Summer Shootout ideas...

Hey all,

With the summer weather making my place a boiler, I wanted some feedback on a second tournament series over the summer, that could run at the same time as the likely to return Heads-Up Championship. Here's the idea...

The Bristol Street Summer Shoot-Out (rough notes)

- Nine pre-lim matches of 9 players each.
- Winner of each moves on to the Final Table. (on a date decided at the beginning of the run)
- May only sign up for one pre-lim match at a time, but may play more than one pre-lim. May not play another pre-lim once you win a seat into the final table.

Buy-in / Pay-out proposal

Pre-Lim's : 5,000 chips to start, regular Bristol 20 minute blinds.
Buy-in: $20 ($180 prize pool)

1st: Entry to the Final Table
2nd-3rd: $20 (ie. free chance at another pre-lim if you so choose)

Final Table : 20,000 chips to start, regular Bristol 30 minute blind levels.
Buy-in: ($140 - the remainder from the pre-lim tables) ($1260 prize pool)

1st: (40%) $504.00
2nd: (23%) $289.80
3rd: (12%) $151.20
4th: (7%) $88.20
5th: (5.5%) $69.30
6th: (4.5%) $56.70
7th: (3.5%) $44.10
8th: (2.5%) $31.50
9th: (2.0%) $25.20

PoY Points:

I'm not sure exactly how to award points here as awarding points for an 81 person tournament seems a bit much for a double-shootout.
Basically, the idea is that we award the final table 1st - 9th, points based on an XX person tournament. For the pre-lim, 2nd-4th(ish) would also get awarded points. (Obviously, since you can play multiple pre-lims, only the high score you achieved would apply. Here's a sample.

Finals: 1-57 2-41 3-33 4-29 5-26 6-23 7-22 8-20 9-19
Pre-lims: 2-17 3-16 4-15 5->9-0

Other Notes:

The finals would definitely happen at Bristol Street, but I'd love to open pre-lims in other locations. (eg. If the Rocks wanted to host one of the pre-lims in Milton, that would be cool.)

The dates of the Finals would be pre-chosen and participation in the tournament means that you'd be free for the Finals. (I'm thinking one of the last couple weekends in August.) No showing the finals would count as a DQ and you'd be awarded last place. We could change this to being blinded out, but I don't that'd be fair to the other players.

The nice thing about this is that there's only 9 players in the basement at a time, which will keep things cooler.

Post your thoughts. If you're willing to host a pre-lim, please let me know, either on here or by PM, along with some sample dates in June / July that are good for you, and if there's some positive feedback, we'll make the official announcement in a week or so.


  • I would be interested in a preliminary match in Milton, or help organize one in Mississauga. If there are other interested players that would be closer to Mississauga than K-W, please PM.
    Zithal wrote: »
    ... I'd love to open pre-lims in other locations. (eg. If the Rocks wanted to host one of the pre-lims in Milton, that would be cool.)
    If you're willing to host a pre-lim, please let me know
  • Count me in if there is one in milton or mississauga are. also i can host one at my place. thanks.
  • Great ideas Rob.

    How about a 2nd chance 2nd place table to make it to the final table. ie all players who finish in the 2nd spot in the first 9 matches play in a tourney to get a "bonus" 10th seat at the final table. Or even the 2nd and 3rd places who could play a double shootout or something like that. Realistically with the numbers that you normally pull in most players will be able to make it to 2 of the prelims (assuming you have one in Milton where you have a few new faces). A second chance game would be fun. (I'd be happy to run it) You could call it Bristol street's Tournament of not quite Champions!!
  • I've got A/C in Cambridge.
  • moose wrote: »
    I've got A/C in Cambridge.

    LOL, that new thing called a/c hasn't made it's way to Waterloo yet.... I'm sure in a few years they'll figure it out :)

    I like what I see Rob, sounds like fun. I'd also be interested if one game took place in Miss/Milton area as it shaves about 40 minutes off my trek to Bristol.
  • Zithal wrote: »

    Final Table : 20,000 chips to start, regular Bristol 30 minute blind levels.
    Buy-in: ($140 - the remainder from the pre-lim tables) ($1260 prize pool)

    1st: (40%) $504.00
    2nd: (23%) $289.80
    3rd: (12%) $151.20
    4th: (7%) $88.20
    5th: (5.5%) $69.30
    6th: (4.5%) $56.70
    7th: (3.5%) $44.10
    8th: (2.5%) $31.50
    9th: (2.0%) $25.20


    Doesn't make sense to payout the whole final table with 9-10 people it should only be 3 payout's top 50% 30% 20%.

    Just my thoughts.
  • This payout is standard shootout structure. Everyone at the final table has already "won" a mini-tournament with 90% of the payout they would have received held over to the next game. Makes sense to me.
  • This payout is standard shootout structure. Everyone at the final table has already "won" a mini-tournament with 90% of the payout they would have received held over to the next game. Makes sense to me.

    Correct. If every pre-lim fills then that means a total of 81 people would have taken part in the tournament. Paying out each position at the final table is akin to paying out the top 10% of a tournament.

    In reality the payouts are a little deeper than this as 2nd/3rd in the pre-lims would get their money back.

    Here's a question; what do we do if a pre-lim does not attrack 9 people?
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Here's a question; what do we do if a pre-lim does not attrack 9 people?

    Let Mark, Josh and Cory rebuy.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Here's a question; what do we do if a pre-lim does not attrack 9 people?

    I doubt you are going to have this problem, but you would then not pay 3rd I would guess.
  • This could easily happen in a non-Bristol preliminary SNG. At least 9 people may sign up for a Mississauga/Milton/Brampton SNG, but if less than 9 players actually show up, flexibility will be required in order to send a $140 winner to the Bristol final instead of cancelling the event. IMHO, adjusting the 3rd or 2nd prizes would be preferable to allowing rebuys.
    I doubt you are going to have this problem, but you would then not pay 3rd I would guess.
  • I like the idea of a satellite tournament(s); maybe Joe could host one up in Bradford for those of us north of the GTA? Assuming this is acceptable to the organizer?
  • Maybe talk to AJ about hosting one or two in Ching Hill, and maybe one in Milton, another one in Bradford with AcidJoe? I'm sure you can fill 5-6 easily with everyone only playing in one.

    In case of someone dropping out last minute (or not filling), just adjust the payout structure at the prelim. Maybe have 7 players min at the prelim requirement?
  • I am in and may be able to host a game or 2 (gotta love central air).
    May only sign up for one pre-lim match at a time, but may play more than one pre-lim. May not play another pre-lim once you win a seat into the final table.

    Does this mean you will post all the matches and people can sign up for 1 match and then after it is determined who can play, people can sign up for a second game?
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I like the idea of a satellite tournament(s); maybe Joe could host one up in Bradford for those of us north of the GTA? Assuming this is acceptable to the organizer?

    I'm in for a tourney in Bradford. (yep I'm so lazy I'll only go if it is within walking distance... hehe j/k)

    I'd be interested in milton or mississauga as well.
  • 2BULLETS wrote: »
    Does this mean you will post all the matches and people can sign up for 1 match and then after it is determined who can play, people can sign up for a second game?

    Correct, that's why I'd like to get alternate places confirmed before I do an announcement.
  • I'd love to host one or two of these (at my place on University).

  • This would be so cool, I would be up for this bad boy :D

    Im IN!

    as long as it is on a Sat after 5, sunday or monday!
  • I could host a Pre-lim in New Hamburg after June 15.


    ps...since I'll be in Europe until June 8, you may not here from me, but I'll try to check the forum from there.
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