Guelph Sunday?

Who wants to play Sunday? Not sure what time maybe 5pm and we can stop to eat some chili (i will provide).

5000 starting stack
20 minute blinds
starting at 25-50 then up... don't worry I'l be gentle
Buy in- 10dollars, plus five dollar bounty




  • Hey,

    Is this the same home game where it was the 4th hand. First level of blinds
    10/20 with 1500 starting chips. I was under the gun with Pocket 9's
    I raised 700 total and got 2 callers.

    Flop was 5 9 3 rainbow

    small blind checks

    I raise all in

    limper thinks for awhile makes a call say's "I have outs" ...

    small blind folds

    I then laugh cuz' he called a ridiculous pre-flop raise with A2 off suit

    His hand doesn't improve

    I win the pot
    15th hand later I look at KK

    seeing how loose everyone at the table is to preflop raises I raise 100 x the BB guess what?!?! 4 callers see a flop!


    Maybe it was the cheap $10 dollar buy in. But I felt like I was playing at a Play Money Table at one of those online sites.
  • Ah... not my home game, but thanks for the memory. I will update the above for blinds and etc...

  • How much you buy in for?
  • Here we go although it looks pretty dry right now.... Come on people

  • Sorry Mikey, can't make it tomorrow.
  • You might aswell forget Guelph Games...

    This forum should be called KW Poker Forum. or Bristol Street Poker Forum

  • Well i guess this game is dead, i shall try again soon.

  • ali, why you godda be such a dick? In case you haven't noticed, you aren't signing up for these games either. So you aren't helping the problem...and you seem to be bashing the only one who is trying to revive the guelph games...
    So please god, go post your (ridiculous) bad beat stories and silly comments in your own thread where i can choose not to read them.
  • lol games dead.. how bout a barrie game?
  • djalikool wrote: »
    You might aswell forget Guelph Games...

    This forum should be called KW Poker Forum. or Bristol Street Poker Forum


    Not sure how many K-W members there are here but I am new to this pokerforum and am living in waterloo. Is any one hosting any games here?
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