WPC VI Final Table/Side Games

:s::h: The WICK Poker Club - WPC VI :d::c:

Final Table: Friday, May 4th, 2007
Time: doors open at 6:30pm, deal @ 7:00pm both days

1. 'Buzzzardd' Dave 66,700
2. 'waltsfriend' Sandy 76,400
3. 'beanie42' Trevor 25,800
4. 'compuease' Jeff 14,600
5. 'King Mob' Dave 60,400
6. 'Hobbes' Ron 32,000
7. '800OVER' Nik 67,700
8. 'Kristy_Sea' Kristy 54,800
9. 'Prophet 22' Brent 44,900
10. 'DrLarry' Larry 56,600

Side games cancelled :(

Check this thread for updates tonight

$2 side pool updates here



  • Great Job everyone!!!

    Greg, is this the seating for the final table or will that be done on Friday night.

  • It is in the seating order now.

  • Nice job everyone.
    The late night really took a toll on my stack. There were a few times, that I didn't actually know wtf was going on :)
    Anyways, should be rested and ready to go on Friday.
    See you all there.
  • put me down as a maybe for a side SNG, been a stressful week!
  • Hey Greg, With only a couple people on, I think I'll pass on tonight and relax at home this evening. Feel free to give me a ring if there's a last minute rush of interest. Thanks!!
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Hey Greg, With only a couple people on, I think I'll pass on tonight and relax at home this evening. Feel free to give me a ring if there's a last minute rush of interest. Thanks!!
    Will do.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    Hey Greg, With only a couple people on, I think I'll pass on tonight and relax at home this evening. Feel free to give me a ring if there's a last minute rush of interest. Thanks!!

    That's eerie. I also need to back out, as I'm working OT all weekend and need some rest. BOOO!!!

    ANYWAY, I'll see everyone at BSC 33 on Wednesday.

  • Side games are off due to lack of interest. Meh, guess I'll just have to deal the final table for tips ;)

  • Anyone who brings a medium double double for the dealer (me) gets aces the first hand.

  • Hopefully You can keep us updated.

  • BLAZIN 72 wrote: »
    Hopefully You can keep us updated.
    I'm first out.
  • Any other updates

  • I am third out. Jeff went out a few hands before me. Jeff was short stacked - his best hands all night were 2-3 off. Then he went up against Dr. Larry with pocket nines vs. pocket eights. I think the eight came on the turn to take Jeff out.

    I lost half my stack before the first break. Flopped two pair. I went all-in on the turn, but it was too late for Ron to fold his top pair and king high flush draw. The flush came on the river.

    I made a nice comeback to close to average stack (including a nice pot when I got to limp in on the big blind with J-3 off and hit two pair on the ace high flop) I was crippled again when Dave K caught a straight on the river against my pocket aces.

    With the blinds at $800-$1,600 - $200 ante, and a stack of $24000, Kristy raised in early position and I found pocket jacks. I pushed all-in and Kristy thought for a bit before she called with pocket queens thinking we might have been in a race. The queen on the flop had me drawing very thin and on the turn I was drawing dead.

    I think the format was great and led to some very good poker. I am looking forward to another deep stack tournament.
  • It's BUBBLE time!

    5 players left
    'King Mob' Dave 134,500
    'Hobbes' Ron 70,000
    '800OVER' Nik 122,500
    'Kristy_Sea' Kristy 65,000
    'Prophet 22' Brent 118,500

  • Kristy is Bubble girl :)

    Congrats to Hobbes Ron 4th place $120

    Down to 3

    '800OVER' Nik 127,500
    'King Mob' Dave 220,000
    'Prophet 22' Brent 152,500

  • Kinda interesting that it would be the total of his buyin + folded's. Hmm...they coulda played heads up and been done in 40 min.
  • Holy crap! WHo's gonna win this fucking thing?!?
  • 3rd Brent $220

    2nd King Mob Dave $360

    1st 800OVER Nik $500

  • Nik also won the side pool, edging out Cam & Buddy.

  • Congratulations to Nik for winning both prize pools! :wav:

    Thanks to Greg for a fun tournament and side pool. Looking forward to the next deep stack event.
  • Congrats to Nik on a really well played tournament.
    Thanks also to Greg for putting on such a great event. I loved the format. It gave everyone a chance to play some real poker. Also for dealing the final table. It made things a lot easier on the players, though I could tell how bad you wanted to be playing.
    I was really disappointed when Dave K. hit his flush on the river to take me out. After playing for so long it really hurts to lose out. But I sure did enjoy the competition on both days. You sure don't get a free ride with any of the players in these things. Any time someone raises or goes all in you don't know if they have pocket aces or K-3, right Kristie.
    Looking forward to next Saturday and I am hoping I can finally win one of these Forum tournies. See you then.

  • Great game All!

    Thanks Greg for hosting, I hope you run another one..hopefully when I'm not sick, so I can play a normal game-donk off my chips in the first three levels and go for coffee with Folded. Despite the fever, and mild, medication induced delusions -It was a lot of fun!

    I can tell you this much Buzzzardd..it's tough to put me on aces when you've already got'em- Right King Mob, and NH sir.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Despite the fever, and mild, medication induced delusions

    Hmmmmmmmm, excuses??? ;)
  • Day 1

    This was a tournament that I have been looking forward to for a long time. It is not too often that I get to play in a tournament that has a friendly blind structure with lots of chips. This is my report for for the first day. Hopefully I get the chance to write something for day 2 tomorrow as I have a long day ahead with Moose, Mario and Metro in a team even in the city.

