Any games in the Niagara area not at the Casino?

Sick of waiting in lines and dealing with crappy players....the governement makes enough money off of us without killing us on the tables too!!!! Looking for any home games in the Niagara area...nothing crazy 1-2 or 5-5 NL... let me know!!!


  • jpaule162 wrote: »
    and dealing with crappy players....
    Really? Dealing with crappy players is my favourite thing in the world. Just sucks when they donate too much to you and you can't see over your stack.

  • So many players need to start reading books on the psychological leaks in their game. Playing vs crappy players is +EV. Playing vs players that are as skilled or more skilled than you is -EV. Why is that so hard to comprehend?
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    Why is that so hard to comprehend?
    Maybe the "smart" players are dumb?
  • im goin to have to agree if you're sitting with a bunch of fish/noobs you gotta take advantage!
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    Playing vs crappy players is +EV. Playing vs players that are as skilled or more skilled than you is -EV. Why is that so hard to comprehend?
    Because many players don't even comprehend what "EV" is!

    I can't understand why so many otherwise decent players whine when there are "bingo" players in their table or that the main reason they lose is because the "stupid donkey" didn't do what they wanted him to do. If you don't know how to play against crappy players, then your EV will be even worse against players who make correct decisions.

    The worst thing is when these supposedly "smart" players insult the crappy players and shame them into improving their play or make them take their money to a friendlier game elsewhere. As Daniel Negreanu wrote, smart players should do everything they can to ensure that the crappy players have a good time and keep coming back to donate more money.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    As Daniel Negreanu wrote, smart players should do everything they can to ensure that the crappy players have a good time and keep coming back to donate more money.

    Buddy! Is that why you're always so nice to me?!?
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