Kitchener Saturday Night.....7pm start.

I can't make it to Gregs in the afternoon....but I've got a Hankering for some Poker!

SO: NLHE $20 buyin. 5000 chips and reasonable blinds. Fun night out with some friendly players(if not terrible poker). Of course no rake and BYOB (although I have some 6 month old Carona if anyone really feels like gambling).
If we get 7 players I'll run this. Let me know here or by PM and I'll send out directions (think Ottawa and Fischer Hallman)

Any players who bust out of WPC are welcome.


1. ME
2. Tim T.
3. Matt
4. Brian
5.The Hook! Jeremy
6. Mike p
7. Rheal


  • 1 more and we're Golden!!!!!! Really what else would you rather do than spend your evening with some terrible poker players? If you want to come last minute I'll be checking this thread at 6:30pm!
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