
""Report from Kitchener II

As per usual, we had trouble fielding a team. It seems there are about 5 guys who are interested and then I find myself finding players at the last minute to make sure we have a team. I felt really good about the team that I put together for this event. But then the calls came and players changed. I felt good about all the replacements but then an hour before the event found out I would have to play. I had chosen not to play this time to encourage players and keep on top of things as a captain.

I was really proud of the players we ended up with and when all is done we were 11 points out of first place going into the heads up matches.

My heads up match.

After going 2-0 in the first 2 cups, and my enjoyment for this part of the game. I was really looking forward to playing Buddy. Other matches were still going on when we started. Teammates’ from Buddy would come up and whisper in his ear and I had had enough and said “what is going on”? Buddy final told me if he wins they get third if I win others move into the money.

By now most people were gathered around the table. I decided in my mind, I will probably never get to play with pocket cam, so I was going to use this opportunity and allow all behind me to see the cards I was playing. I wanted to know the feeling In the end, I believe it cost me, although I will never know for sure.

Pre-flop play I was raising with any 2 cards 83, 54, K2, etc and would take it down there or on the flop with a continuation bet. When I just called pre-flop I and hoping to hit, I would fire out a big bet and Buddy would come over the top for everything. My dilemma was that I never hit top pair when I did this it was always middle or low pair. And I folded like a cheap suit. I think it was because I didn’t want to look stupid calling an all-in with low or middle pair. This happened 5 times and after it was all over, I came to the realization I played scared poker for the second time in my life.

I have know idea if Kitchener II will play the next one, I will think about it and let you know Sandros and my teammates know closer to the next day.


Its a week late, but, I want to thank Brent for again scrambling to put players together for KitchenerII. Not quite as nasty as having the Rocks wake up a nephew (and have him be our point leader in Royal I) but, Brent, I do appreciate what you have done.

I can't thank BigE enough, for the 2nd Royal Cup in a row, he babysat my ass and although I "drove there", BigE was kind enough to make sure my drunkass got home safety. Thanks E, you are a good poker player and a good buddy.
(yes i'm sober).

Sandro/BrentWestside/Pirahna'(tabletops) and computer girl/miranda and everyone, thank you. You guys do an amazing job. I stayed away from poker for 6 months between Royal Cups. It was great to play this.

Pokerwise, not my greatest day (cept for busting Tom (TNorth)) But, the day isn't about busting people.

The day is about people. It was great to see everyone (even DrTyore humping AJ's leg).

Thank you to all, you are a great bunch of people.

Props to Bob from the Rocks. Hell of a showing man.

Thanks again to all and to Brent. I'd be proud to Captain Kitchener II in Royal Cup IV should you wish to pass up the "friggin" pain the as* that Captaining this group is.


  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    (even DrTyore humping AJ's leg).

    Ummmmmmm, I wasn't THAT drunk...when did he do that??? Mark, you're a DEAD MAN!!!
  • it was more of a hug...leg humping sounds better...and people will believe it cause he did fall off a chair.

    Props to Ching Hill as well for their showing.
  • Wolffhound wrote: »
    it was more of a hug...leg humping sounds better...and people will believe it cause he did fall off a chair.

    1. He was half on the table, half on the chair.

    2. His balence was fine until Trevor startled him from behind.

    3. AJ, don't worry he was "humping" everybody.

    Well done Kit2 and C-Hill!
  • I can't thank BigE enough, for the 2nd Royal Cup in a row, he babysat my ass and although I "drove there", BigE was kind enough to make sure my drunkass got home safety. Thanks E, you are a good poker player and a good buddy.
    (yes i'm sober).

    Dude, I wouldn't have had it any other way...and ditto. I'm glad you were back out and I'm glad you could enjoy a few cold ones as well! I'm even more glad I missed the whole leg humping thing? dirty, dirty whore!
  • Yes I am...

    'nuff said.

  • Yes, I was one of the many victims of DrTyore's "humping" throughout RC3. When he passed by the captains' NLHE table and gave me a big "humping", I was so traumatized that I busted soon after! ;)
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    AJ, don't worry he was "humping" everybody.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    I was so traumatized that I busted soon after! ;)

    Mark, here's our new strategy. Next time hump as many Team Piranhas as humanly possible.

    Ah hell, go ahead and hump whomever you want!
  • Next time Mark, tell me you're humping...that way I know what the hell's going on. Who knows, might actually enjoy it ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Next time Mark, tell me you're humping...that way I know what the hell's going on. Who knows, might actually enjoy it ;)

    I feel so left out..... I never got a leg hump or nothing....... but I do remember Mark sleeping across the chairs......
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I feel so left out..... I never got a leg hump or nothing....... but I do remember Mark sleeping across the chairs......
    Mark only does that to ppl who's play he respects........ uhhh, come to think of it I didn't get a hump either..... Marrrrrrrk. I thought you respected me... at least that's what I heard...
  • Geez...

    What am I, the CPF slut or something?

    Fine... anyone needing a hump, I'll be at Bristol tomorrow.

    Mark ;)
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    What am I, the CPF slut or something?
    What are you new? You're the CPF DrTyore.

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