Bristol St. Classic XXXII - Results!!

Bristol Street Classic 32 continued the 2007 season into it's second event. Once again, a NL freeze-out, the results of tonight's tournament would start setting the stage for the 2007 Player of the Year race.

Though a little slow to start, it took just over 40 mintues to eliminate "800 Over" Nik in 33rd (one alternate joined in after his elimination) and the race for points and money was on!!

As like last tournament, and the rest of the tournaments through the year, the points bubble adds another wrinkle for those players looking for a spot in the 2007 GRAND FINAL. Fittingly, the defending Bristol Street Champion, "SeekTheGrail" Steve, ended up eliminated in 16th place just after 10pm and the points bubble was burst. As players continued to fall, "JohnnieH"'s chip stack fell to a dangerously low level and he became the final table bubble-boy for the tournament. This created our...


Seat 1: "DataMn" Al ($12,900)
Seat 2: "Ranger" Mike ($13,700)
Seat 3: "2BULLETS" Jeremy ($14,000)
Seat 4: "Metro" Tom ($10,500)
Seat 5: "joeheartshi" Joe ($16,400)
Seat 6: "labeach2002" Steve ($13,100)
Seat 7: "ItsaMe" Mario ($15,800)
Seat 8: "Prophet22" Brent ($27,200)
Seat 9: "moose" Rob ($8,100)

As like time, most of the players came to the final table with roughly similar chips stacks, and just like last time, the chip lead belonged to "The Prophet22" Brent. Would his bad luck continue into this tournament? With blinds at 500-1,000(100), we would soon find out.

9th Place: "moose" Rob - 11:23pm

The 2006 Player of the Year found himself at the Final Table in the second tournament of this season, though he came to the table as the relative short stack. Not suffice to be blinded out, Rob pushed all-in on the button with KJ, only to be called by Al's A8. The King was the first card off the deck, but was soon followed by the ugly Ace.

Though eliminated in 9th, Rob's point earning pushed him higher into the Top 10 list.

8th Place: "Ranger" Mike - 11:41pm

The blinds increased to 600-1,200(200), and the pressure was really on the short stacks as it now cost $3,400 to play a round of poker. Mike's chips began to dwindle and he pushed on the SB with Q9 only to have Jeremy call him in the BB with A2. No help for Mike, put him out in 8th place, which was a happier finish than BSC 31's points bubble finish.

7th Place: "joeheartsdi" Joe - 11:50pm

Less that 10 minutes later, Bristol Street newcomer "joeheartsdi" found himself face a raise from Al to $5,000. Look down at AT, Joe push, and Al called with a dominated A8. The flop of 546 missed both players, but gave Al 4 additional outs to the straight. The J missed both players and Joe looked to double-up through Al, until the 7 appeared on the river filling Al's gutshot. The heartbreaking river put Jow out in 7th place.

6th Place: "Metro" Tom - 11:58pm (BUBBLE-BOY)

Hey! Guess what?!! Tom made another final table. Hey! Guess what?!! Tom earned back to back bubble-boy finished in both appearances. With blinds at 800-1,600(200), Jeremy, feeling he could push around the shorter stacked Tom, pushed all-in from the SB on Tom's BB. Tom however, woke up with AQ, and Jeremy sheepishly rolled over 75. To no one's surprise, the flop gave Jeremy two-pair while the river completely his boat. Tom, was sent to the rail in harsh fashion.

5th Place: "labeach2002" Steve - 12:27am - $30

With players in the money, action slowed down again and blinds rose to 1k-2k(300). Steve raised to 7k with TT and Mario pushed him all-in. Steve called and found himself well behind to Mario's KK. No help for Steve and he was out in 5th.

4th Place: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 12:39am - $65

Blinds increased to 1.5k-3k(500) as the black chips were removed and I have in my notes that there was a MAJOR suckout hand which crippled Jeremy, but I forgot to write down the details. Left with barely a blind, Jeremy's final stand as a 72o vs. Al's Q7 and Jeremy went home in 4th place.

3rd Place: "DataMn" Al - 12:54am - $100

Mario was quickly becomming the short stack at the table and kept pushing to steal the blinds. Eventually Al called him with A2, while Mario turned over 63o. We don't need to spell out how Mario doubled up on this hand. The very next hand, Al does his own push on a micro stack with 64, only to run into Mario with, again, KK. A 4 on the flop gave Al a glimmer of hope, but it was not to be and Al was out in 3rd.


