
Should we have beer at Ching Hill?

After last Thursday’s game I made an interesting discovery.

Beer is like Kryptonite to Superman on Romer however it is like spinach to Popeye on AJ.

So should we allow beer at Ching Hill?


  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Should we have beer at Ching Hill?

    After last Thursday’s game I made an interesting discovery.

    Beer is like Kryptonite to Superman on Romer however it is like spinach to Popeye on AJ.

    So should we allow beer at Ching Hill?

    I'm laughing out loud!!! If the set game is on a friday.....I will have some Kryptonite. When AJ was avouring those cold ones, my head started to spin, felt like a crackhead in need. I'm gonna experiment at Westside today...maybe once I build a mount everest stack...I'll slowly have some Kryptonite. Having said that, I vote we should have beer at Ching Hill!
  • My only concerned, and this goes with hosting any get together is responsible drinking and/or supplying minors. (Justin)

    Myself I usualy don't, but once in a while, I don't mind having a couple if for no other reason for the kryptonite effect. And Chris, you got it wrong, it's kryptonite for AJ too, the only thing is that where it only takes 1 or 2 for it to have it's affect on superman, it takes maybe 15 on popeye.
  • TOC is on a Thursday Romer....however, we usually have a post-season game on a Saturday night that's all for fun. More vodka than beer at that though ;)
  • I didn't think beer was specifically disallowed, just that AJ wouldn't regularly supply it. Hell I"ve been known to have a few which really loosen's up my game. LOL. Then again I don't need beer to call an all in blind.
  • The OFFICIAL League Rule is that alcohol is acceptable during play, BUT if you expect it, expect to bring it. If I got any, you're welcome to it, but I don't NORMALLY keep it around too often.

    I don't mind members bringing suds to the game, but if I deem you unfit to drive, you will have a cab called to drive you home at your expense.

    As far as being referring to as Popeye....well...

    I yam what I yam
  • I think it should be banned, unless it affects your play and makes it worse, then drink up.

    BTW you guys are taking this way too seriously.

    I have to agree with TheBusDriver, makes sure no minors have any, don't want AJ's house of Chips and Blues to get in trouble.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    BTW you guys are taking this way too seriously.

    We're talking beer and poker here! We HAVE to take it seriously!!

    Don't forget, we also have a minimum age requirement for the league, so Chips & Blues management is secure and comfortable. Yes, even Justin qualifies now.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »

    I have to agree with TheBusDriver, makes sure no minors have any, don't want AJ's house of Chips and Blues to get in trouble.

    I hope you don't think I'm a minor Chris, if so, thanks for the compliment! Maybe its my shave head? I haven't had hair since CFB Petawawa, never grew since I joined 15 years ago!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    I hope you don't think I'm a minor Chris, if so, thanks for the compliment! Maybe its my shave head? I haven't had hair since CFB Petawawa, never grew since I joined 15 years ago!


    We'll have to talk about this on Thursday.

    Chances are REAL good you were trained by my brother!!
  • Chris, AJ..This is interesting. I join the RRC at Fort York and did my training in Petawawa. It was hell of a time, literally! Thats when my drinking habit was born, in the bars of Pembroke! Chris were you a M.Corporal Instructor? AJ what regiment was your brother in? Freakin small world!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Chris, AJ..This is interesting. I join the RRC at Fort York and did my training in Petawawa. It was hell of a time, literally! Thats when my drinking habit was born, in the bars of Pembroke! Chris were you a M.Corporal Instructor? AJ what regiment was your brother in? Freakin small world!

    I was in the Lorne Scots in Brampton, and did my infantry training in Petawawa with the RCR 3'rd jump commando....aka the Air Borne Regiment.

    Got my Corporal but never went higher. (School and life start getting in the way to try and become a Master Jack.)

    So drinking I am drinking qualified.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    Thats when my drinking habit was born, in the bars of Pembroke!

    Yep, you would know him.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I was in the Lorne Scots in Brampton, and did my infantry training in Petawawa with the RCR 3'rd jump commando....aka the Air Borne Regiment.

    Got my Corporal but never went higher. (School and life start getting in the way to try and become a Master Jack.)

    So drinking I am drinking qualified.

    What year did you do your infantry training? I believe I did mine in 92. I'm not as good as you are, just a certified Private and a certified beer guzzler! I was with the Royal Regiment of Canada at Fort York. I think I remember you guys, did your berets have a yellow or white feather?
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    What year did you do your infantry training? I believe I did mine in 92. I'm not as good as you are, just a certified Private and a certified beer guzzler! I was with the Royal Regiment of Canada at Fort York. I think I remember you guys, did your berets have a yellow or white feather?

    It was 93 when I did my training...and it was Primrose Hackle not yellow.

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