WPC VI - $60 2-day Super Deepstack - Wed/Fri May 2nd/4th 2007 - Waterloo



  • Day 1:
    Patience Factor: 32.85
    Skill Level: 6 (only because it doesn't go higher than 6 ;) )

    Final Table:
    Patience Factor: 21.09
    Skill Level: 6

    An email reminder including directions will be sent out at the end of this week.

  • Unfortunately Rob's out... so Furfy's in.

  • Yeah. This is unfortunate. Easy's coming down for a visit, so I promised the evening to her. :( I'll be there Friday if side games are going on.
  • Yes Greg, I will be there for sure. Thanks to the person who finally dropped out.

  • Anyone have Mario's phone number? (EDIT: Got it, thanks) Somebody please let him know I need him to confirm his seat for Wed & Fri ASAP.

  • g2 wrote: »
    Anyone have Mario's phone number? Somebody please let him know I need him to confirm his seat for Wed & Fri ASAP.
    Misplaced his # but call Mark. However, I chatted with him yesterday and can confirm he's planning on coming.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    However, I chatted with him yesterday and can confirm he's planning on coming.
    Great, thanks Trev.

  • When the side game Sng is posted, please add me.


  • add stpboy to my list and take off Prophet 22
  • Greg,

    Please take me off the list. I have a committment to coach Ball Hockey and the kids play Friday at 8-9. So, I'm out.

  • Wolffhound wrote: »

    Please take me off the list. I have a committment to coach Ball Hockey and the kids play Friday at 8-9. So, I'm out.

    Bah! I was really looking forward to playing against you.

    Mandy's off the waiting list... I just need a confirmation.

  • Can you please PM me your address and I might be a few minutes late.

  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    Can you please PM me your address and I might be a few minutes late.

    I already did. If you want them again PM me an email address ;)

  • Sorry to dissapoint but my schedule at work just changed to have me working nights instead of days, I cannot wait till I find out about this new job! Anyway, can't make it. Take me off your lists although I do appreciate the votes of confidence. Also, I'll pull out of the side bets. Crap, this sucks!

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Sorry to dissapoint but my schedule at work just changed to have me working nights instead of days, I cannot wait till I find out about this new job! Anyway, can't make it. Take me off your lists although I do appreciate the votes of confidence. Also, I'll pull out of the side bets. Crap, this sucks!


    too bad, I change my pick from shannon to folded, I heard at out West Side tournment this past weekend, his feeling were hurt that no one had picked him.

    I will put you on my list Cory

    Prophet 22
  • Looks like I made the list. Woohoo!

    Greg, consider this my confirmation that I will be there on Wednesday.

    Ranger Mike
  • With the additional cancellations, can I now plan to drive out to K-W on Wednesday, or am I currently the "bubble boy" :redface: on the waiting list?
    g2 wrote: »
    Mandy's off the waiting list... I just need a confirmation.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    With the additional cancellations, can I now plan to drive out to K-W on Wednesday, or am I currently the "bubble boy" :redface: on the waiting list?
    Yup, you're next on the list. If you can make it you're in.

    Edit: I tried forwarding you directions, but your email just returned. Please PM me your new email address.

  • I'm all-in!
    It seems that one of my mail servers is down, so I'll email you another address.
    g2 wrote: »
    If you can make it you're in.
    Edit: I tried forwarding you directions, but your email just returned. Please PM me your new email address.
  • g2 wrote: »
    I already did. If you want them again PM me an email address ;)


    Sorry Greg, I knew I read your address somewhere, but I couldn't find it on the posts. My bad. See you Wednesday.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Sorry to dissapoint but my schedule at work just changed to have me working nights instead of days, I cannot wait till I find out about this new job! Anyway, can't make it. Take me off your lists although I do appreciate the votes of confidence. Also, I'll pull out of the side bets. Crap, this sucks!


    Trevor - I guess this means you are back on my side bet list. I hope there are no hard feelings :).

  • Trevor - I guess this means you are back on my side bet list. I hope there are no hard feelings :).
    Shannon dumped you so you picked me up on the rebound? ... I'm good with that ;)
  • Greg:

    Please replace Shannon with Trevor on my list. Thanks.

  • g2,

    I revised my picks also.
  • STP why would you pull out of the side bet? You don't have to be in it to play. Sorry you are not going to be there.
  • Everyone have directions who needs them?

    And just for anyone who didn't read the directions carefully... this game is NOT at my parents place. This is at MY place.

    See you guys tomorrow!

  • You didn't send the reminder with your new cell#
  • Check again... your mail server is probably just a bit slow.

  • less then 10 hours, going to bed, it will be a long night, need the rest.

    Prophet 22
  • g2 wrote: »
    Check again... your mail server is probably just a bit slow.


    You mean like, it arrived within one minute of your post slow or some other definition of slow that I am not aware of? ;)
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