2 interesting hands at Final table last night!

These senarios may be a no-brainer, but I'd like to hear what you think?

10 players left

Me - 2nd chip leader
Low - Low stack
Chip - Chip leader

I was UTG and limped in with big slick. Low immediately goes all-in for a total of 7 or more times the blinds. Chip insta-calls. Everyone folds and action is on me. In the tank for a minute and I fold. Low shows AJ and Chip shows 44.

Not a very complicated senario but what would you do? Push all-in, call or fold?


Me - Slightly bigger stack
A - Big stack
B - Low stack
C - Average

4 players left on the bubble....I'm UTG I look at AQ and make a standard raise, Player A re-raises 3-4 times my bet.....and the blinds fold. In the tank again, I felt he was strong and flip over my AQ and before plyr A shows, I heard a bystander comment "you folded AQ", why? Then player A shows pocket kings.

Again not a very complicated senario but what would you do?


  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    I heard a bystander comment "you folded AQ", why? Then player A shows pocket kings.

    I hope you didn't take that comment the wrong way, Romer. I was shocked you folded, but when I saw the KK, I thought maybe you had something on your opponent that I missed. Good fold.

    First hand...tough one, but considering the betting I can't blame you for folding AK here. Full table, one all in and a caller (even though caller was particularly loose last night). Your goal should be to move up here, and with the action so far, you had to assume you were behind.

    Second hand...I doubt I would have folded here considering the chip stacks and the fact it was bubble. But like I said, maybe you saw something I didn't and mucked it. Four handed, AQ is huge. Don't think I could have mucked it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I hope you didn't take that comment the wrong way, Romer.

    Not at all AJ, thanks for you feedback.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    These senarios may be a no-brainer, but I'd like to hear what you think?

    10 players left

    Me - 2nd chip leader
    Low - Low stack
    Chip - Chip leader

    I was UTG and limped in with big slick. Low immediately goes all-in for a total of 7 or more times the blinds. Chip insta-calls. Everyone folds and action is on me. In the tank for a minute and I fold. Low shows AJ and Chip shows 44./quote]

    I would say good fold. First reason your second in chip lead, up against the chip leader. Last thing I would want t do is lose to the chip leader. Low stack really doesnt matter since he is all in.

    Second, Do, I really want to double up low stack, if low stack has pocket pair, and I dont hit with my big slick. And then you have to consider what could chip leader have?? another pocket pair, or any Ace anything. And as the first reason, I dont want him/her to get more of my chips giving them a bigger lead over me.

    We do not know what happened if chip leader won or if low stack doubled up.
    I would still have folded.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »

    Not a very complicated senario but what would you do? Push all-in, call or fold?


    Me - Slightly bigger stack
    A - Big stack
    B - Low stack
    C - Average

    4 players left on the bubble....I'm UTG I look at AQ and make a standard raise, Player A re-raises 3-4 times my bet.....and the blinds fold. In the tank again, I felt he was strong and flip over my AQ and before plyr A shows, I heard a bystander comment "you folded AQ", why? Then player A shows pocket kings.

    Again not a very complicated senario but what would you do?

    I would fold. If i have learned anything at all. (who really knows if I have listened to Joe and others more) Sounds like your the chip leader at this point. You have raised, big stack reraises you only 3-4 times, but not all in. I would have to think he has a pocket pair, or even AQ or AK. Do I want to risk my chip stack at this point, not really. Once bubble is gone I am in the money. I have done that many times, been bubble because of not laying down hands like that to reraises. Now I try very hard not to do that anymore.
  • Sometimes it's about losing the least.

    In both cases you got away from the hands with only losing a small amount of chips.

    Well done.
  • I would fold. If i have learned anything at all. (who really knows if I have listened to Joe and others more) Sounds like your the chip leader at this point. You have raised, big stack reraises you only 3-4 times, but not all in. I would have to think he has a pocket pair, or even AQ or AK. Do I want to risk my chip stack at this point, not really. Once bubble is gone I am in the money. I have done that many times, been bubble because of not laying down hands like that to reraises. Now I try very hard not to do that anymore.

    You should try being aggressive around the bubble rather than passive as people play weak and are often weak with raising hands, and if this isn't enough blinds are easy to take because of tightness and image of getting into the money...

    The bubble is the time where you should be making your move not trying to survive...After all the real money is in the top 3 in every tournament...
  • Choron wrote: »
    You should try being aggressive around the bubble rather than passive as people play weak and are often weak with raising hands, and if this isn't enough blinds are easy to take because of tightness and image of getting into the money...

