WPC VI Final Table/Side Games



  • Day 2 Super Deep Stack Tournament

    Final Table
    1. 'Buzzzardd' Dave 66,700
    2. 'waltsfriend' Sandy 76,400
    3. 'beanie42' Trevor 25,800
    4. 'compuease' Jeff 14,600
    5. 'King Mob' Dave 60,400
    6. 'Hobbes' Ron 32,000
    7. '800OVER' Nik 67,700
    8. 'Kristy_Sea' Kristy 54,800
    9. 'Prophet 22' Brent 44,900
    10. 'DrLarry' Larry 56,600

    The final table began at 7:00pm sharp. Two people were being blinded in, “waltsfriend” Sandy and “King Mob” Dave.

    It was going to be an interesting night. I have played with most everyone several times with the exception of “Buzzzardd” Dave. I played with him once at a Cooks Crew event, the tournament was set up like the Super Stars event on tv and he took down the three tables he played so I knew he was a very solid player, even though I only played with him once that night. I really felt that he was in a position to win with a stack of 67K and it would be hard to get chips from him. I needed to do my homework so I asked around with those whom had played with him on several occasions and came up with a game plan. Everyone else I felt very comfortable with their game and Kristy Sea was to my right which made my life so much easier, plus she was sick which I felt help me because one of her greatest strengths is watching the game and knowing what people have even though she is not in the hand and using that to her advantage. Being sick took away from that concentration.

    So game on. I did take small notes to jog my memory, hopefully I get them right, but the order may be wrong, here goes.

    I had played a few hands and started to build my stack. My goal was to look for opportunities where I might be able to take advantage of the short stacks who need to get some chips as the blinds begin to raise. I also thought if I was going to tango with my nemesis “Kristy Sea” I better have the goods, because either she has incredible instincts or I give her tells like sky writing.

    One of the first hands I was involved with was beanie42. With the blinds at 400/800 I limp with K 2 diamonds. Folded to beanie who raises 2K, I flat call. Flop comes all low cards 2 4 10 and he bets 7500. Now I am not a real talker at the table but asking a question can really help evaluated a players hand, so I ask him how much he has left, I could tell he didn’t like the question, because it looked like I limped with a pair of 2’s or 4’s and I hit a set. And I also wanted him to believe he still had enough chips and go try to double up in a different spot. He is about to announce how much he has and as he is looking up, I will put you all-in, I am pretty sure he had a pair of ten’s but I believe he was convinced I hit a set and he was pretty much drawing dead if I had the set. He folds.

    Nik has been playing very well since being short stacked 5,700 Wednesday night. Same blinds as above. Nik is on the button and it is folded to him. He raises to 1600 with pocket 9’s , Kristy folds, I call with A 9 suited. Flop comes K J 5 rainbow. Nik bets 3500, I call, Ace comes on the turn, Nik checks, I bet 15K he folds.

    I am feeling pretty good about my game. My stack is growing and I feel I have a good read on the table. What could go wrong. Don’t make the big mistake I tell myself. Minimize the mistakes and my prediction of the final 3 should be correct, (see Yamas satellite game May 4th)

    Folded to me in the small blind 400/800, I make it 3800, trying for the over kill bet to induce a call. Larry re-raises to 10K and I go all-in (without really thinking) I know I have the best hand, but don’t want him calling with an weak A Q or 10 or something stupid like that, he shows me an Ace, I ask if that is a muck, as in most tournaments, showing cards is a muck. Greg rules in his favour. I believed he saw that as a sign of weakness and he now believed I had a middle pair and he has 2 overs. He thinks about it and calls another 44K and shows A 7 unsuited. I turn over my JJ, and think just avoid the Ace and you will be over 125K. He hits an Ace on the flop and I don’t catch up. I realize after that I should have showed the JJ when the ruling was we could show cards. Although he said it was his favorite hand and would have called. People and favourite hands. I am steaming. All my hard work gone in one donk call.

    I am not happy and it showed. I didn’t know what to do. I thought about pushing with any 2 cards on the first person to make a raise, but chose to start over again* see day one with Nik) and re build.

