another bet in a 1500 pot or so to take the early lead.

    25-50 I have K9 on a QJx flop. The T doesn't show up which is good since Kristy had AK. Kristy reraised me preflop on one hand and that was pretty much the only real preflop battle.

    50-100 Midway through I button raise KQo to 250. Kristy calls. Flop comes Kh 9h 6s. I bet 300. Checkraise to 900. I reraise to 2400. Kristy goes all in. I take my time to think about this move as she is showing tremendous strength. I ponder the Yellow Ledbetter lyric “I don’t know whether I’m the boxer or the bag”. I’m trying to decide what hand she would take this line with. After about a minute I get the official count of 2300 to call in a 7300 pot and make the call. She flips K8 I think and I hold up for the win. Kristy said she was debating calling the clock on me but thought it might be suspicious.

    Thanks for hosting and good luck in the bubble match.

    Rob: I’m available weeknights after 8. Let me know what days work for you and we'll keep this moving.

  • Congrats! It looks like it's time for a first round re-match. :) My next free nights are next Mon or Tuesday. (rest of this week is booked up) Either night is fine with me.
  • Ooh this is gonna be fun. When do you want to play Kristy?
  • I should be good both days. Maybe we can play the same day as Kristy/Moose if they're good for one of those days.
  • i am away Mon-Wed next week.
  • Rob,

    I will be at your place Tuesday around 8:00pm.

  • moose wrote: »
    Ooh this is gonna be fun. When do you want to play Kristy?

    I'm confused?
  • I don't think moose/Kristy actually play another match. moose is 5th place, and kristy 6th... based on looks ;)

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I'm confused?

    we play off to determine 5/6.
  • moose wrote: »
    we play off to determine 5/6.

    gl 2u both

  • I thought we'd just get the same number of points..

    Can you play Sunday @ 10 or 11:00 (am or pm)?
  • This is something new for this year's tournament. The winner gets 5th place (with 5th place money and points) while 6th place gets 6th place points and the distinction of being the BUBBLE-BOY (or GIRL)
  • Zithal wrote: »
    This is something new for this year's tournament. The loser gets 5th place (with 5th place money and points) while 6th place gets 6th place points and the distinction of being the BUBBLE-BOY (or GIRL)

    Awesome. I conceed the match to Kristy for 5th place and the money. WOOT! SHIP IT!!!!!!!!
  • Whoops fixed.

    In other news, Quimby and myself will be playing on Tuesday at 8pm to determine who finishes 4th and who moves on to play Kanga.
  • As the tournament slowly winds up, a reminder that Quimby v Zithal, takes place tonight at 8pm.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    As the tournament slowly winds up, a reminder that Quimby v Zithal, takes place tonight at 8pm.

    Good luck!
  • Zithal d. Quimby

    My loss is avenged!!

    Normal back and forth during the first blind level with most of the pots going my way. (Hooray for the river!)

    Final hand with 1 minute left in the first level..

    Blinds at 25/25, I raise to 75 with 64o and Quimby calls. Flop comes a geogeous 357, Quimby checks and I bet 100. Quimby thinks then check-raises me to 350. Woohoo! I call.

    Turn is an 8 which starts getting a little ugly and Quimby checks. I give him a quizzical look and bet 525. Quimby check raises to 1,500, and I push. The call is made and he turns over KK. MYIG and that's the game!

    Quimby takes 4th place in the 2007 Heads-Up Championship for $96 and Zithal moves on to face Kanga in the 3rd place match. Tough final hand.
  • I'm pretty sure I read on the internet somewhere that Bristol street is rigged.

    Just kidding. Congrats Rob and good luck.
  • It looks like the match to determine third place will take place at my place this Friday at 8pm! (At which there may or may not be a Casual Friday. Check back later today to see for sure)
  • Kanga d Zithel

    Very intresting game...

    First hand Rob's the dealer and bet 75 i raise 200 Rob calls.
    Flop 7 A 10 Jenn bets 400 Rob raies 1500 Jenn pushes all in Rob tanks and flods showing AK (Jenn had AK too)

    Blinds 75/150

    Last hand Jenn's the dealer with 87 (shhhh mark!!) Rob checks
    Flop 8 7 5 (2 spades)
    Rob checks Jenn Bets 375 Rob pushes for 1800 total Jenn calls.
    Rob had 92 spades
    turn 6 for Rob's straight but Jenn calls for and is given an 8 on the river for a boat!

    It was a great match Rob!
  • I got schooled. :)

    With my elimination in 3rd place, the stage is set for the Finals...

    "Aiki65" v "Kanga"

    Don needs only to win one game where Jenn needs two in a row to take the title. She found herself in the exact same position last year (which is an amazing feat, by the way). Will she be able to better her performance from last year or will Don take the 2007 title?

    The winner will also be reserved a spot in the 2006 GRAND FINAL.

    We're working on getting a date set and will report back soon.

    (PS. Moose/Kristy.. you still need to play your match!)
  • For those interested, the Finals of the Heads-Up tournament will take place tonight at 8pm at Bristol Street!!

    If Jenn wins the first game, then we'll play it by ear if we're going to play a second game tonight, or move it to another night (in case the first game goes long)
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