Thoughts on a second summer tournament..

Hey all,

With the summer weather making my place a boiler, I wanted some feedback on a second tournament series over the summer, that could run at the same time as the likely to return Heads-Up Championship. Here's the idea...

The Bristol Street Summer Shoot-Out (rough notes)

- Nine pre-lim matches of 9 players each.
- Winner of each moves on to the Final Table. (on a date decided at the beginning of the run)
- May only sign up for one pre-lim match at a time, but may play more than one pre-lim. May not play another pre-lim once you win a seat into the final table.
- Will also be for points, which means will also be eligable for the HH jackpots.

Buy-in / Pay-out proposal

Pre-Lim's : 5,000 chips to start, regular Bristol 20 minute blinds.
Buy-in: $20 ($180 prize pool)

1st: Entry to the Final Table
2nd-3rd: $20 (ie. free chance at another pre-lim if you so choose)

Final Table : 20,000 chips to start, regular Bristol 30 minute blind levels.
Buy-in: ($140 - the remainder from the pre-lim tables) ($1260 prize pool)

1st: (40%) $504.00
2nd: (23%) $289.80
3rd: (12%) $151.20
4th: (7%) $88.20
5th: (5.5%) $69.30
6th: (4.5%) $56.70
7th: (3.5%) $44.10
8th: (2.5%) $31.50
9th: (2.0%) $25.20

PoY Points:

I'm not sure exactly how to award points here as awarding points for an 81 person tournament seems a bit much for a double-shootout.
Basically, the idea is that we award the final table 1st - 9th, points based on an XX person tournament. For the pre-lim, 2nd-4th(ish) would also get awarded points. (Obviously, since you can play multiple pre-lims, only the high score you achieved would apply. Here's a sample.

Finals: 1-57 2-41 3-33 4-29 5-26 6-23 7-22 8-20 9-19
Pre-lims: 2-17 3-16 4-15 5->9-0

Other Notes:

The finals would definitely happen at Bristol Street, but I'd be open to hosting one or two pre-lims in other locations. (eg. If the Rocks wanted to host one of the pre-lims in Milton, that would be cool.)

The dates of the Finals would be pre-chosen and participation in the tournamnet means that you'd be free for the Finals. No showing the finals would count as a DQ and you'd be awarded last place. We could change this to being blinded out, but I don't that'd be fair to the other players.

The nice thing about this is that there's only 9 players in the basement at a time, which will keep things cooler.

Specators and side games welcome, of course.



  • Giddy up. If you're running I am sure it will be good.

    I'd play.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    The nice thing about this is that there's only 9 players in the basement at a time, which will keep things cooler.

    Specators and side games welcome, of course.

    That'll make up for the other 30 ppl in your basement!

    thoughts.... I like it! sign me up... I'll be in Waterloo May-August!

    [Edit: n/m missed part of the OP]

    Either way... I second the baby eater's comments.

  • Great idea! Sign me up!

    You'll need to figure out signup rules pretty good. If you made Bristol "first 9", you'd probably have quite a few repeat players (simply due to who has time to monitor the forum). If you could somehow structure it so any player who wants to has at least 1 shot, and then allow multiple tries only for any "leftover" seats, it would probably be better.

    Also, as Greg mentioned, if you have a game, others will flock for side games, so not sure how much this will lower the heat...
  • I'm in.. sounds great

  • Love it, sounds great Rob, I'm in!!!!!
  • I'd play as well.
  • Great idea. What night were you thinking?
  • Sounds good to me. Sign me up please.
  • I apologize if I was the one who sparked the "sign up fest" when what Rob is really looking for is a "feedback fest".

  • g2 wrote: »
    I apologize if I was the one who sparked the "sign up fest" when what Rob is really looking for is a "feedback fest".


    Thanks, Greg. :)

    This won't start up until the days get hot (ie. June-ish), so I was just looking for feedback about the format. Is there anything that you'd change or alter from what's there? Is the distribution of the points/payouts fair? Is the fact that player can play in more than one pre-lim ok? etc, etc.

    For Beanie's feedback, what I was thinking of doing was advertising the dates of the first 4-5 tournaments, and leave a 2 week window open for people to sign up. Then gradually add all nine events as they are decided. If they're advertised far enough in the future, then the fact that you can only sign up for one at a time, should help everyone get at least one shot.
  • I think it might be a good idea to have a max # of events ppl could play in. Say 2 or 3.

    If max is 3, then release the dates in 3 groups of 3 events. If max is 2, then 2 groups of 4/5 events.

    Maybe something like 3 weeks of MWF and each player can only play once per week max.

  • I would be willing to help organize a preliminary event for all those forumers that live outside Kitchener, e.g., in Mississauga. In the event that the Rocks or Ching Hill will host a tournament, I would definitely sign up.

    Otherwise, what about setting aside a two-tournament day (and two heads-up rounds?) at Bristol where out-of-towners will have the first option of playing twice instead of having to keep travelling to Kitchener just to play one tournament or heads-up match?
    Zithal wrote: »
    The finals would definitely happen at Bristol Street, but I'd be open to hosting one or two pre-lims in other locations. (eg. If the Rocks wanted to host one of the pre-lims in Milton, that would be cool.)
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Otherwise, what about setting aside a two-tournament day (and two heads-up rounds?) at Bristol where out-of-towners will have the first option of playing twice instead of having to keep travelling to Kitchener just to play one tournament or heads-up match?
    Allowing out-of-towners to play in 2 tourneys in one day isn't really fair. Besides, I assume each 9-player SNG will last significantly longer than a regular SNG... which would make it worthwhile IMO. Also, the option is open for there to be side games in addition to the main SNG.

    I would rather see two (or more) separate SNGs run concurrently, increasing the # of players at the venue, therefore increasing the likelihood of side games breaking out as well.

  • As Per g2s post, I would also suggest doing 3 groups of 3. If you announced the 2nd and 3rd groups far enough ahead, then you could have the provision that only "new" players could sign up during the first week, and then the rest of the spots would be open on a first-come-first served basis. This will allow all players to participate if they wish, but also puts a firm timeline on when the other spots would be open.

    I would also assume - maybe I missed it - that once a player has qualified for the "final", they cannot play in a qualifier again.
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