    I was slowly building again and found myself in a few hands with 'Buzzzardd' Dave. These hand didn’t happen one right after the other, but within the hour. I am glad I did my homework.

    I have Ace 2 hearts, and limp from middle position. Folded to Dave who raises to 2K. I flat call. I am praying for hearts, it comes K 10 3 rainbow and I check. He bets which he has to do, bets 4K and I re-raise to 15K. The beauty of the play here was I was sitting beside Larry and Greg dealing was on the other side of Larry and then Dave. I sat in my chair so as he could not really see me and if he wanted to he would have to really lean forward. It was a pure bluff, I needed chips and I thought he would be able to read me like a book, I wanted the bet to say what I had. He took his card protector off his chips and I am sending vibes, muck, muck just muck. He put it back on his cards and he started counting chips and I thought I am done, he is going to call. Then he stopped counting and slid one card forward and then the other. I was so grateful.

    Another hand I raised A 10 and he re-raised I folded seeing as I had just bluffed him like 3 hands earlier I wanted him to know he can take a pot away from and that I can fold. Kristy asks him how big he was would he tell later he announces he would, I think I was dominated.

    Kristy and I both limps 1600 BBK Dave re-raises to 12K, Kristy folds I call with pocket 8’s. Flop comes JJ 7, man I was praying for an 8. I put him on AK, AQ with his big re-raise. I go all –in for 36K he announces that he has about that left. I am thinking he will call. I think I am good, but wanted the pot right there and don’t want him drawing to the A K Q if I am right and he has one of those hands. He then says, Brent, you are killing me. And I know I am good and he has a draw and doesn’t want to call his tournament off on a draw. He folds saying I think you have a pair, he was right.

    I am feeling better with my situation after my hand with Larry and started to relax.

    Folded to Kristy in the small blind, she raises to 4K I call with A 10, flop comes K J Q. I dream flop. How do I get paid off here. She bets 5K, I count out about 12K and push it forward. She ask how much is it. Greg reaches forward and starts to count it. I don’t have to talk. Then she ask how much I have left. My stacks were in 20’s very visible and point to them and she looks and says I guess can count them. She says she is huge and am I protecting a pair. I really believed she would put me all in if she has a pair. She thinks and folds, although I won the pot, I think in hind sight I should have called and hoped for the big bet on the turned. I tell her of my disappointment on the break and tell her I flopped the straight. She says she folded AK. After this hand I tell a story about Cam and he told me to wear a hoodie to protect my face. I say it would have worked well but when I tried it on it was too small.

    Folded around to Kristy who raises to 10K. I announce I am all – in. She looks at my stack and says why go all – in and then is talking out loud. I decided to lift my coat over my head so she can’t see me. I think she is very frustrated. Finally she folds, but shows me pocket 9’s. I don’t show my pocket 10’s, but I assured her I had them and I did.

    With 4 players left, Hobbs fines himself all – in for 32K. Folded to me in the BB, I think it is a button raise and I have K4 diamonds. I start talking like I am ahead, you feel the need to double up, trying to pick up a clue as to what he might have. I finally say I think I am good and feel at worst only a 40% dog. We flip over and I find myself ahead, as he shows J 10. First card is a 10, I don’t catch up.

    30 min later it is me and Hobbs again and this time I take him out.

    Final 3

    I would say the final three was very interesting. Nobody appeared to be afraid to mix it up. Nik and King Dave mixed it up for a bit. Nik crippled Dave , but Dave fought back. It didn’t matter what Dave had in is hand his starting raise was 16,500, this made it hard to put him on a hand.

    Lots off stealing trying to stay high with a lot of chips blinds being capped at 3K – 6K.

    Dave in for his standard raise of 16, 500, Nik thinks and I believe he is about to go over the top as we never had a family pot in the final 3. He is counting chips and out of the blue he folds. I thought what just happened, here I thought Nik was going to come over the top and I would come over the top of him and if he called, it would be one giant pot, I collect my thoughts and re-raise to 60K pushing in two stacks of blue chips worth 5K each with pocket Q’s. Dave announces he calls, and throws in 16K, I announce the bet was 60K, greg starts pushing chips back toward Dave. I am like those are in the pot and he has to call the 60K. Dave goes you are right and puts in 60K. The flop comes 10 7 3 I go all – in he folds I say I feel bad, he says don’t I had AK, I was calling.

