BigChris Takes Down Game 4

Chris regains some much needed points and confidence tonight, taking down Game 4 when his Q10o hit on the flop and knocked out Justin's pocket 6's.


The headsup battle went back and forth for quite awhile, each player regaining and then quickly losing the chip lead. When Chris raised 3xBB with his Q10, Justin pushed his pocket pair, each having almost the same chip stacks, but Chris had enough to cover Justin. After all the cards were dealt (as is custom on The Hill), Chris did his now famous Dance of the Cards!

I took down third place tonight, and Chump was Rob DeadMoney. Also, I do believe I now hold the record for being dealt AA in a single game...FOUR TIMES! Unfortunately, other than picking up the blinds, they never paid me off. Actually, other than aces four times, I picked up kings once, queens once, and jacks twice. My night for pockets!!

Great game tonight everyone. Hope to see you all next week.


  • Congrat's Chris nice finish.

    Now AJ seriously pay for the refresher in Busdriving 101 "play pockets" This way they would have paid off and you'll take games like this down.
  • Great Game last night!

    Heads up was a true Ching Hill show down, crap cards vs. crap cards where the suck out would hit followed by the re-suck.

    K-2 vs. K-6, 2 hits.

    K-Q vs. K-10, 10 on the flop, Q on the river.

    Q-J vs. 9-7, flop is J-9-x....all the money goes in and then a 7 on the river.

    The funny part was most people thought we were playing these bad hands because it was heads up where the reality of it is that Justin and I both play those hands regularly.

    Justin you should have won but I guess you did something to piss off the poker Gods, I had two full houses against you but you didn’t bet.

    I explained to Jeff half way through the game that the members of Ching Hill were in trouble because I had a lot of time on the week-end to study their game. That is why it came down and Justin and I, one of the only players I didn’t have a chance to study on the week-end.

    I have to say sorry to Dan, I reviled his occupation as a Poker Ninja Assassin, now he won't be able to use stealth to kill his opponents. (Don’t kill me Dan.) We all know Dan the Poker Ninja Assassin and can see his ways.
  • Spreadsheet has been updated, as well as the Top 16 sticky thread.

    Rob is STILL Points & Money leader!!! Not bad for Chumping out last night ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Spreadsheet has been updated, as well as the Top 16 sticky thread.

    Rob is STILL Points & Money leader!!! Not bad for Chumping out last night ;)

    :):):) This makes me VERY VERY HAPPY:) :):)
  • Great game guys.
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