ACDC Wins Game 7!!

It took five seasons, but ACDC, our own Polish Prince, finally wins his first league game!!!


Kris hits his boat with his Q7 against Romer's trips queens, and takes down his very first Champ title. And I think he's more happy to have a non Chump Picture posted than he was at taking home some cash!!! Kris and Romer played heads up for what seemed like three blind levels, not bad considering we were four handed by 10:15!!! For most of the time, they were even stacked the whole way, and trading small pots. But Kris made some very nice folds when needed, and some huge moves to start to chip away at Romer's stack. By the time Kris hit his boat, he had almost two thirds the chips in play.

Romer takes down second tonight, and Jeff managed to take down third place. I was bubble, and tonight's chump was Max.

Great game tonight everyone. Quote of the night..."Almost suited, almost connected, but I gotta fold" ACDC.


  • Congrats Kris! Someone who says "kinda suited, kinda connected" deserves a win!

    Another great night!
  • Congrats Kris!
  • I've waited a long time for this and I can tell you: It is sweet... As AJ said, I am much happier about the WIN and points than the cash prize. I believe that I was in 10th spot before last night and now I hope to move up to significantly.

    PARTY TIME!!!!
  • Way to go Kris,

    It has been way over due.....
  • Congrats Kris!! Great Game.
  • congrats kris.
  • Congrats bud!
  • My thoughts on the evolution of ACDC.

    Season 1:
    Where's ACDC, I wish he was here, I need some chips.

    Season 2:
    Hey! who went and busted out ACDC, I was planning on those chips for later.

    Season 3:
    Ok, ACDC is here, now how do I best make his chips my own.

    Season 4:
    Ok, who was the wise guy who gave ACDC those books?

    Season 5:
    I hope ACDC isn't at my table, he's going to take my chips.

    Great game Kris, and great constant improvement in your game overall. From my seat, the final 4 was very tough. I think each of us had chip lead at least twice. If I couldn't take it down, I'm glad to see you did.
  • I think each of us had chip lead at least twice.
    Well, I don't think I ever did, but I certainly did try. Damn Romer hitting his boat on my trip 9's...I was seriously slowplaying that hand, thinking I was ahead the whole way. When he flipped over KK on a K99 flop, I never saw it coming! Crippling blow, Romer!
    If I couldn't take it down, I'm glad to see you did.
    A much well deserved win Kris, that's for sure. You are officially no longer the Ugly Cousin!!

    The Top 16 List has now been updated. Very little movement though.
  • it was a great final table! I agree with 4 was a challenge. I'm already looking forward to the next one!
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