    Say much is too long see next for the rest of the story

  • The big bluff

    Nik smooth calls the blinds. I check, flop comes A 9 10, check check. Turn is a 3, Nik bets 20K I say make it another 60K going for the re-steal with K high. Without hesitation, Nik says he is all –in I try to look strong and ask how much, knowing I have to muck, it was another 36K making the pot at about 140K, I say my 3 is no good and fold. Nik looked so confident and Dave looked shocked.

    I felt if I pushed 36K and doubled up, I was back in the game. I didn’t and was out shortly there after.

    Thanks to g2 for hosting it was a great tournament, I trust that you had as much fun as I did.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent,

    You owe me 32.00, did you have a deal with Nik and were chip dumping! LOL

    Nice job, good preparations for Pockets next month

  • I could tell he didn’t like the question, because it looked like I limped with a pair of 2’s or 4’s and I hit a set.
    I didn't like the question because you do this same move against me every tournament, and I was debating calling you with AT (a set never crossed my mind). I put you on garbage, maybe a face card, I just wasn't sure whether you hit any of it or not. I actually don't like my fold, it was out of weakness and not any read, and I probably should have called.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    I didn't like the question because you do this same move against me every tournament, and I was debating calling you with AT (a set never crossed my mind). I put you on garbage, maybe a face card, I just wasn't sure whether you hit any of it or not. I actually don't like my fold, it was out of weakness and not any read, and I probably should have called.

    Your statement doesn't make any sense whatsoever (at least to me). If you put me on garbage, what garbage did you put me on. 2 4, 10 2, 10 4, (I really don't think you believed i would call your raise with those pairs of cards maybe a face with any of those cards that hit the board (2 4 or 10) and if that is the case you had the 10 with an Ace you call instantly. The fact that you didn't call and didn't put me on a set leads me to believe maybe you had even an A J, Q, K.

    Just my thoughts


    On a side note, you and I haven't really mix it up at the tables over the last couple of years. And the bristol were at the final table, you came over the top of my big raise and after contemplating a call to your all in, I folded.
  • Your statement doesn't make any sense whatsoever (at least to me).
    You're right ;) . I post/edit repeatedly (sort of a stream of thought with constant saving due to a fear of losing my post) and CPF locked me out of editing last night, and after fighting with the editor for a while I just gave up out of frustration. That should read "I was trying to represent AT but was debating calling you with AK".
    The fact that you didn't call and didn't put me on a set leads me to believe maybe you had even an A J, Q, K.
    2 4, 10 2, 10 4, (I really don't think you believed i would call your raise with those pairs of cards
    Actually, I do think you'd call with those cards - calling with K2 given my stack size seems to support that. You play really well against me normally and seem to have a pretty good read on me - I usually lose those battles with you (especially when you have position :( ). You don't seem to worry so much about cards against me and just "play poker" (this is a "frustrated compliment" ;) ). I consider how you play me both a compliment to my skill and a lack of respect for my game ;) , and I both dread these confrontations and look forward to them.
    On a side note, you and I haven't really mix it up at the tables over the last couple of years.
    I guess I remember far more of these than you do, although usually SnG's or side games (quite a few HU) rather than final tables, and I remember some of our clashes all the way back to Kelly's and earlier...
    And the bristol were at the final table, you came over the top of my big raise and after contemplating a call to your all in, I folded.
    I actually remember that Bristol - it was either a brilliant move or ridiculously stupid of me - but it was fun.
  • Thanks beanie,

    that clears a lot up. I do have respect for your game. The beauty of the the play is I convince you I have a set or know that you aren't going to call the rest of your stack with a high card.

    Nik did the same thing to me see the big bluff* post. After I realized he had the Ace and I knew I didn't no matter how big the pot was I wasn't calling off the last 36K to a draw or drawing dead. I simply hope to push 36K and hope to double up. and that never happend either.

    that's poker.

    This tournament as with most around here is stricly about the win - money is secondary. I have played a lot of tournaments and this played like a 500.00 buy-in.

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