CHPC Deep Stack Final June 9th @ noon !!!



  • Ok, I've had everyone confirm except Jeremy...anyone know if 2bullets is coming or not? I'd like to make sure we have 10 but I don't want to replace Jeremy unless I know for sure he can't come?

    If he can't make it the next people in line are:


    If someone talk to Jeremy please see if he can post. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, the weather looks perfect!
  • I posted on his Facebook wall, E.

    See you tomorrow!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    See you tomorrow!

    You and me heads up baby!
  • Congrats Moose...yet again!

    Nice #2 finish Johnnie, congrats too.

    Great day for outdoor poker, good game all.

    I'll be drinking this Bubble Beer for a while yet...

  • melikebeer wrote: »
    Nice #2 finish Johnnie, congrats too.

    Thanks buddy. Sorry again for the suckout.

    Luckily I had a couple of suckouts to get into second place. Sweet.

    Thanks to Big E for hosting a great day of poker on the deck and use of your BBQ!

    Congrats to Moose on the win!

  • Can't post much right now....not really supposed to be on during work hours :) but congratz to Moose and JohnnieH for 1st and second respectively. Moose took home $220 and the trophy, Johnnie $100 for second place. I thought it went very well....a nice relaxed blind schedule allowing lots of play right down to the end. Even though 2 players never showed? (Milton Bob, I hope you're ok and nothing bad happened to stop you from showing up?) I think it was still a fun day. I didn't keep any notes because I only have two hands...the cards were in one, a beer in the other. Good finish by bubble boy (Jordo) as well...third is pretty good considering the talent of the 8 players that showed up.
    I thought I might repeat into the money this year after donking off 3/4 of my stack early and battling back to have a decent stack with 4 left until I made a really dumb move after being card dead and pushing on the first Ace I saw only to have Johnnie wake up with AA...ouch baby, very ouch! For me it was a fitting end to an error filled session.

    Anyways, hope everyone had fun, the weather was good, company was good, the food was good, the beer was cold...couldn't ask for anything more!

    p.s. Mario, I found the rest of your empties if you want them to return...I'll keep them for you and bring them over the next time you invite me for a game at your place ;)
  • Big E wrote: »
    Johnnie wake up with AA...ouch baby, very ouch!

    Consider it revenge for last years final when it was down to you, Wolf and me. I push with Ducks and you found Queens. :)

    Thanks again for hosting a great day on the deck. How you make plans for a gorgeous day weather wise to conicide with your tournaments, I'll never know.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    How you make plans for a gorgeous day weather wise to conicide with your tournaments, I'll never know.

    It's all about selling pieces of your soul....right Mark!
  • For a donut? DONE!
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