Finally...a WIN for the HOST!


I'll be the first person to admit this...I did NOT deserve to win tonight's game. I caught some luck when needed and by the time we were three way, I had a monster stack. As Derek said, if I lost after that, I deserve to be ridiculed!


I doubled up on Eleanor after my A8 hit against her pocket pair to give me a very nice lead. With only me, Chris, and Jeff left in the game, I went from short stack to chip leader. Made short work of Jeff, then went headsup with Chris.

First headsup hand, I'm dealt QQ, but Chris would nothing to do with my raise. Next hand, we are both dealt KJo and I call his allin bet. After chopping the pot, I"m dealt KJo yet again. I raise 3xBB or so, Chris pushes all in with A3o, but I managed to catch another king on the turn to win the game.

So to everyone I sucked out on tonight...well...sorry...but thanks ;) With my performance of late, I needed a boost, and as they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. I'm sure you will all be back next week to give me a much deserved beating.


  • Way to GO AJ I wish I could have been there, I hope to talk to you before West Side next Saturday.

  • Congrats AJ!
  • Congrats AJ!

    I wish you had posted the other picture ;)
  • I think it was Derek that commented on the all the shamrocks around the house and they paid off for you AJ.

    Good game,

    You forgot when I pushed all-in with pocket 10's and you called with A-Q and hit the Queen on the river (was there any doubt it would hit on the river if it was going to hit?), that was the hand that really did it for you because I doubled you up and crippled myself on that one.

    I can really say anything about the suck outs. (Every one should have the chance to cash in at the suck out bank; I did against Justin last week).
  • AJ You suck out? I don't believe it...... GG :)
  • Congrats AJ! We all suckout sometimes but as a great deserve it! See you next week.
  • I'll post the other pic later...gotta watch hands when there's money on the table.

    Yea, I forgot about that hand Chris. I was worried going into that hand against your stack, but the Suck Out Gods where watching me yesterday.

    Cam, I'll PM you later.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I'll post the other pic later...gotta watch hands when there's money on the table.

    The best part was when she went through the stack and said "but honey, you can keep all the blue ones!"

    I don't think the suckouts were that bad - I've seen worse! (both on the giving and receiving end). Enoy your win - you played well :)
  • Nice one, AJ.

    I guess Mario loaned you his hat:D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I guess Mario loaned you his hat:D

    If he had, it would be in ashes right now!

    When the wife offered to help me count my winnings, I made damn sure I recounted it afterwards! "keep the blue ones" indeed :(

    El, when you crippled me early on in the game with your boat that hit quads against my aces, I thought my night was going to come to an early end. Very well played! Sorry about the A8 suckout, but I was getting tired of all three of you guys hammering my raises. Felt I was going to get as good as I had and decided to move then. Sorry it had to be you.
  • Congrats AJ, nicely done
  • Several important discoveries were made last night and I will share them with everyone:

    Dan is a Poker Ninja, one moment he’s there, the next he’s gone, then he is back again. One moment his has chips, next they are gone, then they are back again, and no one knows how or sees this happens.

    Derek and Gerry play a very similar playing style; sometimes it is so close you can’t tell them apart, but what ever you do don’t call them Derry, it’s just bad.

    Yelling the words “NUTS” when the flop is coming out will give you; or very close to it; the nuts. This only works if one person does it, if another joins in this disrupts the “NUTS” karma and nothing happens.

    Calling every hand pre-flop is not a good idea; it is OK to fold once in a while.

    Routers do not work with out power.

    And The Bus Driver is bringing Ugly Back…….
  • Top 16 thread has been updated...and...


    BigChrisEl has regained both Points and Money lead!!
  • congrats on the win AJ

    I was in Mexico soaking up the sun, and drinking lots of tequila.

    see you all thursday
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