Game 12 Player's List

This is it!! The last official game of Season 5...and what a finish it could be too.

Currently, Chris holds the points lead, but me and my drinking buddy Romer are closing in for the kill! And with Romer's recent win at Westside, he's on a very high roll lately. Even Jeff and Dan have a shot at winning this season too.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-27 15:34:42
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-27 16:07:37
IM-ON-TILT - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-27 18:41:59
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-27 21:29:46
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-28 06:37:22
Highflyer - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-28 14:59:11
JHJ - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-29 16:34:22
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-30 06:16:08
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-30 06:50:40
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2007-04-30 11:00:16
GutWagonMaster - Seat Reserved - verbal
Al - Seat Reserved - verbal
RobDillo - Seat Reserved - via posting
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - via phone


  • Hey AJ,

    ur not on my hitlist anymore after complimenting me that I looked 10 years younger than I really am..haha! Same with Chris, I did used your chips well at Westside! Just leaves Kerr and Jeff who was gonna help put me in the composter, I'll keep that in mind when our cards tangle. Eleanor, congrats on the quad 4's, I have some mula for you.

    Winner should bring some polish bigos (nuked polish sausage and cabbage stew), pretty dam tasty! See y'all on Thursday!
  • Amanda won't be able to make it, she will be in Kitchener
  • Amanda won't be able to make it, she will be in Kitchener

    A little early to be spying on the HBK's for the next Ryder, but hey, no problem. She's off the list, unless her plans change again.
  • I am in for this one!

  • Good looking game shaping up for tonight. A few faces we haven't seen in awhile are returning.

    Just remember who the REAL targets are, fellas...BigChrisEl, because you don't want him to win yet another season do you? And IM-ON-TILT Romer, who has been running extra HOT lately. These two are the targets!! The enemies!!! This is the NEW Axis of Evil!!! They MUST BE STOPPED!!!

    Who's with me?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Good looking game shaping up for tonight. A few faces we haven't seen in awhile are returning.

    Just remember who the REAL targets are, fellas...BigChrisEl, because you don't want him to win yet another season do you? And IM-ON-TILT Romer, who has been running extra HOT lately. These two are the targets!! The enemies!!! This is the NEW Axis of Evil!!! They MUST BE STOPPED!!!

    Who's with me?

    Ummm isn't AJ second????

    And what do you mean win another one????

    I think Bus Driver should win tonight, I'll take second to his first....he's over due. He is the peoples champ BTW.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Good looking game shaping up for tonight. A few faces we haven't seen in awhile are returning.

    Just remember who the REAL targets are, fellas...BigChrisEl, because you don't want him to win yet another season do you? And IM-ON-TILT Romer, who has been running extra HOT lately. These two are the targets!! The enemies!!! This is the NEW Axis of Evil!!! They MUST BE STOPPED!!!

    Who's with me?

    Just make sure your careful and use your chips wisely against me...I might be holding a monster! I think your a target too mr. second place (AJ)! According to the leader board, I want Eleanor and Max to win 1st and 2nd and Me Third. And Chris can have chump and Aj and Ninja can share the bottom of the list! Tonight will decide who the Lord of the Ring, I mean Ching is...LOL!
  • See how they are conspiring together to elminate a player? I ask you...Is that fair? Is that ethical? NO I SAY!!

    I would graciously take a second place to say....DEREK...even a third place might work, but I'll fight for more! See? I'm the nice guy here...I'm more than willing to let somone else take the win tonight, someone who is more deserving, like Derek or Eleanor.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Good looking game shaping up for tonight. A few faces we haven't seen in awhile are returning.

    Just remember who the REAL targets are, fellas...BigChrisEl, because you don't want him to win yet another season do you? And IM-ON-TILT Romer, who has been running extra HOT lately. These two are the targets!! The enemies!!! This is the NEW Axis of Evil!!! They MUST BE STOPPED!!!

    Who's with me?

    STR82ACE wrote: »
    See how they are conspiring together to elminate a player? I ask you...Is that fair? Is that ethical? NO I SAY!!

    Now who is conspiring against whom?
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Now who is conspiring against whom?

    Seriously, I have no idea what you are referring to ;)
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