Bristol St. Omaha Open II - Results!!

The third event of the 2007 season was the second Pot Limit Omaha event in Bristol Street History, the "Bristol Street Omaha Open 2". Last year, 18 people participated in the event which was won by Bristol Street 31 Champion, "SeekTheGrail" Steve. This year, attendance was way up and 28 people each put up $20 to see who could take down the title of "Bristol Street Omaha Open 2 Champion".

Minutes into the competition, the current Player of the Year points leader, "Prophet 22" attempted to establish himself as the Table 4 table bully, but wrong into the wrong player and wrong hand and was ousted first.

As play continued, the points bubble approached and play tightened up with 14 players left. It took nearly half an hour to eliminate number 14 and it would, sadly, be "Hobbes" Ron, making his debut at an official Bristol Street event.

"FASSman" Will, who "Dirty Whore" Mark affectionately called "WeakTight" throughout the night, ended up on a micro stack with 10 players left and his elimination formed our final table.


Seat 1: "Ranger" Mike ($17,500)
Seat 2: "Metro" Tom ($14,000)
Seat 3: "waltsfriend" Sandy ($11,400)
Seat 4: "Kristy Sea" Kristy ($11,200)
Seat 5: "Zithal" Rob L ($11,700)
Seat 6: "Westside" Wes ($11,800)
Seat 7: "BIGBOB" Bob ($5,200)
Seat 8: "ItsaMe" Mario ($7,300)
Seat 9: "Dirty Whore" Mark ($22,000)

With blinds at 500-1,000, this was still anyone's games. As play started and stacks were close, play was tights and cautious as the blinds rose to 600-1,200 and then to 800-1,600. It took just over half an hour to lose our first player

9th Place: "Metro" Tom - 11:31pm

The not news: Tom made a final table. The good news: Tom didn't go out on the bubble. The bad news: Tom got busted in 9th place, when his KKxx hand failed to improve against Sandy's AAxx, and a flopped flush. Another final table appearance cements Tom near the top of the list as he looks for that ellusive first cash of 2007. Another final table finish moved Tom into 3rd place from 5th in the PoY race.

8th Place: "Zithal" Rob - 11:37pm

The Bristol St. Host, appearing at his first final table of 2007, pushed all-in with KQJT, two hearts, after Kristy made a pot-sized pre-flop raise. Announcing that she was likely on tilt, the raise was correctly not enough to get her out of the pot, and she flipper over AJ94, two hearts. A flopped two pair for Kristy was all it took to eliminate "Zithal" from the final table in 8th place. For his first final table, Rob has moved from 18th to 13th on the player of the year race.

7th Place: "BIGBOB" Bob - 11:58pm

It's always a pleasure to find a Milton Rock at the final table, and it was extra nice to see Bob at his first final table of 2007. With blinds raising to 1K-2K, and in a battle of the short stacks, Bob pushed in for a total of 3k with J862, which was called by Mario's dominating K863. The winning hand? Mario's K-high, eliminating the last Milton Rock in 7th place.

6th Place: "ItsaMe" Mario - 12:03am (BUBBLE-BOY)

Though eliminating BIBBOB from the tournament, that still didn't give him a lot of chips to play with and found himself, 5 minutes later, all in with AJJ9 against Mike's AQJT, the 6K3A2 board gave Mike a pair of Aces with a Queen kickers, vs. Mario's pair of Aces with a Jack kicker. The recently crowed Bristol Street Classic 32 Champion was to be the Omaha Open 2 Bubble Boy. With this bubble finish, however, Mario has taken over first in the Player of Year race, (from last month's 4th place), with a currently 8 point lead over "Prophet22"

5th Place: "Westside" Wes - 12:14am ($30)

Appearing in what may be his final Bristol Street as one of the residents of Bristol Street, a cash in tonight's event was a nice send off. It was just sad it couldn't be any higher than 5th place. With blinds now up to 1.5k-3k, Wes found himself up against Kristy's QJT5 hand, and the flop of QJ2 gave Kristy a commanding two pair lead. The turn and river blanked out and Wes was out in 5th place. This was Wes' first cash and points finish of 2007.

