CHPC ~ Season 2 Final ~ Which Date Works For You???

OK guys and gals....the final 10 has been decided and are as follows:

1 Waltsfriend
2 JohnnieH
3 DrTyore
4 2Bullets
5 ItsaMe
6 Moose
7 melikebeer
8 Morty
9 Milton Bob
10 Big E

With the following finishing just out of the top 10 and with first crack at a chair if someone cannot make it:

11 Compuease
12 Nicole
13 Buzzzardd
14 PokerQueen

I want to run this end of May early June, It will be a deep stack tourney running outside on my deck on one of the option Saturdays (most votes decides). We'll BBQ dinner and hope for little or no wind!


  • Oh, and kudos goes out to Sandy for finishing first overall, unfortunately there is no prize for this other then being invited back to be in close proximity to me......well, I guess there really is a prize after all isn't there?
  • Ahh June 2 is Seneca W/E Dude. Pay attention.
  • May 26th or June 9th for me...I'm in BC the weekend of the 2nd.
  • Anything but the 2nd works for me.. and MOST EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!

  • June 9th.

    We come home from Europe June 8, so I'll be super jet-lagged but WTF!

    This is also just a week before my house closes, so I may have pull out on short notice.

  • Big E wrote: »
    Oh, and kudos goes out to Sandy for finishing first overall, unfortunately there is no prize for this other then being invited back to be in close proximity to me......well, I guess there really is a prize after all isn't there?

    Thanks for the kudos Eric. I would make a comment about the value of the prize, but I'm not sure if your wife reads the forum. I am looking foward to the finals.
  • Thanks for the kudos Eric. I would make a comment about the value of the prize, but I'm not sure if your wife reads the forum. I am looking foward to the finals.

    LOL, this could be really good...or really bad :)
    Ahh June 2 is Seneca W/E Dude. Pay attention

    Ok, it's looking more and more like the 9th works for the most people. I really don't want to go any later....I know this will be hard for Johnnie given the holidays and house move but I hope you can get may be tired but I'm sure you'll be itching for a cold one and some good poker with good friends...ok that maybe a stretch...some fishing with buds?
  • How much do you want to put in the pot for the final, I originally had $25 each but I'm thinking $40 would be better?
  • Big E wrote: »
    I know this will be hard for Johnnie given the holidays and house move but I hope you can get out..

    I'll be there, thanks for your efforts to organize around 10 peoples schedules.
    Big E wrote: »
    you may be tired but I'm sure you'll be itching for a cold one and some good poker with good friends...ok that maybe a stretch...some fishing with buds?

    HAHA...I'll still be hung over from big German beers and French wine, but I always have room for fish! jk.....beers and buds sounds great.

  • Have a great time buddy...where are you going? This is funny...with my new job our parent company is in Germany and I will be heading out there shortly for a visit....wouldn't it be cool to hook up for a beer somewhere in Germany?????
  • Big E wrote: »
    Have a great time buddy...where are you going? This is funny...with my new job our parent company is in Germany and I will be heading out there shortly for a visit....wouldn't it be cool to hook up for a beer somewhere in Germany?????

    May 22-24: Munich
    May 25, 26: Rothenberg
    May 27, 28: Colonge (Koln)
    May 29-June 7: France; Reims, Paris, Normandy.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    May 22-24: Munich
    May 25, 26: Rothenberg
    May 27, 28: Colonge (Koln)
    May 29-June 7: France; Reims, Paris, Normandy.

    Wow, now that's a vacation! Have a good time!

    Consider June 9th the official date!
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