Chris vs Kris

It seemed to take a very long time, with Chris vs Kris heads up. Big Chris had the chip lead at first, but Kris suddenly doubled up and took the lead. About five hands later, BigChris gets it back and then some, crippling Kris, and taking down Game 8 when his A high beat out Kris's King High on a double paired board.


The bubble was brutal. Three small stacks and one monster, but whenever a small stack pushed, nobody had anything to call with. Everytime Chris made a raise, he got the respect he was looking for. When Derek bubbled out, Romer took down third place, and Kris ACDC placed second both placing in the money for the last two weeks. Well done guys.

Max was Chump...played his aces perfectly against BusDriver's pocket 8's, but when I called for an eight on the river, AND IT SHOWED UP...nobody could believe it! Sorry Max.

Oh, and Amanda...make sure to bring more wine next week. Never seen a big stack disappear so quickly. ;)


  • congrats Chris!
  • Top 16 List has been updated! Those players who cannot get their minimum 6 games in are no longer showing on the list.
  • Excellent game every one.

    The final four was good, every one just hanging on not willing to go.

    Great game Kris, you were super short stack and made a real nice come back.
  • Congrats Chris! It's a good thing one of us is contributing to the bankroll :D
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