Dan Takes Down Game 11!!

After a couple of weeks off, Dan returns tonight to take down the game!!


Dan and Steve throw the blinds back and forth for a blind level, neither one wanting to make the move. Both were about even stacked at one point, and neither wanted to give up their stacks to the other. Finally, Steve loses a nice pot when his kicker was outkicked. After that, it was only a waiting game for Dan, who finally got Steve to go all in when he was holding an Ace. Steve got no help, and Dan took the game!

I took third place, but only after Steve crippled me when he hit a miracle flush on the river to beat my two pair on flop. It was the hand that knocked Romer out of the game, and Steve's trash talking got Romer to call my all in bet, only to lose the side pot to me. Nicely done Steve.

Tonight's Chump was Max, on a go broke hand. His Kings over Jacks boat held no water against my quad jacks. No one was walking away from that hand when we both hit trips on the flop!! When the jack came on the river, it was one of the most beautiful sights I ever did see ;) Well, at least until I hit my straight flush three handed that is. Too bad it only doubled me up to allow me to play another orbit.

Only one game left in Season 5! I'll update the points board over the weekend. It's going to be close!!


  • congrats Dan!!!...well played!

    btw, It wasn't the trash talk from Steve, it was the pot odds and the fact I had 350 chips left. AJ...when you went all-in, it was so obvious you had us both making it clear Steve was on a draw or had a lower pair. BUT with 5600 in the pot...I was getting 16-1 on my money and with the blinds at 100-200...I would need a miracle to fight my way back with 350 chips if I folded. Anyhow, it was a great game everyone. See you all next week!

    P.S. the thought of that composter was affecting my game...LOL!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    congrats Dan!!!...well played!

    btw, It wasn't the trash talk from Steve, it was the pot odds and the fact I had 350 chips left. AJ...when you went all-in, it was so obvious you had us both making it clear Steve was on a draw or had a lower pair. BUT with 5600 in the pot...I was getting 16-1 on my money and with the blinds at 100-200...I would need a miracle to fight my way back with 350 chips if I folded.

    Whoever is giving Romer poker books to read between games....
    STOP IT!!

    Good game Romer. In your position, you really had no choice in the move. Too bad the rest of your chips didn't make up my loss when Steve hit that flush :( Still, your bubble placement MAY be enough for you to become the new leader. But you'll have to wait to see ;)
  • Good game last night.

    AJ what happened?

    You were my pick to win.

    Also what happen to Jeff....I also thought he was going to win too?
  • Whoa, whoa WHOA! By My recollection of last night, El took 1st, and I took 2nd. WTF?

    Good game Dan. You were hittin the right cards. Not sure if you're skill had anything to do with the win, but congrats anyway;)
  • Thanks guys, and Derek.... lol I would be mad too I guess if you left me with 150 in chips but... ya good game everyone. I just had to come back to stop Romer's streak ;). Amanda and AJ thanks for the bad pic too, you guys are jerks. See you all next week.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »

    AJ what happened?

    You were my pick to win.

    Limped in with A4o, but had position. Flop comes down A46 with 2 spades. Steve pushes all in, and Romer hymns and haws for about a min and calls. Figured Steve was on a flush or straight draw and Romer had A9 or A10. I push for Romer's last few chips, he calls me. Steve turns over 78s so he's got both a flush and a gut shot straight draw, Romer turns over A8o. Turn was crap, but another spade hit the river to give Steve the flush.
  • derksen wrote: »
    Whoa, whoa WHOA! By My recollection of last night, El took 1st, and I took 2nd. WTF?

    That's what I have in my records too Derek. I don't know what these jokers were smoking.

    But since they claim that Dan won....

    Congrats you sneak! I resolve that you will not get my chips next week!
  • derksen wrote: »
    Whoa, whoa WHOA! By My recollection of last night, El took 1st, and I took 2nd. WTF?

    Well...obviously...you two were playing at the small table ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Well...obviously...you two were playing at the small table ;)

    Yes AJ, the heads up final table finale aka the 'small' table. You might not be too familiar with this;)
  • derksen wrote: »
    the heads up final table finale aka the 'small' table. ;)

    You mean what the rest of us call The Loser's Lounge??
  • Nope. I know you're familiar with that area of your house.
  • I should have busted early...I hear there was more money to be made in the side games.

    Chris still holds a lead, but it's dwindling. I have regained second spot once again, but only by a single point over Romer.

    Anyone in the top five can take this down, depending on turnout numbers.
  • Thats does it! How does AJ drink beer (3 cold ones) and still beat me by a point? What's the secret? Dan, you better bring donuts for Amanda...she kept whining about them. AJ/EL thanks for the headsup regarding the STUPIDITY people start!

    The war is on next game people!!!!

    My hitlist:

    Steve Kerr and AJ and of course BIGCHRISEL!
  • congrats Dan your win was well worth it.

    Once we got to the bubble I knew we couldn't have Romer three peat, as I knew we would be stuck helping AJ with that composter in the back.

    as for me catching my flush on the river, well being short stacked at that point I had no choice but to push with so many outs. Yes I got lucky but that is how you do well in tourny's.

    SO I guess it will be me, AJ, and BigChris teaming up on Romer.

    Look out Romer.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    congrats Dan your win was well worth it.

    Once we got to the bubble I knew we couldn't have Romer three peat, as I knew we would be stuck helping AJ with that composter in the back.

    as for me catching my flush on the river, well being short stacked at that point I had no choice but to push with so many outs. Yes I got lucky but that is how you do well in tourny's.

    SO I guess it will be me, AJ, and BigChris teaming up on Romer.

    Look out Romer.

    Would have done the exact same thing in your position, Steve. I'm not upset because I lost that hand...but why oh why does it always have to be the damn RIVER card! If you had hit your flush on the flop or the turn, I doubt I would have been as deflated. But that damn RIVER!!!

    I personally think you move Chris's name to Romer's side of equation. They have both been on a roll, and both deserve to be taken down!! ;) Should be a good game next week.
  • Good game Dan, I'm glad you used my chips wisely.

    For the supporters of the people's Champ, my own performance, went from good to unraveling. I had a good start, playing the whole range, then I decided to coast for a while, then by the time I took the brakes off, I made a dumb move for all my chips and got picked off by the Ninja.

    I too am glad we didn't have to bury Romer, I cried when we had to put Tony down for the dirt nap, not the mention the awkward moment, as we were digging the hole, uncovering AJ's 1st wife.
  • AJ,

    Romer is there because of his hit list, Once the three os us take care of that then you and I can concentrate on Chris.

    Man this is starting to sound like Survivor. lol
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