Bristol St. 2007 Heads-Up Championship - OFFICIAL THREAD

The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...


$30 Buy-in - Double eliminiation


$$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
1st place - 45% $432
2nd place - 25% $240
3rd place - 15% $144
4th place - 10% $96
5th place - 5% $48

Match Format
6,000 Chips - 20 minute blinds
25/25, 25/50, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200, 150/300, 200/400, 300/600

Player of the Year Points
1st - 57 points
2nd - 40 points
3rd - 33 points
4th - 28 points
5th - 25 points
6th - 23 points
7th(2 players) - 21 points
9th(4 players) - 18 points
13th(4 players) - 15 points
17th(8 players) - 0 points
25th(8 players) - 0 points




    1st -
    2nd -
    3rd -
    4th - "Quimby" Duane - 28 points
    5th -
    6th -
    7th - "buzzzardd" Dave - 21 points
    7th - "8Ball" Tye - 21 points
    9th - "the bus" Chris - 18 points
    9th - "stpboy" Shannon - 18 points
    9th - "joeheartsdi" Joe - 18 points
    9th - "haddon" Josh - 18 points
    13th - "SeekTheGrail" Steve - 15 points
    13th - "Dirty Whore" Mark - 15 points
    13th - "folded" Cory - 15 points
    13th - "800Over" Nik - 15 points
    17th - "peteski" Pete - 0 points
    17th - "Flint Bones" Andrew - 0 points
    17th - "Prophet22" Brent - 0 points
    17th - "PerryD" Perry - 0 points
    17th - "g2" Greg - 0 points
    17th - "DataMn" Al - 0 points
    17th - "JohnnieH" Johnnie - 0 points
    17th - "Sandro" - 0 points
    25th - "FASSman" Will - 0 points
    25th - "beanie42" Trevor - 0 points
    25th - "Ranger" Mike - 0 points
    25th - "ATM_GP" Graham - 0 points
    25th - "Ryan_yo" Ryan - 0 points
    25th - "TwoThree" Brad - 0 points
    25th - "ItasMe" Mario - 0 points
    25th - "Oragami" Jonathan - 0 points

    "Kanga" v "Ryan_yo"
    "DirtyWhore" v "DataMn"
    "stpboy" v "the bus"
    "folded" v "TwoThree"

    "Pokerdro" v "ATM_GP"
    "Buzzard" v "SeekTheGrail"
    "Ranger" v "g2"
    "Quimby" v "Zithal"

    "800Over" v "joeheartsdi"
    "FASSman" v "PerryD"
    "Kristy_Sea" v "Aiki65"
    "ItsaMe" v "Prophet22"

    "Flint Bones" v "Oragami"
    "JohnnieH" v "Moose"
    "8Ball" v "Haddon"
    "Beanie42" v "Petski"
  • Hey everyone! The first round matches are now posted above and games can begin at anytime! I'll have the online brackets updated on Monday.

    I'll also be sharing out a google doc and google group which contains the contact info for everyone in the tournament. Only those in the tournament will have access to this information and will help you get in contact with people that you have matches against.

    As a reminder, July 2nd (three weeks away) is the date where we're shooting to have half the field eliminated. Please do not delay in getting your matches played!

    You may look on here to see dates that Bristol Street will be open for matches. This coming week, I'll be available on Monday and Wednesday to host matches, starting at 7pm. Feel free to arrange your match and drop in to play it.

  • I guess that means to more Bristols until after July 2. :(

    JohnnyH and I are tentatively scheduled for Mario's Wed. Jun. 20. 8pm?
  • Zithal,

    I will be at your place Wednesday at around 7:30 after I put the kid to bed.
  • Ranger Mike, when do you wanna play?

  • moose wrote: »
    I guess that means to more Bristols until after July 2. :(

    JohnnyH and I are tentatively scheduled for Mario's Wed. Jun. 20. 8pm?

    Could we do 7pm? Or even 7:30pm?
  • 7:30 goooood
  • Quimby wrote: »

    I will be at your place Wednesday at around 7:30 after I put the kid to bed.

    Excellent! See you then!
  • Joehearstdie and I will be at Bristol on Wed at 7pm.....
  • Are you available to Play Monday evening Fassman?

    I will be too busy to play for the rest of the week so if possible, I'd like to get this matchup done tonight.

    Perry D.
  • Rob, can you send me SeekTheGrails info. The site does not allow me to send him a PM.
    If he can play at 8:30 on Wednesday at Bristol I can skip out of work early.

