Bristol St. Classic XXXIII - Wed. Apr 18th @ 7pm (Waterloo)



  • Take me off the list. I forgot my wife has something up and I need to stay home. Damn.
  • unfortunately i cant make it either, good luck everyone!
  • A few cancellations has put the rocks, sstar and Ercules off the waiting list and into the tournament.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    A few cancellations has put the rocks, sstar and Ercules off the waiting list and into the tournament.


    My first Bristol this year!, see you tomorrow.

  • Rob,

    I am going to be late tomorrow night, post and fold me.
  • I'll likely be a half hour late but will be there, hope that is ok. Thanks.

  • Sorry Rob, but 2 of the Rocks have cancelled so that's Miltonrock1 and Miltonrock2. I'm still coming but may be a few minutes late, please blind me in. The good news is that free's up 2 more spots for waiting list folks.... Thx.. Jeff.
  • I am there :-)

  • compuease wrote: »
    blind me in

    So many people are going to be late I get the feeling that I am going to be sitting at an empty table and steal all your blinds.
  • Thought you had tons of people to talk to on Wednesday!
    Pokerforum put up that message about not posting, so you win.
    I'm going golfing in Kentucky
  • Realistically should I bother showing up?

    It would be nice to play a Bristol during my last week living in Waterloo :)
  • You're currently second on the waiting list, so if you're not in due to no-shows chances are you'll get in as an alternate.

    PS. I'm going offline to set up. Please phone in any changes / notifications of being late, as I won't be online after this post.

  • I'll probably be there just in time, or possibly 5 to 10 minutes late. I don't have Rob's number so could someone tell him this if I'm not there.


    sstar Sean
  • Congratulations to the Bristol winner.
    2 of the Rocks have cancelled so that's Miltonrock1 and Miltonrock2.
    I wanted to play in this Bristol, but the reason that several of the Milton Rocks and I could not go was because of a special tournament at Milton tonight.

    The Good:
    It was nice to see a bunch of Milton Rocks again at the Milton tournament, several of whom I have not seen since Royal Cup I and the multi-day Bristol event. Several of the Milton Rocks' wives/girlfriends/mistresses? were there - Rockettes? ;) There were a total of 66 players!

    There was a Milton Rock and a Rockette in my table, with a calling station and me :fish:sandwiched between them. I looked at the next table and saw three more Rocks.

    The Bad:
    This bar tour has a silly bonus chip system where they have a limited number of chips available, but does not limit one player from hogging a lot of chips and buying his way to final tables. I got a couple of bonus chips just before they ran out. One of the Rocks had spent enough for 8 bonus chips, but he was never given a single chip.

    The Ugly:
    This tour's tournaments only have a Skill Level of 1, so it wasn't too long that players were dropping like flies. Half of the players in my table were eliminated, with the two Rocks surviving along with me and a female player who had played at the Point Edward Casino tournament last month. As the blinds and antes kept rising, I went all-in with a Rock calling me each time, and my better hand held up both times and I eliminated the two Rocks in my table. New players were moved to my table, including another Rockette, but it quickly went down to 4 players again and the table was broken up.

    When the 66 players got down to two tables, I did not recognize any Rocks remaining. I made it to the final table, but the blinds/antes automatically went up and most of the players were in the Bingo/Red Zone with an average M of only 3. :( When I was forced to go all-in with an Ace in the Dead Zone, the player in the cut-off position flat called expecting the big blind to also flat call and check it down to the river to eliminate a player. Instead, the BB made a big raise with only Q-10 sooooted and forced the other player to fold. I paired my Ace on the flop, but ended up getting rivered.

    Anyway, it's always fun playing with the Milton Rocks. Good luck to all the Rocks at their team invitational, including the Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks teams. :D
  • Let's correct a couple of points here, this "special" tournament you talk about is simply another "free" bar tournament, Red Hot. I think they had some special prize in that if you won you got entry into their playoff. Big deal, if you play enough, pretty well everyone gets in... lol
    And that is not the reason the other 2 Rocks were not at Bristol, one was working late and the other was on his way south on a golfing junket. All players from Milton are NOT Rocks. We all would much prefer to play a Bristol than a "free" bar tourney..... Please do NOT speak for the Rocks...... :)
  • PWNED!!!!!!!!!!!

    Milton Rocks for life!

  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Good luck to all the Rocks at their team invitational, including the Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks teams. :D

    By the way who the **** are these teams? Never heard of them and they certainly are not Milton Rocks,,,, must be wannabees.... Maybe from outer space? :)

    AND the Milton Invitational is not a Rock sponsored or run event. I just know they guy running it, he did play at the Pirana event in Ktch however... He asked me to post it here because he doesn't have a logon...
  • Stop thread jacking!

    I want results!
  • Results coming tomorrow, but an early congrats to "Big Daddy" Paul, for taking down Bristol Street 33, becoming only the second player behind "moose" Rob to win his third title! (Previous wins were BSC VII and XI)
  • No offense intended, Jeff. As I said, it was a pleasure playing again with Dr. Larry, Frank, Ken, Francine, etc. I hope that we can all play again at a future Bristol.
    compuease wrote: »
    All players from Milton are NOT Rocks. We all would much prefer to play a Bristol than a "free" bar tourney.....
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Results coming tomorrow, but an early congrats to "Big Daddy" Paul, for taking down Bristol Street 33, becoming only the second player behind "moose" Rob to win his third title! (Previous wins were BSC VII and XI)

    I'm sorry to Correct you "Paul" you of course mean "Trevor the Monster Chip God of the final table when I left " won, right? Say it ain't so Trevor. Say it ain't so!
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    I'm sorry to Correct you "Paul" you of course mean "Trevor the Monster Chip God of the final table when I left " won, right? Say it ain't so Trevor. Say it ain't so!
    Paul outplayed me - I finished third.

    Congrats Paul.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Paul outplayed me - I finished third.

    Congrats Paul.

    Immediately after he won, we asked him about the hand cause all of us were curious about the inst-call and he didn't actually remember it all that well.

    From talking to him, it sounded like he might have decided, before the flop, that you were going to push and that he was going to call.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Immediately after he won, we asked him about the hand cause all of us were curious about the inst-call and he didn't actually remember it all that well.

    From talking to him, it sounded like he might have decided, before the flop, that you were going to push and that he was going to call.

    Good plan.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    From talking to him, it sounded like he might have decided, before the flop, that you were going to push and that he was going to call.
    That was my read too (that he would call), which is why I pushed (although it was actually a check-raise all-in after the flop). He had been playing sheriff to the table (which is partly how he got the chip lead) and had position on me. I knew if I hit a hand I'd double through, and if I didn't, he wouldn't let me steal anymore (and I'd blind out). Unfortunately, I hit my hand, got the call, and didn't double through.

    But as I said, he outplayed me. Not just sour-grapes sarcasm (although that's part of it ;) ) - he used his position well to play sheriff and force me to make the move I did. While I obviously didn't like the suckout, I made some too (sorry Al ;) ), and at least he wasn't in the KWTC (sorry Mike).
  • Beanie,

    You can use my towel..... I'm done with it now (suffering the same fate of course) ;-)

  • Sorry for the long delay in getting the results out. They'll be up by tomorrow.
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