Looking for Feedback

The first step is complete! Have a gander around and let me know what you think. http://www.roblegood.com/BristolStreet/


  • Looks good so far...

    I can see that you're going to be adding pictures to the player profiles.. maybe you could get a thumbnail pic to click on to view their profiles?

    For the tournament results pages, will you have the bust out hands linked for the FT players? Much like you give the summaries on here?

    Is the map that good an idea?

    Maybe a link to pokerforum would be a good idea..

    Maybe a breakdown on things like :
    - How the High Hand jackpot gathers $
    - KWTC notification
    - A section for those interested in (ripping off) viewing your tourney structure / payouts

    But, great job! I'm really diggin this, and will keep giving feedback as I see
  • On your way to becoming a first class common gaming house Rob!

    P.S. LOVE :h: the "About" section ;)
  • The site looks great so far, a little colour, a few images and pictures it will be great. Maybe putting up a calandar page would be helpful.

  • Great start Rob!

    A couple of things I would suggest:
    - Ability to sort the players list by money and name
    - Alternating background colors on all lists
    - Google Ads :-)
    - Find a graphic artist with free time to go to town (i suck at stickmen even)

    Those suggestions aside...... your efforts definately suit the purpose


    Tim (dgangsta)
  • I like it alot.
    One thing to think about though...

    Do people want their winnings available online...TAXES :)!?
  • Very nice but I am not on there..... :(
  • will the legends of bristol strreet video or preview be posted on the site ?
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