Romer Wins his First Hill Game!

Romer has been on quite the run lately, placing in the money for the third straight week, and this time, he took it down!!


Romer limps in with AA against me with 102clubs, and I check. Flop comes down pairing my deuce and I am thinking I can push him off the pot. SO WRONG!! I get no more help from the cards and Romer wins the game. Romer took an early chip lead and kept it most of the night. Great game Tilt!!

I came in second and Eleanor makes the money for the first time since mid Season 4 for third. Derek was tonight's chump when Romer busted his pocket aces with K9o, hitting two pair on the river.

Although a rather smaller game tonight, it was great play by everyone. I'll update the points by Friday night. See everyone next week.


  • Oh SNAP!?!?

    Did Romer finally find the perfect beer / poker ratio??? DUDE! LET ME KNOW!

  • Congrats Romer!
  • Great game last night Romer.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh SNAP!?!?

    Did Romer finally find the perfect beer / poker ratio??? DUDE! LET ME KNOW!


    Oddly enough, I think last night was the first night Romer DIDN'T have a beer while playing...hmmmmmmmm, is there a connection??
  • That's crazy talk... worst ratio ever...

  • Sometimes the craziest talk is all about the truth, Mark.

    Hey, should try to come out some Thursday for a game. We'd all love to suck out on you like Dan did ;) Seriously, you know you're more than welcome to join in any week. Goes for all the Bristol Street Gang too.
  • I've been toying with the idea...

    You play Thursday nights right... how far is it from Guelph?

  • Good game Romer. That doesn't mean I like you though:) I'm still a little red in the face from that hand. I keep on telling myself I maybe deserved it!

    Congrats El. Bout time eh?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I've been toying with the idea...

    You play Thursday nights right... how far is it from Guelph?


    70K. About an hour.
  • My win felt like a million bucks...I kept looking at the score board to see if I even had a chance, coming from 16th place with no cashes and now creeping up with only a few games ahead. Glad to be part of the Ching Hill Gang! Great game everyone!
    derksen wrote: »
    Good game Romer. That doesn't mean I like you:) though I'm still a little red in the face from that hand. I keep on telling myself I maybe deserved it!

    Congrats El. Bout time eh?

    Hey Derek,

    at least I revived the bullets at the end...good game, I'll try and get out of your way next time.
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Oddly enough, I think last night was the first night Romer DIDN'T have a beer while playing...hmmmmmmmm, is there a connection??

    Hey AJ,

    I may have brought some beer early in the season, but the last 5 games...I just had my rollup to rim xtra large timmys.
    DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh SNAP!?!?

    Did Romer finally find the perfect beer / poker ratio??? DUDE! LET ME KNOW!


    Hey Mark,

    still mixing up some solutions but I may try the Westside..sober for at least the first half or if I get a Jamie Gold stack early. Sorry to say this bro, but I'm almost convinced that poker and beer don't mix, but I'll still keep trying...maybe I'll stick to Candian beer instead of that polski stuff.
    STR82ACE wrote: »
    Sometimes the craziest talk is all about the truth, Mark.

    Hey, should try to come out some Thursday for a game. We'd all love to suck out on you like Dan did ;) Seriously, you know you're more than welcome to join in any week. Goes for all the Bristol Street Gang too.

    Ching Hill VS. Bristol Street..............this could be alot of fun!
  • Oh man...

    Ching Hill
    Bristol street


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh man...

    Ching Hill
    Bristol street



    Just to reiterate, you are aware that we play holdem with a 5 card board;)

    We'd love to have you!
  • Haha.. it's like in that +ev comic strip from Wednesday

    "Oh, I just had a bad beat
    Really? Tell me about it!
    Well, I had the best hand, then a bunch of other cards came out"

  • Gongrats Romer...

    Which polish beer are you drinking??? I have not seen you ever holding a bottol of polski brew... and believe me I would have noticed...

