Bristol St. Classic XXXIV - Results!!

It's Rebuy maddness time!!! As has happened before, the $5 unlimited re-buy format proved to push the prize pool well above normal Bristol Street tournaments. To make matters more interesting, summer decided to pay an early visit, which subjected many to their first warm Bristol tournament The fans will be prepared for next time!

With only 26 people showing the cash was roughly double a normal tournament and, with "Beanie42"'s elimination (and choice not to rebuy) at 8:23pm, the players began to drop.

As the tables shrank a smaller turnout meant a smaller number of places able to get points in the Player of the Year race. Finally at 10:57pm, "waltsfriend" busted out in 13th place and put the rest of the players in the points, including a couple brand new faces to the 2007 season.

At 11:10pm, "PokerQueen" Mandy busted out in 10th and our Final Table was formed.


Seat 1: "joeheartsdi" Joe ($42,500)
Seat 2: "Kanga" Jenn ($8,000)
Seat 3: "labeach2002" Steve ($28,900)
Seat 4: "Kristy_Sea" Kristy ($51,400)
Seat 5: "povertyjetset" JT ($22,800)
Seat 6: "SeekTheGrail" Steve ($16,000)
Seat 7: "Slippery" Pete ($15,300)
Seat 8: "dgangsta" Tim ($15,800)
Seat 9: "Dr" Larry ($27,800)

Blinds started with only a few minutes left in the 400-800(100) level, and we had two previous 2007 Champions at the table ("Kristy_sea" and "SeekTheGrail" which meant that the Player of the Year standings could be in for a shakeup!)

9th Place: "Kanga" Jen - 11:26pm

Coming to the table as the shortstack, Jen was also the first to leave the table. Faced with a shrinking stack, Jen made a move with K3 only to be called in two spots. Play was checked down to the river, where the board 4 flushed with hearts. No one held a heart in hand, but Jen's King-high didn't hold up after the board paired another player. This was Jen's first appearance of 2007 and chalks up a final table appearance in a tournament filled with land mines. Great job!

8th Place: "Slippery" Pete - 11:36pm

With a second place finish in BSC XXX, Pete was looking to build upon a solid start to 2007. With blinds now at 500-1,000(100), Pete raised to 4,000 and Kristy pushed all in. Pete called showing 88, and the race was on with Kristy holding AJ. An Ace on the flop put Pete way behind and, even though he picked up a gutshot draw, the board blanked out, sending Pete out in 8th place.

7th Place: "dgangsta" Tim - 11:42pm

A few minutes later, in other race situation, Tim found himself all-in pre-flop holding AK vs the 99 of JT. The flop brought no help for Tim and, in fact made his situation worse by being all clubs. (JT held the only club between the two players which killed two of Tim's outs.) The board ran out on Tim, eliminating him in 7th place. This was Tim's second tournament and second Final Table of 2007, though a cash finish still eludes, "dgangsta".

6th Place: "SeekTheGrail" Steve - 11:58pm (BUBBLE-BOY)

The BSC XXX Champion was to be our bubble-boy has his shortstacked push with 78 (one heart), was called, and dominated, by the 98 of... someone who I forgot to write down. The flop brought Steve hope as it came all hearts giving him a flush draw and a gutshot straight draw. Once again, the board ran out and Steve became the BSC XXXIV Bubble boy!

5th Place: "labeach2002" Steve - 12:20am ($55)

With blinds up to 1k-2k (300), On a flop of 48Q, Steve makes a bold bluff to get Kristy off the hand, but she calls with 8J and is way ahead of Steve's 36. The miracle doesn't come and Steve is the first play out to cash. This is Steve's second cash (both 5th places) and Steve gets a nice chunk of points to move him up the Player of the Year board.

4th Place: "povertyjetset" JT - 12:52am ($105)

First time Bristol Street player JT ends his first tournament here on a high note with an excellent 4th place finish. As the night wore on exhaustion was beginning to face players as many misread hands and misplayed betting. This hand was one of the latter. With 4 players left, JT held TT and meant to raise, but had accidentally announce a call first. This allowed Larry, in the SB to see a cheap flop with Q7. The flop came 779 which spelled disaster for JT has he held the usually favoriable overpair to a paired board. After a turned 9, JT thought his hand the best and found himself all-in and out of the tournament.

3rd Place: "joeheartsdi" Joe - 1:18pm ($160)

Joe's bust out hand was unremarkable, because it was the previous one that crippled him. (Please correct me if I've messed up the order of play here). In the SB Joe flat called with Q9 to Kristy's 8T. The flop came 2Q9, giving Joe top two pair. His flop check got Kristy to bluff at the pot to which Joe slow played with a call. The turn J filled Kristy's gutshot and Joe, seeing the board get a little more dangerous, decided to protect against possible draws at this point by pushing. Sadly for Joe, Kristy had already got there with her straight and Joe didn't hit the boat on the river. He was eliminated on the next hand when he pushed with Q8 and ran into Kristy's A8. This was Joe' first cash and second final table of 2007. With his elimination we were now heads up.


