Cook Crew SnG's - April 11, 2007 @ 7pm


We've been too busy to host a normal CC event, but as a mini-version we'll be hosting a 2-table SnG so Jenn can play (one of her birthday wishes ;) ). Players will receive 5000 chips for a $20 buy-in. There are no rebuys or add-ons. Tables will be limited to 9 players per table (with the final table forming with 9 players). "Robert's Rules" will be used to resolve any disputes. The main tournament is planned to last approximately 3-5 hours depending on the number of players. People are free to play additional games during and after the main tournament.

When registering, please include your first name and last initial. If you need directions, let me know by PM. For reference, I am located in the Stanley Park area of Kitchener. BYOB BYOS.



  • 1. "Beanie42" Trevor
    2. "KangaX5" Jenn
    3. "DrTyore" Mark
    4. "ItsaMe" Mario
    5. Haddon
    6. JohnnieH
    7. "PokerQueen" Mandy
    8. "2Bullets" Jeremy
    9. Don
    10. "DataMn" Al
    11. "waltsfriend" Sandy
    12. "sstar" Sean
    13. "800Over" Nik
    14. Kristy
    15. Nicole
    16. "Metro" Tom
  • I had thought you said Wednesday April 11. 2007, not Monday April 9th. If it is scheduled for tonight Johnnie, Mark, Mario and I cannot make it as we are going to be at the Jays home opener. Otherwise, Wednesday is good for me.

  • Cut'n'paste error. It is for Wednesday - updated post but can't fix thread title (PM'ing Wes now).
  • Hey Trevor....

    Could you please add Jeremy and I....


  • Hey Trevor,

    Could you sign me up? I'll need directions, but I don't think my PM is active yet. Could you email them to ...

  • beanie42 wrote: »
    There are rebuys or add-on.

    Sorry Trevor, is this a typo or a rebuy event?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Sorry Trevor, is this a typo or a rebuy event?
    Freeze-out. Sorry - I failed my remedial proof-reading course. OP is now corrected (again... I think ;) ).
  • Hey all,

    I just found out that the wife needs the car Wednesday night, so could someone pick me up?

    Since I'll have my own truck in 3 weeks, this should be the last time I need to beg for a ride.
  • Hi All,

    Trevor - sign me up

    Can someone give me a life there - car is out of service for the week

    I live near the Giant Tiger on Margaret

  • Sign me up please.
  • I'd like to play if there's room. I'll need a reminder of your address also please.


    Sean S
  • Put me down plus the Mrs. please.

  • Hey Trevor...Can you add Nicole Please...
  • Trevor - Please add me.


  • Sorry all, I have to bail. I have a team meeting tonight for work. Good luck and thanks for hosting anyway.

  • I may be a smidge late... but I will be there

  • Kristy and I might be in if we finish painting.
    I'll call you around 6 Trevor.
  • Al, if we are going we can drive ya.

    I'll call you at 6:05 :)!

    Or call me.
  • I'll be there but the +1 wife won't.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    I'll be there but the +1 wife won't.
    Did she find out you were calling her "the +1 wife"?

  • I'll be there either right on time, or possibly 5 -10 minutes late.

  • I ll be a few minutes late - but that is easily postulated.
  • Josh... you are the KING of entertaining hands....

    Great game all.. thanks Cook Crew

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Josh... you are the KING of entertaining hands....

    Great game all.. thanks Cook Crew

    LOL, I'm gonna guess either T8 or 62s.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Great game all.. thanks Cook Crew

    Ditto here, congrats on the the win, Mark!
  • g2 wrote: »
    LOL, I'm gonna guess either T8 or 62s.


    I was only at the FT with him to watch his:

    A6 beat AQ
    67 beat A7
    and his K7 get sucked out on by AA (seriously, the aces had to go runner runner flush)

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I was only at the FT with him to watch his:

    A6 beat AQ
    67 beat A7
    and his K7 get sucked out on by AA (seriously, the aces had to go runner runner flush)


    And 57(?) beat AA by hitting trip 7's on the river.

    Great game last night - thanks for hosting Trevor.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    and his K7 get sucked out on by AA (seriously, the aces had to go runner runner flush)

    Best Re-Suckout Ever! I'm good at poker:)
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