    Also, for those who did not attend the last post season gathering at Elliots', no matter what beer you are holding in your hand, you can say 'cheers' in english or 'na zdrowie' in polish, but. If you have a problem with pronunciation go 'nice driveway' and you are good...

  • Derek the problem with the Aces is that you weren't asking Romer about Fed Ex packages at the time.

    Throw him a few Fed Ex questions and he gets all confused and folds.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Derek the problem with the Aces is that you weren't asking Romer about Fed Ex packages at the time.

    Throw him a few Fed Ex questions and he gets all confused and folds.

    LOL.....the King in the river did indeed arrived on time!
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Gongrats Romer...

    Which polish beer are you drinking??? I have not seen you ever holding a bottol of polski brew... and believe me I would have noticed...

    Also, for those who did not attend the last post season gathering at Elliots', no matter what beer you are holding in your hand, you can say 'cheers' in english or 'na zdrowie' in polish, but. If you have a problem with pronunciation go 'nice driveway' and you are good...


    ZUBRE is my favorite.....can you drink my polski brother? why don't you come to the Westside tourney on the 28th, they serve 4-5 brands of polish brew.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Oh man...

    Ching Hill
    Bristol street



    Me thinks me hears a little friendly competition brewing???

    How about it Bristol? Your top 10 against our top 10 for bragging rights??
  • Screw friendly... ;) We'll have to see about Rob setting this up.... ;)

    Besides... I'm not even top 10 right now.. :(

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Screw friendly... ;)

    You're right...IT'S WAR!!!!
    DrTyore wrote: »
    We'll have to see about Rob setting this up.... ;)

    Hey we can make it the best 3 out of 5, a game in Kitchener, a game in Brampton, and if necessary decide the final locations.

    I'll PM Rob, see if he is up for it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    You're right...IT'S WAR!!!!

    Hey we can make it the best 3 out of 5, a game in Kitchener, a game in Brampton, and if necessary decide the final locations.

    I'll PM Rob, see if he is up for it.

    BTW the Elliott's apperance fee is $10

  • Maybe I can convince Rob to setup an all star team of 10, and we just do some 20 person SNG's?

  • I just PM'd Rob, see what he thinks, but that was basically what I was thinking, a couple of 20 man tournies. Keep the buyin down abit maybe ($50 or less), make it a great get together and compare strategies and what not. Be great to play with the Bristol lot more too.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    BTW the Elliott's apperance fee is $10


  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    How else am I going to make the money to buy the rest of those chocolates?

    Plus I lost like $5 playing Chinese.

    Plus they are going to make a movie about my life called The Brampton Kid.

    Going to try and get OJ Simpson to play me in the movie.

    I'm also working with Depends to make a new kind of Bladder control system so players won’t have to leave their computer screens when playing on-line poker.

    I'm going to be the Face for the Ching Hill Poker game coming out on the 2600 soon too.

    So with all these things on the go of course I’ll need an appearance fee.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I'm also working with Depends to make a new kind of Bladder control system

    That's not a bad idea, Chris. Someone in the league is definitely full of S**T!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    That's not a bad idea, Chris. Someone in the league is definitely full of S**T!!!

    Plus I'm working with the community


    Come out and support it people.

  • We really need to stop taking pictures of this guy...sigh

    Top 16 List is updated. Sal and Gus MUST play all remaining games to qualify to play the SET.
  • I don't know about you Chris, but I feel much better about myself when I give to charities. After the AA bust out, I immediately called Karey and demand she give $2 to the first homeless guy she saw. I saw one as well, so now I'm out the $50 from the ching hill game, $.25 I lost in the couch while eating chinese, and $4 to charity.... that's like $54.25 I'm out.

    At least now I am super powerful invicable mega level 10 sucker outer. I've never been so strong. Look out $50 and under poker world. I'm about to attack a small portion of your pay cheques.
  • you guys are cracking me up. let me check if I'm part of the top 10 so I can get in on some of this action...
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