
So it's Thursday.

I miss you guys. Don't you miss my money?

If the next Ching Hill season doesn't start soon....I may have to start watching So You Think You Can Dance. Then Chris might divorce me. And that would be sad.



  • Divorce you?? Hell, I would have thought he would JOINED you ;)

    They have been re-evaluating my route and might change into 4 days/10 hour days instead of my regular 5 days/8hour days. If so, I may not make it for next season as I will be off the clock around 8-8:30pm.
  • sniff sniff sniff

    I would say I miss your money too, but I didn't get much of it.

    Tough break one the work schedule Romer, hopefully it works out.
  • dammit I told you guys that if we didn't have a game tonight I would be stuck watching So You Think You Can Dance.

    and There is no hockey game I can switch too

    Hope there is a game next week....
  • Pirate Master was on last night :D
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