Chris Takes the 1st Game with a DOUBLE ELIMINATION!!

What a hand that last hand was!!!

BigChris is first to act and raises 3x the BB to 1200 with KQs. Eleanor goes all in for the rest of her chips, about 500+ more I think. BusDriver, holding AQs calls. Flop comes down A10rag...Jeff pushes his last 225 chips, and Chris calls. Turn gives Chris a flush draw, but the Jack on the river nailed the hand for him with a straight, knocking out both Jeff and Eleanor's pocket 8's. The picture tells the whole story after that!!


Tonight's Chump was Garry, who seems to always get knocked out with pocket aces, when his AKs got paired but no better.

Great game everyone. I know everyone is out of practise and tired, but everyone played exceptionally well. What a great start to the new season.


  • Congrats Chris on another win. Great Job.

  • I remember the OLD know, they guy who never caught cards, the one who would fold KQs OOP. The guy who would go in with the best hand, but always get beat on the river.

    Whatever happened to THAT Chris??? <sigh>

    Great game Chris. You came back from an early loss and fought back hard to win it yet again.

    Damn you all to hell anyway! ;)
  • Congrats fellow infantryman! Hopefully I'll have my C9 or Mortar ready.

    From AJ's seems you were chasing an insider but I guess for 225 more, you were committed and it surely was huge pot odds. Your a Chinghill Governor.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I remember the OLD know, they guy who never caught cards, the one who would fold KQs OOP. The guy who would go in with the best hand, but always get beat on the river.

    Whatever happened to THAT Chris??? <sigh>

    Great game Chris. You came back from an early loss and fought back hard to win it yet again.

    Damn you all to hell anyway! ;)

    Thanks guys.

    BTW Great game last night Amanda, nice come back from 200 chips.

    No one was more surprised that my hands were holding up then I.

    My A-K vs. Steve’s hand holds up.

    A-10 vs. Justin’s hand holds up.

    Pocket Q's vs. Justin hand holds up.

    Serious what the hell is going on? I’m supposed to lose these.

    When we were 3 handed and I picked up Kh-Qh, I was thinking, "I'm on the button, and the two smaller stacks are in the blinds and I have a good hand, what's the chances they have anything?"

    Boy was I wrong.

    When I sucked out the straight I was shocked as I was expecting to suck out the flush instead.

    Great game every one.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Congrats fellow infantryman! Hopefully I'll have my C9 or Mortar ready.

    From AJ's seems you were chasing an insider but I guess for 225 more, you were committed and it surely was huge pot odds. Your a Chinghill Governor.

    The last hand was nuts.

    When Eleanor pushed all in and Jeff called I knew I was behind.

    Then the flop comes A-10-x and Jeff puts his last 225 I know I'm totally behind but I can't fold for 225 into a pot that is like 6000 so I called.

    Turn gave me a flush draw and the river filled in the gut shot.

    Just dirty.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I remember the OLD know, they guy who never caught cards, the one who would fold KQs OOP. The guy who would go in with the best hand, but always get beat on the river.

    Whatever happened to THAT Chris??? <sigh>

    Great game Chris. You came back from an early loss and fought back hard to win it yet again.

    Damn you all to hell anyway! ;)

    Good one Chris!!! No argument here, you sure know how to play this game.
    Congrats to 2nd and 3rd place finishers too.

    As for "THAT Chris" (see quote above), take a good look at me AJ, next time we sit at a poker table...

  • congrats chris.
  • Fun game last night - Thursdays just weren't the same without youse guys!

    Congrats Chris, you lucksack. ;)
  • After months of being sucked out on, I was able to reverse engineer the suck out and then rebuild it into my own game.

    Fear it.
  • I'm gonna wear my beret if I can make it next week, so watchout mr.primrose.

    Also congrats to Eleneor and Jeff.
    BigChrisEl wrote: »
    After months of being sucked out on, I was able to reverse engineer the suck out and then rebuild it into my own game.

    Fear it.
  • If you squint hard enough the freckles on a rat fink lucksack look like the Monalisa.

    good game Jr. Mint
  • If you squint hard enough the freckles on a rat fink lucksack look like the Monalisa.

    good game Jr. Mint

    Jeff you're the funniest

    I can just feel the love......I guess you're bringing ugly back. ;)
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    .I guess you're bringing ugly back.

    Has Ugly ever left??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Has Ugly ever left??
    Yep, I knew things were going to end up ugly for me when it was me and 2 Elliots in the final 3.
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