Derek Ends the Season with a WIN!

I can't remember the last time the final four had so many nasty suckouts!!! But when all was said and done, it was Derek who finally took the game down and ended the season with a win.


Justin sucked out on Romer when his J8 hit a straight on the river, bubbling Romer out in fourth spot. Then, Derek doubles up on Kris with a suckout flush, almost crippling Kris. Justin and Derek get involved in a hand finally, and Justin loses to Derek's suckout, this one I don't remember too much of. Then, final hand had Derek at like 11,000 chips to Kris's 3000 and Kris moves all in with A8. Derek calls cold with K10 and hits two pair on the board for the win. Yet another suckout! But you know what? Considering the last time Derek placed in the money, he was due for a couple in HIS favour for a change.

Chump tonight was Jeff, who made a point of saying he was no longer a sponsored player in the league. Game's alot different when it's YOUR money involved, isn't it?? j/k

Great game everyone. And what a great end to the regular season. Hope to see everyone out to next weeks Season Ending Tournament.


  • Way to go Derek, nice way to finish the season.
  • Congrats Derek! Well deserved! I didn't see that A7 coming, gave me nightmares lastnight! You played great poker!

    Lots of action last night with a few runner runners:

    Eleanor's A8 vs. Rob's KQ...Eleanor hits Ace but makes Rob's straight.

    Justin's A7 vs. My AK...Hit my King but Justin ended with a straight.

    then shortly after

    Justin's K10 vs. Derek's KJ...Justin hits 2 pairs and Derek ebded with a straight.

    See y'all next week for the big game!
  • Great game all and another great season. Congratulations to Derek on the win!!! I really wanted to put up a bigger fight but as you all saw there wasn't much I could do or was there... I did however get used to raising eachother's blinds and then stealing those pots. Do you think we can do it again champ???

  • Congrats Derek!! Nicely done

    And AJ thank you for another excellent season!!!
  • Congrats Derek! Nice to see you battled back from short-stacked to take 'er down.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    ....Derek doubles up on Kris with a suckout flush, almost crippling Kris. Justin and Derek get involved in a hand finally, and Justin loses to Derek's suckout, this one I don't remember too much of. Then, final hand had Derek at like 11,000 chips to Kris's 3000 and Kris moves all in with A8. Derek calls cold with K10 and hits two pair on the board for the win. Yet another suckout!

    Oh AJ, you sure now how to make a boy feel special;) Are trying to flatter me with all these comments of how lucky I am?

    From what I recall, I had to play some serious poker to battle back from 30% of my starting stack in the 5th blind level (50/100) just after the break. Anyway, enough gloating of my superior poker skill last night;)

    Thanks to Elliotts & Garry for the rail support (remote rail in the Elliott's case). Thanks Romer for your chips and betting into my made hand when I was in the blinds. Thanks Kris for slow playing your flopped flush when Romer was all in and allowing me to out-flush your J high with my Q high.

    And especially, and non sarcastically, thanks to AJ and family for putting up with this bunch of nuts for the last 12 weeks.... again!
  • Thanks for doing all the dirty work for me Derek.
  • derksen wrote: »
    Oh AJ, you sure now how to make a boy feel special;) Are trying to flatter me with all these comments of how lucky I am?
    Even blind squirrels find a nut or two once in awhile
    derksen wrote: »
    Anyway, enough gloating of my superior poker skill last night;)
    You did make an impressive comeback, but was it all based on skill? But go ahead, gloat, you deserve it.
    derksen wrote: »
    thanks to AJ and family for putting up with this bunch of nuts for the last 12 weeks.... again!

    My pleasure to host. We have a great bunch of people in the league, and I'm happy to have gotten to know each and every one of you...yes, even you Romer. ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You did make an impressive comeback, but was it all based on skill? But go ahead, gloat, you deserve it.

    Hey.... by my count, I'm still owed about 22 serious suck outs from the last 2 seasons!
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    We have a great bunch of people in the league, and I'm happy to have gotten to know each and every one of you...yes, even you Romer. ;)
    "sad music plays in the background", you had me at 're-raise'..... tear
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Even blind squirrels find a nut or two once in awhile

    You did make an impressive comeback, but was it all based on skill? But go ahead, gloat, you deserve it.

    Come on AJ, you know skill and winning at Ching Hill have nothing in common......I mean take a look at the leaderboard, the leader has no skill at all.
  • I really gotta learn NOT to make a post after I've had a few beers and getting too tired to see the screen.

    I've reread the OP, and I think I made it sound too much like Derek only won by getting extremely lucky. That wasn't the case at all. You made a hell of a nice comeback, and it was your ability to fight back that won you the game. Yea, luck was involved too, but that's just part of it. And you're right, with the beats you've been taken, you're still owed!!

    Great game Derek. RESPECT!!
  • No I love you more. Why don't you two get a room?

    Nice going D on the win, but that's gotta be one of the most angriest Champ photos I've seen in a while. It says "Ya, I beat you chumps, was there any doubt!" And whats with throwing up them gang signs, I didn' know you were down with the Thornhill Rough Rider's debate squad.

    See you all at the SET,

    Ugly Cousin.
  • that's gotta be one of the most angriest Champ photos I've seen in a while. It says "Ya, I beat you chumps, was there any doubt!" And whats with throwing up them gang signs, I didn' know you were down with the Thornhill Rough Rider's debate squad.

    I agree with Jeff, you look like the HULK or a gang member from L.A. but I like shows strength!
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