Just getting an idea of interest in a bounty Tourney


So I've finally got the OK from the boss at the house...

I want to put together a low limits tournement (Most likely $10 buy in with $5 bounty).... Trick with the Bounty is that the $5 will be assigned to other players by the person paying.

An example..We have Fred, George, Harry, and Professor Dumbledore sitting down a the tourney....

Fred puts $2 on Harry, $1 on George, and $2 on Proffessor D.
George decides to put $5 on Professor D.
Harry puts $2 on George and $3 on Professor D.
Professor D love the attention and puts $5 on himself.

So the bounties for the tournements would be
Fred $0
George $3
Harry $2
Professor D. $12

The Bounties would be posted before the tournement begins so that everyone knows how much each person's bounty is...depending on the number of people and who puts which bounties on whom, its possible to have a bountry worth more then coming in 1st place..go figure :)

Anyways, currently just trying to get an idea of the interest....I'm thinking max. 20 people but if there's enough interest that can change (but I need to find tables).

Start time would be 7:30 pm Saturday June 2.

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