"Dr" Larry - $115,500
"Kristy_sea" Kristy - $121,000

With blinds only at 1.5k-3k(500) things couldn't have been more even with still a ton of play left in the night. Kristy effectively built her lead in the early goings and within 20 minutes had Larry down to just over $40k. Things looked to be all over when both players found themselves all-in with Kristy's A9 was dominating Larry's A4. The river brought Larry a wheel and the tide began to turn, with Larry taking the offensive, building his stack and started knocking Kristy down into danger range. Over this time, the blinds increased to 2k-4k, then to 3k-6k and finally to the capped level of 4k-8k. During this time Kristy was able to battle back and once again reclaimed the chip lead. After a record 54 minutes of heads up action, and with stacks getting close to even again, the final hand was played out.

On a board of 927 with two clubs, Kristy bet out 9,000 and was raised 30,000 more by Larry. Kristy pushed all-in and Larry went into the tank. After thinking for a bit, he commented, "You on a flush draw?" and it took only a few more moments for Larry to make a gutsy call showing A2 for bottom pair. His read was correct as Kristy turn over 6c4c for the flush draw With only his pair of twos, though, Kristy had 15 outs twice to win the hand giving her a slight advantage but being very close to a coin flip at this point. The turn was a non-club 8, and the river was also not a club. But it was one of the remaining 6's in the deck and, after counting the chips, Kristy had "Dr" Larry covered and became, at 2:12am, the Bristol Street XXXIV Champion winning her second Bristol Street title of 2007 as well as taking home a prize of $480. Larry, for his efforts, in his first tourney of 2007, earned $265 for second place.

With Kristy's impressive 1st/1st/5th finishes this year, she takes a commanding lead in the Player of the Year race and is now the player to catch. With 2/3rd of the year left to play will others be able to catch her, or will her lead become insurmountable?


1st - "Kristy_sea" Kristy - 2:12am ($480) - 51 points
2nd - "Dr" Larry - 2:12am ($265) - 36 points
3rd - "joeheartsdi" Joe - 1:18am ($160) - 29 points
4th - "povertyjetset" JT - 12:52am ($105) - 25 points
5th - "labeach2002" Steve - 12:20am ($55) - 23 points
6th - "SeekTheGrail" Steve - 11:58pm (BUBBLE-BOY) - 21 points
7th - "dgangsta" Tim - 11:42pm - 19 points
8th - "Slippery" Pete - 11:36pm - 18 points
9th - "Kanga" Jen - 11:26pm - 17 points
10th - "PokerQueen" Mandy - 11:08pm - 16 points
11th - "Deepnet" Dan - 11:03pm - 15 points
12th - "DirtyWhore" Mark - 11:01pm - 15 points
13th - "waltsfriend" Sandy - 10:57pm
14th - "g2" Greg - 10:52pm
15th - "800Over" Nik - 10:17pm
16th - "Prophet22" Brent - 10:05pm
17th - "DataMn" Al - 9:49pm
18th - "Aiki65" Don - 9:48pm
19th - "Zithal" Rob - 9:46pm
20th - "Oragami" Jonathan - 9:35pm
21st - "haddon" Josh - 9:30pm
22nd - "moose" Rob - 9:29pm
23rd - "JohnnieH" Johnnie - 9:21pm
24th - "compuease" Jeff - 8:42pm
25th - "ItsaMe" Mario - 8:41pm
26th - "beanie42" Trevor - 8:23pm


  • I always look forward to reading Rob's tournament recap. It's the next best thing to being there.
    I am really going to try to make it to one of his tournies in the near future. I just wish they were on the weekend. I guess I will just have to sneak out of work early on a Wednesday.

    Congrats to Kristy on another win.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    19th - "Zithal" Rob - 9:46pm
    20th - "Oragami" Jonathan - 9:35pm
    21st - "haddon" Josh - 9:30pm
    22nd - "moose" Rob - 9:29pm
    23rd - "JohnnieH" Johnnie - 9:21pm
    24th - "compuease" Jeff - 8:42pm
    25th - "ItsaMe" Mario - 8:41pm
    26th - "beanie42" Trevor - 8:23pm

    Those are the first 8 people out?? I would not want to be involved in any sidegames that followed.
  • When I left just before 9:30, there was no side games. Everybody went home:'(

    Thanks to Rob for another great tournament. My starting table was fairly "tight" early on with only a few All-Ins. (including me blind with the 1st hand: I won AQc vs A5o) Once the blinds reached 100+200, we loosened up, just to keep pace with the insanity of the other tables.

    My night ended when I slowed played a set only to be turned by a higher set. At least Harrington loves me.

    Congrats to Kristy and the other money finishers.

  • Thanks Rob for an awesome tournament! Also for being the best River dealer ever...Just ask Joeheartsdi, the q-9 vs. straight hand. The river DID give him his FH!

    Great game Larry and all!
  • Thanks again Rob for another great tournament. This is the third format
    I've played at Bristol and they have all been terrific tournaments.
  • Yeah what kristy said,

    my q9 hit 2 pair on the flop the jack on the turn gave kristy the straight i pushed, got called and the river came a 9 giving the the boat... i douvled up there... but slowly my stack faded away... gg to all..

    congrats kristy
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Those are the first 8 people out?? I would not want to be involved in any sidegames that followed.

    Oh god I wish I was there for that sidegame!
  • Oh god I wish I was there for that sidegame!

    Well, to do that Braaad, YOU WOULD HAVE TO COME TO WATERLOO AND PLAY!!!

    Where have you been?
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