"ItsaMe" Mario $50,000
"Prophet22" Brent $81,000

It was the battle of Brent v. Mario. Brent, looking to adding another championship to his belt, while Mario was looking for his first ever Bristol Street Classic Victory. The players battle battle and forth with Mario continually chipping away at Brent's lead, until this amazing hand occured with Mario ahead in chips...

With blinds at 2k-4k, Mario raised to 9k, which Brent called. The flop came down 866. Brent, acting first, thought for a moment and them bet $20,000 at the pot. Mario, sensing weakness figured he could take the pot away from Brent right here and pushed all in holding nothing more than J7. Brent decided to call, and Mario felt sick to his stomach tabling the J7. Brent's response? "Well, you're in the lead" as he rolled over 9T for the gutshot and two overs.

Tension built as the dealer dramatically slowed down the delivery of the turn... a 5!! The river card was dealt and the 9 came off giving Brent top pair and Mario burst from his chair claiming defeat. Luckily for him, the cards read themselves and the trusty dealer informed Mario that he had not only just made a straight, but, in fact, was the official of Bristol Street Classic XXXII and has earned his spot into the Bristol Street GRAND FINAL!! Mario won $300 for his effort, while Brent picked $165 and a ton of points, giving him an early lead in the Player of the Year Race.


1st: "ItsaMe" Mario - 1:06am ($300) - 57 points
2nd: "Prophet22" Brent - 1:06am ($165) - 41 points
3rd: "DataMn" Al - 12:54am ($100) - 33 points
4th: "2BULLETS" Jeremy - 12:39am ($65) - 29 points
5th: "labeach2002" Steve - 12:27am ($30) - 26 points
6th: "Metro" Tom - 11:58pm (BUBBLE-BOY) - 23 points
7th: joeheartsdi" Joe - 11:50pm - 22 points
8th: "Ranger" Mike - 11:41pm - 20 points
9th: "moose" Rob - 11:23pm - 19 points
10th: "JohnnieH" Johnnie - 11:15pm - 18 points
11th: "Aiki65" Don - 10:48pm - 17 points
12th: "Slippery" Pete - 10:27pm - 17 points
13th: Andrew - 10:27pm - 16 points
14th: "DirtyWhore" Mark - 10:22pm - 15 points
15th: "800Over+1" Beth-Anne - 10:17pm - 15 points
16th: "SeektheGrail" Steve - 10:08pm
17th: "Ryan_yo" Ryan - 10:02pm
18th: Nicole - 9:58pm
19th: "QTJen" Jen - 9:55pm
20th: "PokerQueen" Mandy - 9:54pm
21st: Mike T - 9:39pm
22nd: "Oragami" Jonathan - 9:25pm
23rd: "King Mob" Dave - 9:18pm
24th: "liquidfire" Ian - 9:14pm
25th: "waltsfriend" Sandy - 8:51pm
26th: "beanie42" Trevor - 8:39pm
27th: "Flint Bones" Andrew - 8:35pm
28th: "Kristy Sea" Kristy - 8:17pm
29th: "Zithal" Rob L - 8:15pm
30th: "Westside" Wes - 8:15pm
31st: "stpboy" Shannon - 8:08pm
32nd: "haddon" Josh - 7:58pm
33rd: "800Over" Nik - 7:52pm


  • Atta-boy, Mario!!!

    I'm glad my chips came in handy. :)

    Congrats to the other money finishers, and thanks to Zithal for another great tournament!

  • I can tell you about the suckout. Mario thought, then folded> I pushed with A 4, Al then went into the tank and finally decided to fold. Jeremy believing I pushed with the Ace, felt Mario and Al both had Aces because the thought about it for so long. He said I called and hit a King on the flop. I also hit a 4 on the flop and then I hit a 4 on the river completing the suckout.

    Prophet 22
  • Oh yeah, Jeremy had Kx something, so while he was huge AFTER hitting his King on the flop, he was behind you when the money went in.
  • Yeah he had K 10 offsuit. And you are right, I had the 81,000 when heads up started with Mario and he came back and domonated me ithe heads up.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent Congrats on your great finishes thus far - looks like another year where the POY will certainly be seperated from the rest of the "pack"!
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