    I will say day 2 was equally good as day 1, my congrat. to everyone, it was hard fought and the with the exception of one call on day 2**, any watching might have thought we were playing for a million dollars, the poker , in my opinion was that good. (** will be part of my day 2 report).

    The random table draw meant that we were in for a barrel of laughs and lots of poker.

    Table 2:
    1. 'DrTyore' Mark B (dealer)
    2. 'moose' Rob
    3. '2BULLETS' Jeremy
    4. 'BlondeFish' Buddy
    5. 'joeheartsdi' Joe
    6. 'folded' Cory
    7. 'waltsfriend' Sandy
    8. 'Hobbes' Ron
    9. '800OVER' Nik M
    10. 'Prophet 22' Brent

    Some hands of significant

    First hand Folded on a flop of 6 7 9 goes all-in. I ask him if he has piece of the board. He said no I swear on my mother. He used that line two years ago at stpboy’s when I had top pair. I called then he had Kings, I was out. I showed him my pair and folded.

    I was up and down above starting stack and when I found myself in a hand with 2Bullets and DrTyore. Jeremy limped, folded to me in the BB and I called. Marked raised to 600. Jeremy and I both called. Flop comes Q J 5 rainbow. I check, Mark bets 2200 which is a pot bet. Jeremy thinks … while he is thinking, even though I hit top pair, I thought I would fold due to kicker problems, but if he folds, I figured I would see another card and if a Q hits I have him. The turn is a Q and I check he checks. The river is a J giving me a boat. I am first to act and bet 1850. Mark announces that those were the 2 worst F****** cards and finally calls. I announce the boat. Show the Q and he wants to see the other card. I sheepishly show him a 3 that is suited with my Q. He has pocket KK.

    Blondfish raises UTG to 800, folded around to me, I call, everyone else folds. Flop comes 10 high and he continues with a 2000 bet, again I call turn is a K he bets 2000, with my pocket 66 I say re-raise, another 6000K on top, he looks at his cards and then mucks.

    joeheartsdi Joe makes it 800 UTG I re-raise another 3850 on top AK suited. Folded around back to Joe, he thinks for a second and goes all-in. It seemed like for some reason that he was pushing, so I called another 6000K. Joe had KQ hearts. I hit an ace on the flop and 2 cards later Joe is out.
    The next major hand I was involved with was a big hand because it was with Hobbs, who is a solid player and had a big stack thanks to Cory. I had worked hard to build my stack but knew it could disappear at anytime.

    Hobbs raises to 1500 UTG, Nik folds I flat call with pocket three’s everyone else folds, the flop comes 5 6 7 rainbow. Hobbs bets 2K, I call, turn is a 7, Hobbs bets 4K, I flat call. The river gives me a boat when a 3 falls and I say to Ron, no face or ace fell, now what are you going to do. He picks up chips and then checks. I bet 10K and he folds.

    I take another hand from Moose after I raise, he flat calls and we are playing heads up. Flop comes A and 2 other cards I deem insignificant. I say pot, moose re-raises, I ask how much he has left, he says about 7K, I announce I will put you all –in, he thinks for a minute and then folds.

    I am sitting at about 63K. Nik has been pushing all-in pre-flop all night. And does it again, I call with AK clubs, I figured it was a coin flip. He shows QQ I hit my K on the turn but he picks up a heart draw and I then make 2 pair on the river, but it gives him the nuts. Big Big hit, my real mistake was I thought he had 17K left, when he actually had 26,800. Hugh hit.

    I then used what time I had left to rebuild my stack to where I sit now.

    Looking forward to Friday night, thanks to g2 for putting this on and to the field, it is a tough one. And to Mark for dealing all night long.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    ..hopefully when I'm not sick, so I can play a normal game-donk off my chips in the first three levels and go for coffee with Folded.

    try to pay attention.. ;)

    It was the fact that I spent more time with my hand-sanitizer and kleenex than playing that SAVED ME!
  • Great (late) night everyone. Thanks to Greg for another great tourney and good job all. Some really strong play (and some crazy play that made it fun). Already looking forward to the next one. And to Prophet's final table analysis.
  • Congrats Nik, look forward to playing you again (but on my right next time...lol)

    Great game everyone.

    And thanks to Greg.
  • Good play, Brent. Below is my recollection of my significant hand, and I'm wondering if I should have played it differently. The blinds were 100/200. I had around 22,000 chips. Three players had limped and I was on the button with

    :2h :2d

    I decided to limp in too. There were a total of six callers, so the pot was 1200. The flop was

    :ac :ad :2s

    I flopped the full house! It was checked to me. I bet 600, and Mark and Jeremy called. The turn was


    It was checked to me, and I bet 1200. Mark raised to ~4000 and Jeremy folded. My read on Mark was that he was not bluffing and had something decent.

    1) What would you do?
    a) Fold
    b) Call
    c) Re-raise

    I actually called. The river was


    2) Mark bet 4000. What would you do?
    a) Fold
    b) Call
    c) Re-raise all-in
    Blondfish raises UTG to 800, folded around to me, I call, everyone else folds. Flop comes 10 high and he continues with a 2000 bet, again I call turn is a K he bets 2000, with my pocket 66 I say re-raise, another 6000K on top, he looks at his cards and then mucks.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Great game All!

    I can tell you this much Buzzzardd..it's tough to put me on aces when you've already got'em

    You are always right Kristy, I did have aces the hand that you asked about against Brent. And the hand I threw in and you thought was K-Q was actually pocket kings. I love playing with players like you. My game can only get better. Course right now it can't get any worse.

  • Actually blondefish

    THere were two hearts on the board... if you recall what I told you about the hand...

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