End of Season Bash @ the Bus Station



  • Sorry guys, I should check the site more regular.

    Ok, people who's email I have I'll be sending out directions. People who don't get emails contact me at jfarrell@rogers.com

    It's gonna be a hot one, and I gots no A/C. So dress light.
  • I was thinking with a few people not sure of what time they can make it, we go with a cash game format. 1/2 NL $50 buy-in, $25 rebuys. This way, we can get started whenever the numbers reach critical mass, and late comers can just jump in.

    It's unfortunate we wont have to the creator of polish poker, and as Chris stated he does pad his bankroll at these bashes nicely. Still, when I was talking to Karey, she said she makes even more money pimping Dereck out at gay bbq's.
  • Still, when I was talking to Karey, she said she makes even more money pimping Dereck out at gay bbq's.

    Now THAT explains ALOT! ;)
  • I was thinking with a few people not sure of what time they can make it, we go with a cash game format. 1/2 NL $50 buy-in, $25 rebuys. This way, we can get started whenever the numbers reach critical mass, and late comers can just jump in.

    It's unfortunate we wont have to the creator of polish poker, and as Chris stated he does pad his bankroll at these bashes nicely. Still, when I was talking to Karey, she said she makes even more money pimping Dereck out at gay bbq's.

    1/2 with a $50 buy-in is short stacked play if cash make it $0.50/$1.....why not a few $20 SnG's we should have at least 7 players before AJ arrives.... or how about crazy $10 SnG with Re-buys? If Max comes that will be 8-9 players. SnG's make polish poker.

    Just a few ideas.
  • I shouldn't be too late, figure to take down WSP by 10pm!!! ;)

    Much rather prefer to play SnG's but Chris is right, if you're going to play a cash game, make it .5/1 with $50 buyin. Alot more play.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Now THAT explains ALOT! ;)

    Ok guys. Calm the nerves. Jeff, your fantasy of me as the 'little spoon' can end here.

    WRT the polish poker.... wish I could be there. Have fun without me (taking your money;).
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    1/2 with a $50 buy-in is short stacked play if cash make it $0.50/$1.....why not a few $20 SnG's we should have at least 7 players before AJ arrives.... or how about crazy $10 SnG with Re-buys? If Max comes that will be 8-9 players. SnG's make polish poker.

    Just a few ideas.

    I'm not really fussy, I like all your ideas, we'll let the tribe decide. Who knows, when everyone gets together we all might be itching for a game of barcarat.
  • I'm not really fussy, I like all your ideas, we'll let the tribe decide. Who knows, when everyone gets together we all might be itching for a game of barcarat.

    I'll bet with the bank then....come on 2-7.....daddy needs a 9.

    $10 re-buy madness.......

    BYOB? Do you need us to bring anything? Besides out wallets?
  • Just read that Baccarat article...pretty wild. One of the games I've been wanting to learn...maybe not now.

    Steve, did you get the PM I sent?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Just read that Baccarat article...pretty wild. One of the games I've been wanting to learn...maybe not now.

    Steve, did you get the PM I sent?

    Ya, I've been hearing about it on the radio. And the reoccuring thought in my head, is... "Why didn't I think of that?"

    re: BYOB
    make that BYOF where F is your Favourite Fruity reFreshment if your too Fussy to drink anything else. lol

    I'll be supplying the classics; beer (Canadian), rye (Canadian), and whatever bottom of the bottle leavings I have in the liquor cabinet that anyone dares to drink. As for Polish Vodka, I haven't got a clue, so unless someone brings something authentic, I just have Absolute in stock.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Steve, did you get the PM I sent?

    yes I did thanks.

    I am good to go
  • Well

    Looks like I won't be late anyway.
  • Thanks for hosting Jeff and Lynne! Great fun. My night looked like it was going to be a long slow painful death by bad beats, but the tables turned for me in that last game.

    Dan/Amanda, have fun in Vegas!
  • Thanks for having us over Jeff....I don't remember much that went on...just that my wallet is a little lighter.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Looks like I won't be late anyway.

    Hope you polish better than you played hold'em.

  • Hey AJ,

    that was crazy when your AA got flushed out by KK. He was one of my donkey friends too. he did it again to someone when his JJ beat KK. but I did manage to bust him out in the final table with QQ.

    AA certainly isn't a friend of yours even at the cash game....so UNREAL!
  • Aces were definitely in my NOT TO PLAY range of hands after that. I don't mind getting them cracked once in awhile, but TWICE...within an HOUR?? That was just too much. :(
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Hope you polish better than you played hold'em.


    Redeemed myself a little bit last night by the third game, but the beats just kept on coming up until then. Third game was all mine though, and I was able to turn the beats around abit.
  • Thanks Jeff & Lynne for another great night at the Bus Station!
  • Hey it was fun having you all, Lynn and I had as good of a time as you all did.

    Can't wait for season 6!

    P.S. Dont worry Chris, I remember EVERYTHING, but what happens at the bus station, stays at the bus station.
  • Hey it was fun having you all, Lynn and I had as good of a time as you all did.

    Can't wait for season 6!

    P.S. Dont worry Chris, I remember EVERYTHING, but what happens at the bus station, stays at the bus station.

    Thanks Jeff, I'm glad there were no cameras. I just remember I went to the bus station and got the bus to booze town or Rye town.
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