  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Rob, can you send me SeekTheGrails info. The site does not allow me to send him a PM.
    If he can play at 8:30 on Wednesday at Bristol I can skip out of work early.


    Email sent.
  • Rob, can you send me Fassman's info?

  • I am moments away from my match with 'Ranger' Mike. Results to follow!

  • Just finished my match against 'Ranger' Mike. About an hour into the match I had him on the ropes. He was down to just above 2000 and we got all the chips in. I had 99, he had 66. 6 on the turn and he doubled up. I managed to keep the lead though. At the 2 hour mark (last hand before 200/400) I check-raised him all-in on a 245 board after he had raised preflop. Turns out he had 24 for two pair. But it was my turn to get lucky. 5 on the turn and Q on the river gave me a better two pair and my ticket to the second round!!!! :):):)

    One interesting hand in the early levels was Mike flopping QQQ holding Qx... and I was betting into him the whole way with AJ and the worst part was I hit my A on the river so I paid him off nicely. Funniest part was I said "I promise I don't have the queen" while betting into him.... as if he needed me to tell him! HAHAHA

    Great game Mike :)

  • Hey Rob, can you PM or email your address for Wednesday night.

  • Tye and I are finished.

    Ended last handed of the second level.

    Some key hands:

    12th hand Tye had me down to 925 chips. We got all in preflop my JJ vs AA. I turned a set, Tye hit broadway on the river.

    Twice Tye called my all ins on the flop. Once with ace high. And once with Jack high. I had a flopped flush draw with two overs on the flop against his Jack high call and hit my flush. The ace high call he made ended in a chop with my ace high.

    It was a very interesting match. Tye had me sweating in a few hands, and I'm sure I did the same to him. I ended up calling his all in on the river on a 7K9 8 2 board with K2. Tye had A7. It was a pretty much 'cards don't matter' game. If Tye sensed weakness he pounced, as did I.

    I won, with the K2 which was the last hand of the second level.
    Thanks to Kristy for dealing.

    Looking forward to my next match.
    GG Tye!
  • Damn.. that was one of the games I wanted to watch

  • Ermmm... I mean...

    Congrats Haddon!

  • Congrats to our first two winners, "g2" and "haddon". The online brackets have been updated.

    Sounds like a bunch of games are scheduled for this Wednesday night!

    By Monday, June 18th, I'll be sending out emails to people that are starting to fall behind the pace. This'll be my "Yellow" list. Please make sure you get your games played in a timely manner.
  • Fair enough...

    Datamn, do you want to play on Sunday at Marios?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Damn.. that was one of the games I wanted to watch


    Why do you think I offered to deal? It's not every day you get the opportunity to see a hand go.



    ALL IN

    "CALL! I have Jack high"

    "you're good so far."
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Why do you think I offered to deal? It's not every day you get the opportunity to see a hand go.



    ALL IN

    "CALL! I have Jack high"

    "you're good so far."

    HAHA! That is going to be my game with Cory!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Why do you think I offered to deal? It's not every day you get the opportunity to see a hand go.



    ALL IN

    "CALL! I have Jack high"

    "you're good so far."

    That was definitly one of the highlites of the match.

    Over all, I feel I only played as a "B" player. (Maybe a +B)

    GG&GL Haddon! Fun as always.

  • TwoThree' wrote: »
    HAHA! That is going to be my game with Cory!

    When/where is that match being played?
  • Ok Mario,

    Thursday night it is. I had 2 names on my wall I wanted to play and yours was one of them. I guess I am looking for a little revenge from when you beat me at Bristol a couple of months back.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • haddon wrote: »
    12th hand Tye had me down to 925 chips. We got all in preflop my JJ vs AA. I turned a set, Tye hit broadway on the river.

    Perhaps I am misreading this part, but shouldn't this hand have ended the match in Tye's favour? A straight beats a set and if Haddon only had 925 chips then Tye was obviously the chip leader, and thus should win the match? Unless you were playing with different starting stacks?


    Confused in Elmira
  • I thought the same thing, but then I took it that the 925 was what he had left after Tye hit his straight.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Sounds like there are a number of matches happening at my place tonight. The basement's prepped with 7 stations for matches, so things are ready to go on my end.

    Don't forget to bring your buy-in if you're coming tonight, and dress light! It's a warm week.

    And, if you haven't arranged your match, please do so. The pacing is about one match/week.
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