4th Place: "Dirty Whore" Mark - 12:35am ($55)

With four players left, the two men, Mark and Mike had a significant chip lead over the two women, Kristy and Sandy. As tends to happen in the late stages of tournaments, chip swings happen often and the roles reversed over the span of the 20 minutes it too to eliminate the next player. With blinds at 2k-4k, Mark ran up against Sandy in a hand that I've obviously miswrote and I have both players holding KJJ6. Well, the board was Q2A3Q and Mark was eliminated by Sandy who earned Wolff's bounty. A 4th place finish vaults Mark from 24th to 10th place in the Player of the Year race.

3rd Place: "Ranger" Mike - 12:39am ($85)

In the original Omaha Open, "Ranger" Mike was the runner up and lost to "SeekTheGrail" Steve with QQxx. In Omaha Open 2, Mike ended up in third place once again losing with QQT3, against Sandy's AK67. The Ace on the flop was all it took to eliminate Mike in 3rd place. With his eliminated, Bristol Street achieved a first with an all female Heads-up battle for a Bristol Street Title. With Sandy eliminating the previous two players, she started heads-up with a 2-1 chip lead. A second strong finish moves Mike from 16th into the Top 10 at 7th place in the Player of the Year race.


"waltsfriend" Sandy - $74,000
"Kristy_Sea" Kristy - $38,000

In all the heads-up battle ran nearly a half an hour with Kristy's early rush and aggressive playing giving her the chip lead. The chip lead would then swing back and forth until Sandy finally ended up all-in with 8422 against Kristy's J665. The flop was K4A, giving Sandy a pair of 4 and a few more outs to win the hand. A five on the turn was useless for Kristy as her 66 still held the lead. The Ace on the river, paired the board, missing both players and giving "Kristy Sea" Kristy, the win, $250, a seat at the 2007 GRAND FINAL and the title of "Bristol Street Omaha Open 2 Champion"!!

For her second place finish, Sandy earned a respectable $140, narrowly missing her first Bristol Street Title. Congrats to both woman, who were the only two females in this event and provided an outstanding estrogen charge Heads up battle!

With this win, Kristy debuts on the Player of the Year list in 6th place, while Sandy enters in 12th.


1st: "Kristy Sea" Kristy - 1:04am ($250) - 53 points
2nd: "waltsfriend" Sandy - 1:04am ($140) - 37 points
3rd: "Ranger" Mike - 12:39am ($85) - 31 points
4th: "Dirty Whore" Mark - 12:35 ($55) - 26 points
5th: "Westside" Wes - 12:14 ($30) - 24 points
6th: "ItsaMe" Mario - 12:03am (BUBBLE-BOY) - 22 points
7th: "BIGBOB" Bob - 11:58pm - 20 points
8th: "Zithal" Rob - 11:37pm - 19 points
9th: "Metro" Tom - 11:31pm - 18 points
10th: "FASSman" Will - 10:54pm - 17 points
11th: "stpboy" Shannon - 10:45pm - 16 points
12th: "compuease" Jeff - 10:40pm - 15 points
13th: "DataMn" Al - 10:34pm - 15 points
14th: "Hobbes" Ron - 10:28pm
15th: "labeach2002" Steve - 9:55pm
16th: "moose" Rob - 9:49pm
17th: "JohnnieH" Johnnie - 9:47pm
18th: "800Over" Nik - 9:43pm
19th: "nordique" Kevin - 9:33pm
20th: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 9:32pm
21st: "Aiki65" Don - 9:31pm
22nd: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 9:28pm
23rd: "SeekTheGrail" Steve - 9:17pm
24th: "Quimby" Duane - 8:51pm
25th: "King Mob" Dave - 8:35pm
26th: "Oragami" Jonathan - 8:29pm
27th: "haddon" Josh - 8:18pm
28th: "Prophet22" Brent - 7:15pm


  • Another great summary Rob..

    my Final hand was K556 - suited K... I was super short (I think about 9k), and needed to steal the blinds 4-handed, so raised on the button, Sandy pushed me all in.

    Big congrats to my Omaha protege!

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