    The bubble is the time where you should be making your move not trying to survive...After all the real money is in the top 3 in every tournament...

    So what your saying is after earning a great chip stack throughout the tournament, your willing to gamble it at bubble time?
  • how be you post how big your stack is in relation to the blinds?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    how be you post how big your stack is in relation to the blinds?

    I can't recall the details....but it was battle of the big stacks....each well over 2000 each, short stack had around 800 left, other player had just over 1000. Blinds I believe were 150-300.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    So what your saying is after earning a great chip stack throughout the tournament, your willing to gamble it at bubble time?

    im talking more online
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    I can't recall the details....but it was battle of the big stacks....each well over 2000 each, short stack had around 800 left, other player had just over 1000. Blinds I believe were 150-300.

    I think the stack sizes were two big stacks had about 4000 to 5000 chips each; the smaller stacks had about 800 and 1500.

    IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    These scenarios may be a no-brainer, but I'd like to hear what you think?

    10 players left

    Me - 2nd chip leader
    Low - Low stack
    Chip - Chip leader

    I was UTG and limped in with big slick. Low immediately goes all-in for a total of 7 or more times the blinds. Chip insta-calls. Everyone folds and action is on me. In the tank for a minute and I fold. Low shows AJ and Chip shows 44.

    Not a very complicated scenario but what would you do? Push all-in, call or fold?


    Me - Slightly bigger stack
    A - Big stack
    B - Low stack
    C - Average

    4 players left on the bubble.... I’m UTG I look at AQ and make a standard raise, Player A re-raises 3-4 times my bet.....and the blinds fold. In the tank again, I felt he was strong and flip over my AQ and before player A shows, I heard a bystander comment "you folded AQ", why? Then player A shows pocket kings.

    Again not a very complicated scenario but what would you do?

    In the first situation I would fold my AK as well. With the speed that the big stack called I put them on Aces, Kings, Queens or AK.

    So out of those hands you are only tying one, coin flip on another and behind on two. Plus you have to figure the short stack could be pushing any ace so if you suspect the big stack has Queens you are less then a coin flip.

    In the second situation I would fold as well.

    The stacks like I said were about 4000 and 5000 vs. 800 and 1500.

    You made it 900 to go, the other large stack raised it to 2000 which was almost %50 of his stack. To me that was a sign to say, "I have a real big hand and unless you have a monster I don't want to tangle with you".

    I was the player in both hands, the one with the Ace-Jack and with the Kings.

    When I pushed all-in and the big stack insta called so fast I thought I was drawing pretty slim. So when you folded I thought that was great fold. When the hands came out I was surprise to see pocket 4's and realized I had live cards.

    In the second situation I was trying to send a message saying. I have a monster hand and I don't want to tangle with you.

    After you folded and showed your A-Q I showed my kings and I think I said something like "I really don't want to play a hand against you as we both have stacks that could hurt each other."

    In the second hand I put you on A-K or A-Q and on a bubble situation I didn’t want to get into a raising war with two tiny stacks behind us, I just wanted the hand to end and if you called I was going to push the flop unless an Ace hit.

    I would have done the same as you in both hands.
  • Choron wrote: »
    You should try being aggressive around the bubble rather than passive as people play weak and are often weak with raising hands, and if this isn't enough blinds are easy to take because of tightness and image of getting into the money...

    The bubble is the time where you should be making your move not trying to survive...After all the real money is in the top 3 in every tournament...

    The problem was when he was in the SB, the other large stack was in the BB so it's hard to steal when the one player that can knock you out or cripple you has position on you, plus the other Big stack was aggressive attacking the short stacks when they were in the blinds so it was only a matter of time before the "bubble was burst".

    I wouldn't risk my stack in a bubble situation against the only other player that could knock me or really hurt me.
  • Great feedback Chris! You were absolutely right about what I was thinking on the first hand. I would have called your all-in since you were short stacked but it was the INSTANT call by the other big stack that got me confused? Called so fast but didn't push?...sign of weakness or slowplay? (not to add Derek asking me questions about FedEx at the same time...LOL) Anyhow, I just couldn't value my big slick as the favorite in this one.

    In the second hand, your re-raise committing half your stack and willingness to tangle with another big stack and that the other two stacks were so low...the bubble was about to burst, showed me alot of strength! I'm glad you showed King Kong to prove my logic.

    Excellent game, I enjoyed and learned some key situations in the last three games.....looking forward to the next!
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