June 9, 2007 WSOP Warm up Part II Bradford at 12 NOON



  • Thanks for the great time Joe and Aimee, it was a blast, can't wait for the next one
  • Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I finally did it. I finished first in a tourney.. Was a great day. I call it mudslide poker, which enabled me to loosen up my play. CanadaDave was at my table all day, with huge chip lead. Then Trevor had big chip lead. I became third in chips. I largely hurt Trevor, I was big blind (I think), Trevor was second to act, and raised 2 or 3 thousand, folded around to me, I had about 10thousand behide me with A5o, i called the raise. Flop brought out 3 5 5 ,
    I checked, Trevor made about a 2 thousand bet, I pushed all in. He thought about it for a long time having hit the 3, he put me on two over cards. Mean while I wanted to kick or hit KRT, for talking while the hand was still going, he called my hand but Trevor didnt hear him . (THANK GAWD!!). Trevor decided to call, saying I bet I am a donk for doing so. Well guess what YEP! DONK! (I luv you Trevor). After that, I just kept going. Trevor came back a bit but ended up bustin out on the bubble Then there were three. Me with the chip lead at the point, Canadadave next and KRT third.

    Those two were trying very hard to take my chips, didnt work. KRT finally busted out and then me dave were heads up. I am not sure what the last hand was. But, we did pass chips back and forth for a while. Dave won a few large pots and became chip leader. Then i fought back, pushing and was up on him by about 5 to thousand chips. When we finally had the blow up hand.
    I do know I raised, dave reraised me and i went all in. And he call before i could put my chips in the middle. I hope he remembers what the cards were .
    I think I had a 9 off. and he had k j off. my ace high held up to take it down.


    Great game, Thanks to all for coming out.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I think Aimee's experience in the Bristol Heads up championship paid off as she slowly chipped away at Dave until she had a slight chip lead. They got into a big blow up hand in which she took him out. I didn't see the hand as I was involved in a side game so I'll let them post. Congrats to all the money finishers and thanks to all who came out.

    EDIT: Aimee I am about 99% the below hand history is accurate... it varies from yours, but I'm pretty sure it's right.

    First of all, thanks for hosting another great tournament. I don't think there will be too many you host that I miss. (and it isn't just because I can walk home after :P )

    And you aren't kidding about the "slight chip lead" when we counted the chips up after the final hand... Aimee had me out chipped by 300.... considering there was just over 130,000 in play, slight is an understatement.

    As for the final hand... it is a good old fashion donk off of chips. We had ben battling back and forth, not seeing many flops as I think we play a similar style. So when I saw the best hand of the headsup A-Joffsuit I figured I had the best of it, and after she limped in, I raised it up 5k preflop(I think Aimee was dealer). Aimee called pretty fast, so I put her on two highish card; but not strong enough to raise with. ( I was wrong.. but it was the flop that was the dagger)

    Flop comes 5-4-7 rainbow I think. SO with my read(false read) I decided to bet out 10k (about the pot) and represent a bigger than 7s Pocker Pair. Aimee quickly called... I thought perhaps she was planning on bluffing me out on the turn, since that flop probably didn't hit me (boy was she right).... Now Turn comes, it's another 7. As the first person to act, and expecting Aimee to raise anything I bet, I quickly pushed my chips in. about 51,000. Aimee instacalls... (OH CRAP!!)...

    Sure enough my initial read was bogus (probably the first bad one all day.. nice timing DONK!)... and Aimee turns over 2 pair (5-4 of diamonds).

    Here pair of 4s was conterfieted by the second 7... so I was drawing to an A or a J... but alas river was an 8 (maybe)... and Aimee took it down.

    Great playing by the whole final table... and what could of been an epic battle between Aimee and I... didn't last more than 20 minutes.

    Bad timing for a bluff... 3rd straight money for me though.. so I am on a roll lately.

    Thanks again guys!
  • ahhhh See Dave.

    I knew I had only some of the cards right. lol that is very right now I remember the 54 and hitting that board hard. I beleive the all in came after you bet the turn card, I know I raised you all in. That I do know and you called me right away.

    I do agree with you on the great final table play ..

    It was an awsome day.

    As for after the game. I did make some extra cash in the mini sit and gos we played. Just ask Cam about that one *wink* I still luv you Cam. Even if I should not have called with my 33. But, like I said I just knew you hit none of that flop. Maybe if you had bet on the turn or river. cause I beleive you check it down with me after your first raise. But then again, maybe not, I just knew I had you for some reason. (womans gut feeling never lets me down)..
  • ahhhh See Dave.

    I knew I had only some of the cards right. lol that is very right now I remember the 54 and hitting that board hard. I beleive the all in came after you bet the turn card, I know I raised you all in. That I do know and you called me right away.

    Actually I'm 100% positive I raised all in on the turn.. I would of folded had you raised me all in at any point. I know this because I was bluffing... and I raise on a bluff.. not call on one. :D <- not a complete donk.
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